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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. D-Sub -- I think what you need is a Salomon 450-171. Not many made or sold but it is an awesome board for your above specs. I have one so I know. One of my favorite FR boards. Good luck.
  2. I am also amazed at Mother Nature's awesome power. I heard today on the radio that the isle of Samatra moved 100 feet. I can not believe that but if anyone has heard the same please let me know.
  3. It was the worst I have ever seen up there. I came home early due to poor snow cover on Seventh Heaven and the rest. Ice one day, rain the next, and all the rocks and tree tops I care to ride. I see they have less snow now than when I was there.
  4. C5 Golfer

    WTB 175-181 board

    No it is not the same Volkl. I ride a 178 RT most of the time, of which I have a qty 2, one with Orange Tiger on black background a 2004 model, and a grey stripe one 2002 I believe, It was my Yellow Stripe Volkl 173 RT I stored flat. For results please see the post in the Community forum - I just updated it.
  5. Some of you have asked about the results of my flat storage test. Please read above post. A small change to the measurement of the Volkl 173 is now at .71" after riding it at Blackcomb the other day, so it gained .010" after a day of riding. Anyway bottom line is no appreciable change after storing flat.
  6. C5 Golfer

    WTB 175-181 board

    I may be talked into selling my almost new 177 All Mountain Blue Flame top from Coiler. It is spending too much time at home - great ride but I ride my Volkl 178 90% of the time - I have been thinking it is a shame to let such a beautiful board sit. It has one or two minor scrapes on the base - top sheet perfect. It was built for me and I am 210 lbs. Very friendly board for all.
  7. Hmmm.... 15 turns and needing a break. I am 58 and not in the best of shape but I can make many runs without a break down BlackComb. maybe your board is beating you up more than you think. I have ridden many boards over the years and find some boards tire me quickly and some don't. What are you riding these days?
  8. Damn, 20 minutes after the original post there is 28 hits, I think some of you are feeling guilty.:D D-Sub gotta figure in here somewhere!
  9. I agree grammar is terrible also. There is no spell check inside Bomber that I know of. I usually type all forum responses and posts within MS Word, spell check and cut and paste, since Word is always open on my computer is it easy to do. A sturgeon is one of the oldest fish in our waters, related to sharks and quite tasty if you like to eat fish, especially if BBQ'd. It also smokes quite well also, that is in a smoker with PNW alder wood, not rolled up in a paper and lit. For bait we used a 4-5 lb Shad with a hook about the size of your hand. Send me an email and I'll send you a photo of one of the many we caught that day.
  10. I read many posts and see so meny mis-speled (sic) words that I wonder if those of you that do - know it but do not care or don't know it. :D
  11. I read many posts and see so meny mis-speled (sic) words that I wonder if those of you that do - know it but do not care or don't know it. :D
  12. Druids is a great course -- have played it often, Washington National a suberb course also. Looking forward to it Art. Lets get a few runs in this year --
  13. My home club course is Echo Falls GC-- here is a picture at hole 18 and end of hole 17 one of the most difficult holes. You golf game will play well here at your 75-90 range. Lots of trouble and fun. I play to about a 7 these days.
  14. Not too many courses you can play for $30 anymore. But I will get you the guest rate at my home club. Looking forward to it. What is your handicap? Golf handicap number that is....:D
  15. I think I believe the rumor that D-Sub has the internet piped into all his bathrooms.:D
  16. I ride my Coilder AM 177 up there often too. - Lots of groomed runs on both mountains - your pass is good for both. Most of the time I am on my Volkl 178 - 90% of the time. If I go Whistler I take two boards up with me on the Gondola. Board check is just of the unloading station and switch off as often I as I want. Blackcomb is a little more difficult since it is a 3 chair ride to the top to check your 2nd board. I find Blackcomb the better deal due to handling crowds a little better up top and the runs are a little more wide open to let the the board go WOT. Run of the day for me in good weather is top of Seventh Heaven around the hut to the glacier area across to the cat track that intersects with Ridge Runner down to Excaliber Chair - helluva long run and you can go as fast as you want on wide open groomed blue runs. Places to stay is tough for me to suggest not knowing your likes and dislike but if you call the Whistler lodging 800 number they can help you alot since they will ask you all the info and just plug it into their data base - they are very helpful. One thing I might suggest for you is to get a place close by the bus route. The reason I say this they have a great free bus shuttle system and it give you the flexibility of stopping at the Whislter Village for the Whistler mountain but if you stay on one more stop it will take you to the less used Blackcomb Chair in Blackcomb village. I do not care for the Blackcomb Gondola out of the Village area - tooooo busy. When you are done for the day you have a short walk off the bus to your lodge. For food I suggest you try at least once the Brew House and have the 1/2 chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and excellent gravy -- it is wonderful. If you get to the Blackcomb mountain early besure to try the learning area runs -- I say early before the newbies show -- with fresh snow it is a great ride on any hard boot set up. I no longer bring my soft set up there. Lots of rental places with premium boards for the but the best one is bring your soft boots and go to Prior's Factory and demo one of his fine free ride boards and or demo one of his WCR or 4X4 for a helluva ride. They are suberb people and Chis is a great guy to ride with. If I can help in other ways -- email me glad to help if I can. I spend most of my time there.
  17. I weigh quite a bit less than that YYZ. I sold it after a couple of runs.. it beat the crap out me. Don't know why Sean built it so stiff for me. I wonder how many owners it has had in its short life. Love my Volkls - they do not beat me up after 4 days in a row.
  18. Sorry Randy... I will do better next time but I thought you could use some time in the Bomber store - don't you need other stuff too????:D Hey Randy - ever wonder what happened to that super stiff Red 179 Donek I sold you? I heard someone near Coiler Bruce had it.
  19. If any of you would like to compare other mountains to Whistler Blackcomb go to this site and select "Compare Acreage". http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/maps/full_flash.asp
  20. Randy, Maybe you do not know but, Bomber sells these cables for about 10 bucks ready to go.
  21. Do you guys ride Whistler or Blackcomb? I hope to meet up with some of you guys.
  22. The engineering side of me says "no" to releasable bindings. If we were to start to experiment here my Prototype would be focused around a model of a short board to which the two bindings are hard mounted which is in turn mounted to the snowboard. That way when a crash or an impact that wants to release the rider from the snowbaord his two feet and bindings would still be firmly mounted in a triangle but would be free from the longer lever. This would be similar to what we see in NASCAR or Auto racing, when a crash happens the vehicle disintegrates from the driver to expel the energy. Now the problem I see here is the rider would most of the time release from the board and then fall forward ahead of the snowboard and then "eat" the board racing towards him. Not a pretty sight to visualise.
  23. I will look for you Zach.. I think we met at Timberline last year did we not? Dave I will also look for you on Whistler.
  24. I am very thankful for our military, police, firefighters and 911 personnel. Thanks for being there in case I/we need you someday! Also thankful for my family - a son and daughter who are the greatest. Also thankful for Bally Gaming for hiring an 'old' guy, eBay for its entertainment, Titleist for lowering my handicap to 7, Chevrolet not building the Corvette like they do their other cars, Bomber for supporting us, the internet and email, Mother Earth for giving us as much as she has including summer and winter.
  25. I will be a carver today on a fairly large mountain of turkey breast, thighs and leg. My current set up is a 200mm knife with a waist width of 50mm and a fairly large side cut radius. Sharpened just this morning for the ride. I apply no wax and so there is no need to scrape the blade. First run, I usually lean a bit to the left and take a long straight shot down to Wing Ravine bottoming out on Boney Joint. After leaving this deep trench I proceed back to the peak marveling at my fine handiwork down virgin corduroy of white stuff. Enjoying the ride I take the same approach staying left of my original tracks, set the edge and plow deep into the side of this 80 degree slope trying not to get the edge to slip out and crash into my first tracks. After many runs down my favorite hill I take off to the All Terrain Park where I meet Double Diamond runs of Turkey Leg and Thigh Burn. I find I have no trouble as I test the fresh tough crust left from this morning’s heat. But, once I break thru this stuff I find “railing” on the Leg run to be a bit tricky and finally give up by breaking a leg and tearing its ligaments and placing it on the Food Toboggan for its final ride to the Lodge. As I take on Thigh Burn I find I need an All Mountain blade that is a little shorter and bit wider waist width. I believe this floats thru the intertwined Muscle Runs of this lower Mountain Cap. I have now shredded the mountain to its lowest possible choice pieces and layer these appropriately onto the Food Toboggan. I rest after many difficult turns and deep carves, I call for help and Turkey Patrol arrives and slowly guides our Brave Donor to the Lodge where it is met by those dressed for the Carve Day. Have a great day. :D
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