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Everything posted by kamran

  1. hey i already did 360 km/h beat that! Then you must be a very experienced skydiver, doing it either on an absolute "divin" or "standin" position from a considerable altitude, as the terminal velocity for a falling human being with arms and legs outstretched is about 190 km per hour ( assuming 100kg weight and a g of 9.8 m/s/s)
  2. me and Don are probably going to kirkwood this coming saturday....YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  3. I emailed you about 6 weeks ago on that yahoo account for this board. Never got a reply.:(
  4. Geee......and I was hoping that if I would try Tiger Wood's golf stick, I would be as good as he is. I was merely interested to find out what the pro's preferences (and sponsors) are.;)
  5. Hey Erwin, thanks for reporting. I am really eager to find out what the state of the art is with these pro's gears,..so keep up with the news broadcasting:D en natuurlijk, groeten uit VS
  6. Now that we know who the winners are, is there a way to find out what kind of gears these pro's are using? is that info on any site available?
  7. Thanks everybody for the responses. Steve, No I have not seen it. By the way, Don got your bag yesterday. see you in kirkwood sometimes past nov 20th.
  8. I have a few online and offline carving clips/movies (e.g. , extremecarving clips, pureboarding,...). I'd like to find more clips/movies either as online downloads or offline dvds. any suggestions? links? Also looking for the classic of peter bauer and jean nerva (it was called "fear of a flat planet" or something like that?)
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7103279701&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT
  10. Good Luck with your Volkl '05 in the upcoming race season. I look every day at the renntiger 173 '05 online for 399$ and get tempted every time. But I already bought 2 oxygen boards in the last few weeks,..so
  11. Corey, scroll up this thread. You'll find the numbers you've asked for. Frank, Really?..can you tell us more about this board's riding characteristics? There's so little to find online
  12. sure nigel spy,..what I am really interested to find out,..is the real reason for this limited production version (I heard in total 230 worldwide). Why would they make these and what nich is this supposed to fill, considering the proton had a good reputation already.
  13. I was wondering ,..did you get your LTD already? How do you like it? (mine is standing in my room,...):D
  14. Just watch the "whole sale" price carefully as others already have noted. I can buy volkl '05 GS 173 here online from 399$ all the way to 599$. P.S. the prices I named above are not the "whole sale" prices. any1 can order them.
  15. They come on regular basis on ebay for around 145$ new. I just did a search and didnt find any, but I have seen them on numerous occasions. Just monitor ebay.
  16. with self-tapping screws and MUST NOT be used to hold the new INTEC heels on I used the Burton physics "intec like" heels on my Raichle 423 with the self tapping screws , I tried them for 3 days last year and although I was very much afraid they'd lossen and come off, they didn't ! I hope they stay on. I'll keep checking them on a daily basis.
  17. No, but there is this exceptional long F.prime on ebay for sale if you hurry up. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7106498914&ssPageName=STRK:MEBI:IT ;)
  18. I was hoping for a real time and a "real" chat room (maybe java based)/voice activated. It maybe loaded on this site if moderators would be willing to allow it. It doesn't have to run all the time, but maybe monday night(or any other night) once or twice a week for a limited 1 or 2 hours. Alternatively, it could be simply created on sites such as yahoo or paltalk.com with a link on BOL indicating time and day of the carving chat session. On those sites (yahoo.paltalk) you can find chatrooms dedicated to sports/politics/movies/fashion,...etc. So, why not a carvers room?
  19. Thanks for your feedback nigel. I'm waiting for mine to be delivered by mail.
  20. cool.....time will tell how we will like this board.:rolleyes:
  21. Hey nigel, seems like you already have one of these. So how is the ride?..tell us something,...Does it say anything about a specific limited production number?
  22. wow,...so it is limited edition indeed. I found this great site that allows you to calculate the side cut of a board. Here it is: http://www.natew.com/frames.cgi/software/snow/html.Main According to the calculations on the above named site, this proton LTD has a side cut of nearly 11m indeed. P.S. I already ordered mine.
  23. I did it myself, using the info provided on this site and my own oven. It was a 423 Raichle. And everything went OK (no folding). I could feel that it got better and felt more comfortable after molding, but not a difference of night and day as some suggest. But then again, maybe my feet dimensions were not too much off of the original liner's inner space.
  24. Ask Hiroshi! The F2 182 is what got him goin in Tahoe! Hiroshi is now riding a green proton 172! He is one of the guys telling me about protons.
  25. I like this thread. Based on some extensive talks with a group of very good and regular carvers at Kirkwood (Tahoe), I got myself a Proton 178 (have a volkl 163 sl as a short board for crowded/less ideal days). Then exchanged a few more emails with carvers in europe and studied some reviews and concluded that Proton was a better choice for me (as I am not the greatest carver around, so I could use a more friendly/forgiving board, which meant again proton). I also looked at F2 and found out that those are extremely good boards as well, but I heard that they need more aggresive work and they are typically performers for hard packed snow and icy conditions, (which you don't see often in tahoe). just my 2 cents P.S. Okay, I am weak....I just ordered the oxygen LTD 170 too, hoping it would fit somewhere between my volkl renntiger and proton 178. Time will tell.
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