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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Anyone possibly going to Stevens or Crystal's season opener - again? :D I hear it might be good for march opening. Sunday????
  2. Ric -- check your email I have one in prime almost new condition. Blue Flame 21.5 waist
  3. Skywalker -- you go to the head of the class. Good Job! Jack - well better luck next time.
  4. Here is the problem to think about. Two identical cars traveling at each other at lets say 50 mph collide perfectly down the centerline head on. The damage to each car would theoretically be the same Right? But what if the same car hit an immovable solid brick wall at the same speed? Would the damage to the car be equal to the damage in the head on? Hummmm ( You can tell I am bored and since there is no snow I felt the need for a post):D
  5. I have put the boards away for the season -- I have paid Whistler reservation in January that went unused and another in March. I have been playing golf every weekend in weather that reminds me of July. My roses are sprouting and grass is growing like a weed. It looks like May around here and it is the first of March... really sucks. My SUV snowboard hauler has only been driven 15 miles so far this year. I am in the process of tuning up my pedal bike. I am verrrry afraid we will have no water in Seattle this summer. Lawns will be brown and cars will go unwashed BUT I am looking forward to showering with my lady neighbor to save water. :D
  6. Actually Slim Tree they did make square tail alpine boards back in the late 90's. I believe they were A series boards The Mickey you are describing as the S-Series actually was after the true Munoz of the D Models in the D54, D58,D62,D66 and D70 made by Ride for Arbor. These were the beautiful ones with Koa on the sides and Walnut in the center - no ugly maple strips like they have now. They are now made in Canada. I don't think they even use the Munoz name anymore. BTW- here are the real specs for a A65 Freecarve Munoz as they were known in 1999 and listed for a $449. Effective edge is 152 with a 23.4/18.7/23.0 Nose/Waist/Tail measurements and a side cut radius of 1280. They also made an A55. I believe that was the last year they were made.
  7. Hey , Slim Tree, the specs you are listing is for a free ride board not an alpine A65 square tail. Read his post.
  8. Sluggo-- I know a little bit about them. The Alpine boards are quite soft but beautiful boards. Best for a 140lb rider or so. I have a Munoz 170 and 166 free ride boards which are great riding Mercedes like boards. Also they make great wall hangers for the rec room. I may have the specs somewhere in my files if you are interested.
  9. I'll sell my 177 All Mountain Blue Flame -- weighted for me at 210lbs - built Dec 2003 . Ridden very little cuz we do not have any snow. Only problem is I like it so since they sell for $680 new I need $450 for it. It is worth it BTW. In Great shape 2.
  10. I golf and wrestle with my girl friend.
  11. One more to add that a Compaq computer online help desk was asked: The lady was calling into Compaq Computer help line and asked for a new "Cup Holder" The Service Guy asks " A cup holder? This is Compaq computer" She says "I know, my computer cup holder is broken" He asks "can you please describe it to me" She says"You know that tray thinggy that comes out with a hole in it for the cup" He kinda laughs and says " Lady, that is your CD drive " One more. A friend of mine and his wife were vacuuming the house one day, she is about 65 yr old. The vacuum cleaner was not picking up things like it usually does so Bob starts to take a look at the bag to see if it is full and she all the sudden says "Bob, I know what the problem is! The power cord has a knot in it!" ( You know like a water hose does when you are washing your car and no water comes out) Bob laughed his a** off and couldn't wait till he could come to work and tell all us engineers.
  12. He maybe using "Metric Time" - it is tough for some to convert.
  13. I was talking with a friend’s female friend the other day and somehow we got talking about the tunnel from England and being able to drive from London to Paris, France. She chimed in seriously and said” Weird, I thought Paris was in Europe!” A conversation I had with a fellow worker a while back went something like this. (FYI for this conversation I need to tell you I have 4 cars which get driven routinely depending on if it is sunny or raining, two are Mercedes Roadsters and a Corvette) This person saw me getting out of my Corvette as I parked at work. “I thought you drove a blue Mercedes” “I do when it is sunny” “You have two cars?” “No, I have four; it’s one of my hobbies” “Wow, it much cost you a fortune in gas” Got any dumb things people say or you have heard??
  14. Still un-retired but have scored enough brownie points to have some time off during the week if we get some great snow. My trip to Whistler at the end of the month does not look good unless they get a bunch of snow over the next 10 days. I am climbing the walls here - can't golf cuz the courses are frozen and can't ride cuz there is poor snow cover. I may have to take up indoor ping pong. Maybe Feb will be a good day to get together for a ride.
  15. Art, Bring your Rock Board --- It hasn't changed much since middle of Dec when I was there. It really sucked - rocks everywhere.
  16. C5 Golfer

    need equipment

    Just a friendly comment: If you have size 12 feet you are either a tall skinny dude or if you are not skinny you might want to look for a little longer board if you are going alpine. A 173 Volkl RT or a 174 Prior 4X4 would be a place to think about before plunking down money for a 160 board. Justthinkaboutit? Email Prior at their web site with you body dimensions - height and more important weight - tell them the type of terrain and ride you desire and see what they suggest for you. Great shop - lots of help and honest advice. They also have a 175 WCR if you want a nice riding alpine board - AKA the Ultimate Mountain Crusier. Depending on your weight the Riachle X-Bones are great if you weigh less than 140 or so if heavier then go with the TD1's which are readily available used at good prices. Go step-in
  17. I'll second that vote for World Cup.. Great place to tune your board. Best one in the PNW.
  18. They are not mine but since I am a Volkl man thought I'd let all of you know a 178 GS is there which is no longer made, 173 is the max length now. and a 180 something Sim split tail. Great boards to the lucky bidder.
  19. I saw the posts in Heard in Liftline II and see a couple of you are ex or current KittyHawkers. I am an ex Army Guy from the late 60's but after I got out in 1970 I went to work for a local Seattle company as a Mech Engineer and designed a message sorting machine that the Navy bought in the early 1970's and I had the pleasure of installing it and training the Navy guys since it was my baby so to speak. One of my first installs was aboard the KittyHawk in the Communications dept. Also had installs aboard the USS Ranger, Constellation, and a couple others. It was a great duty and a great job while it lasted. Got to ride the boats I mentioned above for several days at a time in Japan, Philippines, Mediterranean, Italy, Korea and of course the Pacific out of San Diego. Had the best trip I believe off the Coast of Oregon and Cal on the USS Ranger I believe, we had a pleasure of having a mock air attack by 4 US Navy aircraft all while the deck was fully populated by the auto, camper, SUV, and what have you since the boat was moving home base from Bremerton WA to San Diego. What a show and it was all commentated by the Head Cheese in the Tower over loud speakers for all to hear. I saw moves that popped my eyes out since some of these you can’t do at a public land show. Anyway that was a long time ago and thanks for your service in the Navy all of you and keep up the good work.
  20. See KittyHawk Post .. Don't want to threadjack
  21. i ride both the Prior 4X4 and a Coiler 177 AM - Both are great boards and like them equally. Not much of a Donek fan. I suspect you'd be happy with either of them. Coiler may take a while to get - Prior you can get quick and Chris Prior's customer service is great also. Check out their used/demo boards on their site and save many $$$. Hope this helps and have a great year - I have had 3 birdies already since there is no snow here.
  22. Here is my Beagle Ole Blue watching my Coiler while I am golfing.:D
  23. I agree why wear out your threads. Same reason I do not remove my car seats when washing and waxing the Corvette. :D Or why I do not remove my wheels when changing the oil.
  24. I like having several boards in my quiver just for a variety to ride and change when I am on the hill. I do the same with golf clubs and cars. One day it is a different car to work and some days it is a differnet ride on the mountain. I need to add several boards to my collection tho- missing a Racecarve Coiler in 180 and possibly a Prior 181. Not a Donek or Ford fan. :D Mustangs Suck.
  25. I have ridden most Volkls and I think you may find the Volkl 163 SL board a little to stiff for you since it the longest SL board they make. I might suggest you go for a 168 RT which is the shortest GS board they make. Much more friendly I believe for your size. My son who is about 150 lbs rides the 173 GS Volkl and I ride both the 173 and the 178. Great rides BTW and good choice on your part.
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