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Everything posted by kamran

  1. http://www.extremecarving.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1230
  2. I used the same bolts and nuts that came with my Heads. No problem sofar (after 6-7 days). side note; I use Burton stepin physics heels, but that shouldn't matter.
  3. try this thread http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3100&highlight=carving+clips
  4. For comparison of different systems, I am putting up a pic of my Burton heel (same step in, other engaging system). I only know of myself and Rob (he has been using this for years) using these. I have no problem with them, but when you wanna borrow/lend boards with fellow carvers, you have serious incompatibility problem. The metal rings on these heels seem pretty sturdy and big. I do check them on regular basis, but as others already pointed out (about intec heels), checking does not guarantee a safe ending. I think this may be a serious issue and I wonder whether other/better heels are being considered (Fin?). P.S. I realize constructing and molding a part like this on manufacturing level can be pretty costly.
  5. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4379
  6. I got these Burton pieces. I am not sure what exact Boot series of Burton. After taking pictures I noticed that the toe pieces have still the metal hooks attached to them(from race physics bindings). These can be separated.
  7. I have the same size. It's usually 43 for european size.
  8. I will put up some Burton heel/toe pieces for sale soon. I need to take pic of them and post them here, as I am not sure what kindda Burton they are.
  9. Thanks Paul, Great pic again. These kindda pics make me wish I had a son too. I guess I need to work on that one at some point ;)
  10. Thanks Ben. The reason I got so concerned is because I heard one of these failed and hurt a fellow carver badly. I guess there is no choice then.
  11. Pureboarding still makes one. In fact its called "the one". I've ridden it and it is pretty fun. Randy, Did you have to adjust your binding angles greatly when you demoed "the one" or did it feel natural and you were comfortable with angles close to your own? wish you a speedy recovery.
  12. Great picture. Looking forward seeing more pictures of the young carver while making deep(relatively that is) trenches.
  13. I know F2 and bomber and catek are all selling them, but are they all the same? same material? I have race physics myself, so personally I don't own any regular intec heel. The reason I am asking is that I may replace my bindings and therefore concerned about the heel piece now. I heard that if the plastic heel would break (or any other component of the intec heel for that matter) there is no point of having a very well built binding. thanks in advance
  14. I remember the first time I was on a chair lift in a US resort. I was looking for the safety bar to lower and engage it and I couldn't find any( Tahoe area). In europe all the chairs have these safety bars (at least all the resorts I've been to in Austria, Switzerland and France) that you lower and engage right after take off. They should be mandatory everywhere.
  15. I got Midland GXT-450. It's a 3 (or 4 I am not sure)watt. 12 miles range (flat surface) and it works very well sofar. I have no problem anywhere in the mountain.
  16. Ladia, welcome back. Happy to hear you could shop around in europe and find a more affordable Virus. Rocket has had a lot of good reviews. I ordered a longer board ( Tantalus ), also from freecarving series and mine won't be here this weekend. But that doesn't matter, looks like there's going to be a storm in tahoe area this saturday. Are you still going up inspite of the storm chance?
  17. interested in bindings. email sent.
  18. are these sold or still available?
  19. Perhaps boardconstruction has come a long way so every asym board out there is "crap" except perhaps "pureboarding". I wish someone from "pureboarding" would bring some input into this discussion as well. I am riding symmetrical boards now and I am happy with them, but like yourself I see assymetrical concept making sense. Especially if I look at all the freestyl/allmountain boarders on the slope and their style of riding combined with low binding angles they use, I think assymetrical boards and their riding characteristics would form a nice bridge for these people to "convert" to alpine(ism).
  20. droooooooooooooooool,... looks kewl Thanks for the email Ray. I ordered my virus and wait for Frank to ship it......can't wait to ride it:) Ladia, are you back already? I wanna see your new lightning
  21. They do make them in europe. I think it's called "one". Personally, I think it's just a matter of time before assymetrical boards will be back and there will be lotssa smart discussions here about "why it's good again to use assymetrical board". I think assymetrical boards work for a lot of people who ride with lower (sub 45) angles. I find it hard to believe that so many people/racers/big name factories were all "wrong" in making them for so many years.
  22. Hi Kathy, I am interested in oxygen 24.5 for my gf. would U use the email button and send me some pics? thanks
  23. kamran

    Binding info????????

    I had RACE physics and it worked perfectly on Raichles.
  24. "I'm really starting to question this stiffer-is-better school of thought too." The stiffer the better is NOT working for me either. Switched over from raichle to Heads. Should have done this last year. on advice of a fellow carver started riding them in walking mode (first only the rear and later both boots) and suddenly I could carve way better and get way lower in the curves. But I guess there is no golden rule.
  25. Paul, I see Fin is taking care of you, so I keep my T handles. Happy riding
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