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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Never been injured Snowboarding - knock on wood - Ankle injuries have been while playing volleyball. I used to play a lot. Gold medalist at the US Open Volleyball championships several years ago. Loved the game but got too old to play competively so I took up golf.
  2. Randy , great Pic. I was talking with my ex the other day - we are still good friends - anyway she did exactly what you see in that picture a couple of weeks ago.
  3. Here is an observation this week at work regarding differences in men and women. Now this is not to say all men are this way and all women are this way, it is a non-scientific observation. I work in a fairly new 2 story building where there are about 12 different businesses. Among these are those involved in construction, manufacturing and the majority being mortgage and banking companies. Of the construction and manufacturing companies I’d say they are mostly men 30-60 yr old and in the mortgage and banking companies they are mainly women in their 20s to early 30s with most of these being nice, great looking slender build and well dressed. This happened last week in our underground parking lot where you need to use your pass key to open the gate; there were three of us in line, the first being a man, then a young lady and then me. The guy goes thru and drives down about 50 feet and starts to turn right into an open space, as he starts to turn the lady behind him guns it and drives thru the small remaining space between the guy and the open spot narrowly missing him. He stops and looks at her with big surprised eyes and then parks. Earlier this week a different young lady drives thru and must have hit 40 mph in our garage. Today another young lady does about the same thing, drives extremely fast in a parking garage all because she is 1 min late to get to work. We have speed bumps in the garage and these ladies all have the tires leaving the ground just to get to work. I have never in 1 ½ year of working there ever seen guys drive fast in the garage; they drive slowly over the speed bumps. I have only seen several young women drive extremely fast and not caring about the possible damage to their cars. Anyone care to comment on why such a difference in drive styles and attitudes while attempting to get to work? :o
  4. Have not heard anything about an aquarium but if there is one with a big sturgeon in it I hope the guy let it go to wild and released it in the Columbia River. It would be sad to see one of these magnificent fish in a tank.
  5. By my calculation I expect this thread to go to 6000 reads around midnight this weekend.
  6. RE: sturgeon - The big ones are catch and release only since they are the important breeders. I love sturgeon - 3 -6 footers are ok to keep. If you BBQ them with a little pepper and lemon and the important Alder wood chips for the slight smoky flavor - it is heaven with a great Oregon Pinot Noir
  7. Don't forget once you understand them they change the rules. It is a No Win situation. I had woman tell me once " If it wasn't for that little thing you guys have there'd be a bounty on ya" :lol:
  8. Seattle is great place but it can be wet snow a lot of times. Whistler is a better place - 4 hr drive. Prior is there if you want to demo. Not many pro-places here support the hardboot scene. If it wasn't for Ebay and Bomber - don't know where you'd find anything. Snowperformance is a great source of help from Sean and Gavin. Another great thing about Seattle - You can snowbaord in the morning and comeback and play 18 holes of golf or water ski the same day. Not many places can offer that.
  9. I personally opt for the Lexus RX330. Got to be one of the best 4WD autos on the road in my ever so humble opinion. Been a RX owner since 1999. I will gladly give up a few MPG for high end luxury, we only live once so why not feel good as much as you can as often as you can.
  10. I have never understood the reason for pets. I now know of one. Thanks
  11. C5 Golfer


    Before you spend all that money on the 1911 try out the Beretta Cougar 40SW , It is one heck of a fine fit and shoots better than most handguns. Wonderful peice of equipment to have around the house.
  12. My gut feel says on a .22 can be silenced in an auto only maybe a .25. I do know you can not silence a revolver like you see so often in the movies. Too much gas escape at the cylinder to barrel. The bigger guns 9mm and the like need a very large canister to silence them and a low powered round. Most are not practical and illegal unless you pay the tax. I believe they come under federal statute that does not really outlaw them similar to machine guns but they carry such a high transfer sales tax that it make them untouchable legally, but then you need to get past the state laws that actually outlaw them but that is soon to be a thread here so stay tuned till the snow flies.
  13. Did not want to thread jack but good theories in that post. Plus I am bored waiting for a part to come out of my 3D ABS printer. Here is one to use your smarts. What if you took a large caliber handgun and made it out of some special material where the gun weighed what a normal bullet does – 240gr lets say – and made the bullet out of a special material that weighed as much as a normal gun – lets say 40oz. Now take a 6’ guy weighing about 200 lbs and he fires this monster holding in a normal way. What would happen??? And no I do not have a video and yes it would not be pretty!
  14. C5 Golfer


    John. Even if it is light, why carry one when Hunting if it is not your primary weapon to hunt the animal? what would you use it for? It is not like you need more firepower out there in the woods.
  15. Now shoot it with one of the guns in the other thread or better yet a Barret 50BMG and take a movie of it? Be sure to use a high speed Kodak so we can slow it down and have a beer while it slowly make a big friggen explosion.
  16. C5 Golfer


    Fish - I am curious why you carry a large handgun when hunting? When I go I like to be light as possible since I usually walk a long distance to get away from the road hunters. Also since it is a 4" barrel I assume you are not using it as a primary hunting peice. Anyway why carry it?
  17. My gut feel says some CRTs will float and some will sink due to its weight. It depends on what is inside. The 17" of which you speak, if it is like my lightweight 17" at home, will most likely float since there are no heavy components inside. My P220 22" Viewsonic which would sink like a rock even if you put helium in the CRT. Most plastic has a SG of 1.2 or higher so if it was all plastic it will sink.
  18. C5 Golfer


    Don't know if I can post this before this thread gets dumped. I do not carry although I have the license to do so. .375H&H Custom Ruger #1- nice figured walnut stock .22 Browning Medalist ( 1966 or so - in mint condition with collector box and accessories - truly one of the nicest collector pieces to own) Yes , I shoot it.
  19. Michelle, I going to assume you meant "Why do some men always..." and "some men are idiots". I do not think your comment applies to "all" men. There are a few of us trying to mend the damage so many of the idiots incur on a daily basis. I sure hope this thread is not used for any measure of the idiot stick. Wenn ich mich nicht sehr irre ...:lol:
  20. Have not but that is mere child's play compared to shooting a .460 Weatherby Mag. I have never ever been shaken so bad after pulling a trigger. I had to fire it again because I did not believe it hit that hard. Well, I should have believed it. How'd we get on this subject when we were talking about dating and relationships? Hope it is not all related or some of us are in big trouble. :) :o
  21. What did you teach her to shoot? I took my lovely girlfriend out to the range and started her on a 22 , she did great, progressed to a 380 she did great and then she wanted to try the 9mm and she did great. So she asked what that big guy you are shooting? She went on the 40SW and did great with that too. She now has a Concealed weapons permit. Did I do the right thing??
  22. Kinda in line with this post: I was riding to work yesterday when I observed a female driver cut right in front of a pickup truck, causing the driver to have to drive onto the shoulder to avoid hitting her. This evidently angered the driver enough that he hung his arm out his window and gave the woman the finger... "Man, that guy is stupid" I thought to myself. I always smile nicely and wave in a sheepish manner whenever a female does anything to me in traffic, and here's why. I drive 48 miles each way everyday to work. That's 96 miles each day. Of these, 16 miles each way is bumper to bumper. Most of the bumper to bumper is on an 8 lane highway. There are 7 cars every 40 feet for 32 miles. That works out to be 982 cars every mile. Even though the rest of the 32 miles is not bumper to bumper, I figure I pass at least another 4000 cars. That brings the number to something like 36,000 cars that I pass everyday. Statistically, females drive half of these. That's 18,000 women drivers! In any given group of females, 1 in 28 has pms. That's 642. According to cosmopolitan, 70% describe their love life as dissatisfying or unrewarding. That's 449. According to the national institute of health, 22% of all females have considered suicide or homicide. That's 98. And 34% describe men as there biggest problem. That's 33. According to the NRA, 5% of all females carry weapons. That means that every single day I drive past at least 1 female that has a lousy love life, thinks men are her biggest problem, and has seriously considered suicide or homicide, has pms, and is armed.
  23. Good traits Randy, I'll echo that. Lets add a few. Likes herself.. that is she is ok being by herself or alone. This is a good barometer in my book. How well she does by herself for several days at a time. Or does she call and say "I'm lonely" , if so drop her. Does she have a life after work or is she waiting for someone to make her happy after the 8-5 work is done. If so drop her. Is not a Control-freak. If she gets upset when things are not done her way or is always blaming others. If so drop her. Go to Smart or intelligence. If she can operate a VCR timer and all the controls plus use a computer, that is a good test. If not drop her. Check out her family specially her mother, if the mother is a bitc* then drop her. If the family is messed most likely so is she. Gals reading this - replace her with him. It works both ways.
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