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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Possibly .. what are you after? Someone who is needy ????
  2. She felt she deserved trips to Aspen or wherever, mentioned one past boyfriend bought her a car, quite materialistic. Basically wanted to put on a show for everyone around her and I am not a show type person.
  3. Sometimes a break-ups happen. Does not mean one was dumped or the was upgraded. Things just do not fit. A couple of examples and I know I am opening up for criticism but what the hey! These would have happened with or without the Corvette BTW, Disclaimer:The names have been changed to protect the innocent: Jennifer: I did not have Chippendale furniture in my house and did not wear a tie to work! Julie, she looked great a distance but up close the makeup was ½” deep. Sue, she wanted to know how much money I made on our first date. Nancy, wonderful lady, One of the few with whom I would have trusted my life, but a non- practicing Lutheran (me) and a devoted 7th Day Adventist (her) just does not work. Carole, she was great except for one thing. Her friggen dog. Chewed up my furniture and doors and was uncontrollable. She said “love me , love my dog.” I said Ok, been nice knowing you! I now hate pets and are now not allowed in a relationship. Kelly, too dependant and needy. Had no life except what she took from me. Liked sex tho!!! Kathy, Too negative on life, All I ever heard about was how bad things were at work and how life has treated her. Felt she should play the hand she was dealt but she argued otherwise. I think she felt if she constantly complained life would get better. How I dreaded calling her at night. Elaine, Loved to ski and loved excitement but she needed more than I could give. Marie, WowWow. Didn’t last long. Loved diamonds. And last but not least Del, the psycho bit##. Read above. Damn lucky I did not go to jail cuz of her, I say that only because the guy usually get the blame. Only lady and I use the term loosely that needed to be slapped but never did. She hit me but I would not strike back, mom and dad would not have been happy if I did. There are others but time for bed. I am tired just thinking about the past, but would not trade for a million$$$, most were great fun and memeories. Oh, yea forgot about the Ex- wife ... she still is a great friend 34 yrs after divorce.
  4. Michelle, (nice name BTW, it is my daughter’s middle name) it is just not the guys, it is gals too that dump what appears to be perfectly great guys. It goes both ways. It comes back to what I mentioned earlier....BALANCE. If there is no balance in the relationship it teeter tooters to one side and the person gets dumped. Somewhere deep into the roots of the relationship one person thought she/he was not getting her/his full due. It is sometimes imagined and not real but perception of a problem is often more important that what is real. I would doubt any relationship that is well balanced would ever break up or be found with infidelities. Most of us men are cautious because so many females are gold diggers and so many females are cautious because so many men just want the sex. If we never commit we won’t get hurt. Sad but so often true.
  5. Randy. That was only one small chapter in that relationship. I have more stories like that one that can make milk curdle. I can't believe I stayed around that woman -Psycho Bit** for as long as I did. Your right so many of many friends and I have laughs about it now. It is good fodder for when we are out for a glass of red.
  6. Yea, I think they are rare also. I thought I found one several years ago. She was wonderful, --- smart, witty, successful, tall, great looking, loved to golf and ski, great 14 yr old kid, superb companion and on and on. I started to notice how she treated service people like waiters or customer service personnel like crap. Then I started to notice how she treated her kid which was yelling and screaming (This was after about 6-8 months of knowing her). She still treated me great. Then after about 10 month -a year she treated me like everyone else. Like Sh*t. Wow what a difference. Then she started making her demands and yelling and screaming a flipping out to where I had to call 911 to get her out of my house. That night she wreaked her car cuz she left in such a piss** of mood. Blamed me for it of course. I did not give up quite yet - I know stupid me I picked her one night for dinner and what we both thought was going to be a great night. After dinner we were on our why to her house, both of us in a great mood , she told me to pull over so she could talk to me. I said "No, lets go to your house" which was only 2-3 mile away. She loses it .. starts to scream and throws anything she can get her hands on out the window. . She says Stop Stop Stop! I know I have a friggen crazy woman on my hands at 40-50 miles an hour. She opens the door and threatens to jump ( This is a true story with no embellishment), she drags her right foot on the ground while trying to stand up to jump . Finds she can't get out at 50 mph. I knew if I slowed down she could so I kept talking to her to calm her down. Finally she pulls her foot in cuz her shoe sole has been worn completely thru to her foot. Stupid lady!.. She closes the door, is quiet and I get her to her house, I say I forgot my phone in the car and jump in and leave. Never called her again. So.. with all that said .. ya just never know. I'm kinda gun shy now.
  7. Hey ,,,, I resemble that remark!!! Cept that I am not in a mid-life crisis. :D
  8. I just returned from visiting family in Iowa. I flew from Seattle to Omaha thru Denver on United. 1. 50% of the people traveling these days are obese, overweight, fat. (You pick the term) 2. 25% of the people traveling today are too needy. 3. A 757 seems to have a shorter turning radius than a SUV 4. Once I arrived in Iowa where it was 95° and 99% Humidity, I was quickly re-learned and remembered why I left. 5. Just outside Omaha there is a sign on I-680 that says "Ski Area, Next exit” - I looked around 360° and it is all flat. I learned Nebraskans must be the best skiers in the world. 6. Finally I learned not to discuss religion amongst family members.
  9. You fine ladies might try changing a few things and a $$hole guys might be nice guys after all. A couple of suggestions and these are just suggestions: First, don't tell us how big the diamond has to be or in other words Do not say this "It better be bigger than hers" Second, if you work and earn a good living why not try taking him away for the weekend, you make all the arrangements, you drive, you make dinner reservations, let him just go for the ride once in a while. Third, when you are over at his house, leave the toilet lid up when you are done. Fourth, never say "Are you wearing that?" Just change your clothes to match his appearance once in awhile, who knows he might just get the point and dress up on his own. Fifth, try making the first move yourself for a change? Why do we always have to be the instigator when it comes to making whoopee? Sixth, Wash his car sometime.... damn you might find him washing the dishes in exchange. You see it is all about balance. Most everything in life does better when it is balanced well. Ok let the female hate mail start... It is ok. Fire away. ;)
  10. AFWOTAM...I use this in engineering quite a bit. It stands for "Aweful F..n Waste of Time and Money" RCH... It is a measurement made of a very small amount. Like when your front binding is off by an RCH. Email me if you do not know what these three letters stand for. If I spelled it out it may doom this thread. :D
  11. Just had to tell you guys I had another "Hole in One" Saturday in the men's club tournament. #4 and counting.:)
  12. I used to ride a 175 Glissade Big A** - it was an ok board but I can tell you 15 boards that rode/ride better in most conditions. I was happly when I found a buyer for it.
  13. No I was not. Looks like I would have liked the show. My guess is that is a nice 57 in the picture.
  14. Vewry seldom if ever do you or will you see an engineer on a jury. True fact. Also you will not see an engineer drive a Pontiac Astek (sp?).
  15. Don't know if anyone mentioned it but "A Fish Called Wanda" has gotta be one of the funniest. My sides hurt after watching. Kevin Kline was outstanding.
  16. Yes , Echo Falls, I beleive t time is 11:12. Be sure you tell them you are my guest so you get a cheaper rate. Art to bad you can not join us.
  17. I have an 11:00 T time on Sunday 24th. anyone interested?
  18. I did just get my new handicap rev -- 7.5 so it has been a good year so far. If you sold your clubs that is no reason to not play . I have a spare set I can loan you when you have a free 1/2 day to play.
  19. How about a day on the golf course. Any of you up for 18 holes? I'll buy the beer. I can get you a discount at my home course. Lets play and talk about how bad the snow was this year.
  20. Couple of good ones, find them on Ebay cheap. "WILL" by G Gordon Liddy- even if you don't like him his book is facinating true story. "Till Death do us Part" and " The Sea Will Tell", both are excellent by Vince Bugliosi. "On a Clear Day you can See General Motors" by John Delorean Any early Steven King .. Salems Lot, The Shining, Firestarter
  21. Being a corporate engineer type employee watching many office politics, antics, empire builders, incompetent employees, bureaucracy and a** hole type presidents I have to favor the movie “Office Space” as one of my favorites. It is a Great movie about life in the corporate world. Very funny especially the second time around. “Yea! I’m going go ahead and have to ask you to watch it”! :D
  22. Thanks for all your help and advice. I downloaded the latest SP2 from MS. and their Beta Blocker and Ad-Aware from Download.com. Been on line two days now and for a couple of hours - no popups. All ok now so far. Ad-Aware found 260 critical items and Norton found 40. Looks like my computer was in need of a medical checkup
  23. Anyone know of a good one? What do you geeks recommend?
  24. Hey if we didn't like ya we wouldn't poke phun at ya!
  25. Thanks D - Sub.. I bet my friend here 5 bucks you would be the next poster. I am going for a free beer.
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