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Everything posted by theboarderdude

  1. Has anybody ridden the new apex gecko plates? Thoughts on them?
  2. I'm looking to buy a vist plate. I am located in the US(zip: 63126), So I would prefer that the seller be in the US or Canada. Please email me at drew.ellison1 at gmail dot com with your offer, your location, and preferably pictures. Thanks :D
  3. With the season approaching, I've gotten back to thinking about my set up(like I ever stopped :D). I currently have a Donek REV for GS, and will be buying a SL REV in the next month or two. I have a pair of TD3 SW I'll be transferring between the two. I'm into racing and have done a little USASA(Hopefully all 4 races in my series this year) in the past but mainly NASTAR. I have a full season on my GS Rev, and feel very comfortable with it. I would like to buy a plate since I'm getting more serious about it. I'm 5'11"(1.8m), 140lbs(64kg), and have plenty of experience with true race boards. Right now I'm looking at Donek AF Vist Apex V2 or Bomber 4mm lite If you guys could let me know which plate you think would be best for me, or have any comments, please let me know. Thanks in advance!
  4. I bought this REV new from Sean in February 2014. I had it built for my size then, and it worked for this season, but It will be too light for me next year. Rev 170, 20cm waist, 4x4 and UPM inserts, built for 135ish lbs, 12 days(my "days" are 2-4 hours), base is in perfect condition, topsheet only has a couple dings from tourists in the lift line, base ground once, edge tune twice, hot waxed every 2-3 days. An absolute blast to ride Asking $1000(soft, make an offer) shipped to U.S., I'd prefer to not ship international but will if I have to(shipping will be extra). Please email me at drew.ellison1 at gmail dot com if you are interested or have any questions. Thanks for looking!
  5. slopestar, props for that post on facebook a couple days ago. What was it, TWS or something like that? For those that do not know, they posted a photo of some abominable soft boot carving, and he replied with a picture similar to his profile one. That got some awesome responses! As for the redesign, are they redesigning the RG1-X? Also, how did you become one of their testers?
  6. Don't know a Justin Reiter; time will tell what he does. We all know what he had to go through to get to the Olympics, and I don't know if he wants to do that again.
  7. Call me sensitive, but I'm a little offended. They are comparing a freaking car to the father of snowboarding. On a related note, did you hear the new isomething is as influential as the Wright brothers?
  8. The first person has passed, and I am talking to the second. You are fifth in line
  9. Any End-of-the-season goodies? I'd have some but my resort closed 44 days ago. I did have one woman ask me in snowmass during nationals "Where can I find your gear? None of the stores carry it any more!" I said Donek,, Bomber(the store), and Bomber(online)
  10. I have had 4 people contact me about this board, so I think it is fair to say that this board is pending.
  11. The only time I've had an issue fogging was going up the chair, on one 50ish degree night with a slight breeze following me up, so the air in the helmet wouldn't move around. Other than that, never.
  12. Base ground twice. Purchased it about 6 weeks ago from a local who trains with steamboat during the winter. Last year was his first year with sswsc. I believe this was his main slalom board. I haven't ridden it except for a little carpet carving to test the flex, which was a bit to stiff to be a slalom board for me(140lbs). OP edited to include edge photo.
  13. SOLD For sale is one 2013 SG full race pro team, 163 cm. Used 15-20 days. Has markings from a vist plate. I can take more pics if you would like. SOLD Asking $425 Please email me at drew.ellison1@gmail.com if you are interested or have any questions
  14. I find the last one interesting... aren't sponsors supposed to pay you, not the other way around?
  15. Who all is going this year? I'll be there Tuesday-Sunday. rumor has it that there are talks with Justin about him pacesetting this year. Also, a decent boot bag may be in the shwag bag we get.
  16. Last Saturday, closing day for hidden valley in stl, with everybody in that awesome last day mood I was sitting with a couple of ski teamers next to a table of jibbers, all between 9 and 15 yrs old. We had been exchanging conversation for a while and we got up at the same time to go ride some more. I pick up my board and set it down to step in, and one of the jibbers says Hey, an alpine board, can you explain how your bindings work again?" I explain, and he says "an alpine board... I respect you". I was absolutely floored. I've never had anybody say something like that before, and to come from someone like that, was unbelievable. We kinda rode together for the rest of the day, since all the main trails lead to the same one lift.
  17. Pat and I started them about the same time. Mods, care to merge the threads?
  18. I had a thought today... talk about lack of popularity. How many people bobsled? and the U.S. can afford to send what, twelve bobsleds(3 each of m/w, two-man and four-man) to sochi, yet only one alpine snowboarder? oh please. I want to know how much it costs to ship 12 several hundred pound bobsleds to however many world cup stops they had this year, plus coaches, doctors, techs, trainers, whatever. I can just about guarantee you that it cost more than a world-class level alpine team would.
  19. Sign the petition!! http://www.change.org/petitions/united-states-ski-and-snowboard-association-restore-funding-and-support-for-a-us-alpine-snowboard-team
  20. Couple young softbooters slide up behind me in the lift line, "What Kind of board is that?" "an alpine board" I say. "An alpine board... That's SWAG." Me: "um thanks?"
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