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Everything posted by kamran

  1. These are the numbers I found for proton 178: :: Board Type: 178 Overall Length (cm): 178 Running Length (cm): 161.0 Effective Edge (cm): 162.0 Stance Width (cm): 19.9 Tip Width (cm): 24.0 Waist Width (cm): 19.5 Tail Width (cm): 24.0 Tip Height (cm): 4.0 Tail Height (cm): 0.5 Side Cut Radius (m): 14 Stance Range (cm): 45-53 Stance Offset (cm): 2.0 Weight Range (kg): 60-100+ and these are the numbers I found for LTD 170: Overall length: 170 Tip Width: 23.4 Waist width: 18.3 Tail width: 23.7 radius:
  2. not sure,..I rather see some official numbers on some official site,..instead "guess" and "compare" work. I just saw its pic. it sure looks nice,....again..Atmoic folks must have had a good reason to fabric this,.... I am pretty busy with getting one of these as well,........;)
  3. I got a proton 178 ( purchased used just recently) with the same side cut (14m). haven't tried it out yet,...So I guess the Atomic guys had a very good reason to produce the LTD and it has to be very distinct in some regard to the "regular" protons,..just don't know WHAT?:D
  4. Is it reasonable/desireable to think of a carving chatroom at this or any other site, where once a week people could gather and exchange info on gears/resorts/techs,.... live?,....
  5. spy, how did you come up with 11m radius?....I think it's closer to 13m, but I am not sure. I have a renntiger (which I love) 163, ~9m radius, SL and my interest in this oxygen LTD is because I think this LTD is more of a GS board than slalom. I wonder how many LTD's were made and in how many years. like I said, can't find info about it online... anybody out there with info on oxygen LTDs??????????????
  6. spy, I remember that post too, claiming LTD being better than Protons,...but it got deleted later. so far it looks like there is a slight length difference (170 LTD vs 172 proton) and a radius difference (13 LTD vs 14 proton..same lengths as above). I am not sure whether the core material and other characteristics are different,..
  7. Thanks guys,..I think it's also around 13 m, since their proton 168 has that radius too, and i don't think they offer too many radius sizes anyways. Funny, there is so little info available online regarding this LTD editions.
  8. Does any1 know what's the radius for oxygen limited 170?
  9. I just noticed that a few responses by others to this thread have been deleted. Can you withraw a message?
  10. Thanks Corey. USually the sticker on a paint can says where and on what kind of surfaces it may be used. I assume that means it won't chemically interact with those surfaces. Good luck.
  11. Sorry i don't know anything about painting. But I was wondering, How light weight is that helmet (a big concern for me as I am shopping around for a light helmet)?...
  12. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040927/ap_on_fe_st/205_mph_ticket
  13. I am interested,..I already emailed you in this regard.
  14. mtnken, I'd be interested too. I already emailed you a while ago.
  15. I love that guy. He is pretty modest and down to earth too. I had a problem with his internet site and his sales people wouldn't reply to my emails. So I emailed him directly and he got back to me with a very nice email within 24 hours.:)
  16. I had a pair of Burton hardboots, which had physics (intec like) heels mounted on them for physics race stepin. I took those heels apart and put them on my Raichle 423 (which are intec compatible for sure). So I'd say, they should be compatible (unless your boots are really old and have totally different heels)
  17. kamran

    Edge Angles

    I was wondering, is '05 Renntiger the same board as the previous year with a diffferent top sheet, or did they change the specifications as well?
  18. How much is a board like that worth anyways? I think they come in white color,..right>?
  19. Instead of questioning the abilities of the dude's bike, perhaps we should check the trooper's stopwatch accuracy and his reaction speed to clock it. If I were the biker, I'd use the official numbers posted above to take the case to the court and get it dismissed,...just say, my bike could have never reached that speed to begin with,....
  20. I had a CBR 1000 in europe and I never could get it go faster than 265 km/hr (about 164 miles/hr) on the Autobahn (it was a 94 model though). But sure enough, there were buddies who would pass me easily at that speed on their ZZR 1100 and CBR 900 RRs... But then again,..over there it was kindda the norm, and unlike here, the cars ahead of you on the road, do look in their back mirrror constantly.
  21. Thanks everybody for the great tips and feedback!
  22. What would be the most affordable, yet with acceptable performance/overall condition wax? and I don't mean any mumbo jumbo powder/aerosol with fancy chemical names. Just plain ironing stuff. All replies are greatly appreciated.
  23. It's really just boots. gloves (only small size), boards all almost gone,..bindings not a real sale (still 265$),.....oh well,....I'll just wait and check ebay.... by the way,..anyone's seen the new nidecker GS on their website?..looks like just a new topsheet,...it sure looks cool!! I wonder if bomber is gonna have them in their new collection,...
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