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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Other than the obvious question the second question would be why would you put a Colnago plow on a Serotta Bike? Seems one should stay with one manufactureer so you do not void the warranty.
  2. I live outside Seattle just east a bit. Love it here - moved here from Iowa in 1970 so I am almost a native. Some of the reasons that make Seattle- PNW a great place are I can snowboard in the morning at 3 different places and be home by 1:00 and play 18 holes of golf in the afternoon in shorts, or ride my road bike. Additionally we have saltwater recreational areas a plenty to sea kayak or fish for the mighty salmon which would be cooked over PNW alder wood. We have many hiking and camping areas at any elevation you are willing and able and I stress the able to climb to. Mountains also a plenty with many Nat'l forests and parks that are breath taking. We are just big enough to be a big city with a little city feeling. We are only 2 hrs from the Canada border which offers the wonderous British Columbia - Which is WA state on steriods. I am looking towards retirement soon and find there are so many offerings here to keep me busy and off the couch. Basically any outdoor activity you can name - we do it here. I have not mentioned the rain that is here every day (local lie and we laugh at how we have fooled the rest of the USA) so please do not move here. Visit yes - just please do not stay! :lol:
  3. What Neil said above yours--
  4. Couple of things could have happened -- An attitude issue with a TC, a Scheduler, a Pilot, or anyone in the loop. Somewhere there was someone who simply did not care and had an "I'll show them/her/him attitude". You are correct the Airline is in the end at fault but many in the comm chain could have shortened this unfortunate instance. I hope the investigation finds how to prevent this and brings the proper consequences to the right person(s). This is beyond a wrist slap. And all those affected passengers should get more than a free flight next time they fly – I would not be surprised there is a movie and a class action law suit soon.
  5. What would you do ? I think this happen just a few days ago. "I mean, the fact that they diverted us for weather was a good thing," Hanni says. But instead of unloading Hanni's flight and 13 other American Airlines planes that diverted to Austin, the airline told pilots to wait on the tarmac until the storms in Dallas cleared. "We expected maybe a one-hour delay or a two-hour delay," recalls Glenn Scott, who was delayed on Flight 534. For passengers aboard these planes, two hours turned into four, then, in at least one case, nine. While other planes came and went as American tried to keep them on schedule, the passengers in the narrow, one-aisle confines of Flight 1348 say toilets overflowed, water ran out and the only food was pretzels. "The stewardesses desperately tried to keep the tempers and the temperament of the passengers down," Kati Hanni says. "People were having medical issues." Passengers say the ordeal ended only after the pilot taxied to a gate without permission — 15 hours after the flight had boarded. Airline officials declined our request for an on-camera interview but admit something went terribly wrong in Austin. They say there's simply no excuse for leaving so many people just sitting on planes. American says it's reviewing what happened and will apologize and offer a "token" to affected passengers, which for Hanni is too little.
  6. Whatchuguys smokin? How did -19F get in the picture from above posts ?
  7. Whistler is -15 C to -19 C in the Alpine. Damn Cold
  8. Nasty weather right at the commute home time, glad I was home by 4. It snowed so heavy that the commute was at a standstill by 6 pm. Roads turned to ice and cars abandoned everywhere. What a frigggen mess again. For most part it did not matter if you had AWD, 4X4, FWD or RWD - or chains -- the roads were too full of cars that you couldn't go anywhere. Tempers flared but no shots fired as far as I know. Body shops will do well and they were already backed up with too much work from the previous strom. I wondered why while watching some going up the hill close to my house that if they couldn't get up the 10 deg slope why they continued because it goes to 20 deg slope further up. Grid lock almost everywhere - I am sure some had to sleep in their cars. http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_011007WABsnowstorm_wedLJ.272a0696.html
  9. I may suggest a Prior 4WD 179 or 174 found here at http://www.priorsnowboards.com/boards_4wd.php It is a 21 waist and plows, carves, rides, drives, slides, shimmy, destroys courduroy and etc . I am also 6'3" and 215 with size 12 feet. But also the 19.5 waist square tails like Prior's WCR or Volkl RT or Hot Blast 178, they also work quite well. All of the above will not beat you up and are rider friendly - I have each one of them.
  10. Thanks for all the replies... Additional Question: Tubular or clincher style? - what is the main difference and advantage?
  11. In that Grampa pic is that a beard and mustache on his face or did he just get up from a face plant?
  12. Which type of tires and or wheels do you prefer or have experience on road bikes? BTW my bike selection is down to a Serotta Concours or Legend with Ultegra.
  13. I have not ridden a 4807 but today with the heavy snow overnigth - it was too much for my 179 4WD. I lost the battle today. I needed more float than I ever had needed in the past . My 171 Salomon may have done it better but it is home. An as far the 7 in of new snow overnight-- they lied. It was much much more, over my knees in places.
  14. I can't really say -- I got into a flat spot and had to remove my rear foot and there was no bottom and I am 6'3". Had to go prone and push myself to harder spot. If the snow is tracked up I go with my Prior , if it is a grooomer day my Hot Blast is coming out.
  15. Wonderful. I rode my 179. I have a 174 but the 179 is the favorite up here. The Peak to Creak was untracked when we went thru - loved it then headed to the new Sympony chair and the Rhapsody Bowl It also goes thru the skied out crap late in the day like a hot knife thru butter
  16. Prior Snowboards is the place to go.. demo a 4X4 I am here in Whistler now and the snow is great and deep. hopefully some of the ecrowd leaves tonight to go back to work.
  17. Art , I was wondering about how busy you were. I was very lucky , I had a big pine tree blow down between my house and my new BMW - about 1 foot away from the X5 and 2 feet away from the house. Dodged a bullet there. Kristy did not have power and either do I so we loaded up and headed tp Whistler for a week of bliss. Wonderful snow here.. lots of it and the new chair opened at Whistler - Sympony - and rode the bowls with the Prior 179 4X4. taking the day off to day to catch up on email and a little work but will ride it hard tomorrow morning. I expect when I return to basically throw away everything in the fridge. Al
  18. Since you are so close to Iowa go to the General Forums and check out "Snowboarding in Iowa" I am an Ex-Sioux City Iowa boy. I sure miss fishing for those Northerns and walleyes
  19. I think this is how they do it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiQH0fJBCwY
  20. Thanks big time Justin A... And for a return gift - I think I found your Snowboard.
  21. I go with my Prior 4WD 179. It is what Trigger was to Roy Rogers, Old Betsy was to Davey Crockket, and Corvette to GM.
  22. Don't think the heavy snow comes till tonight but here is a forecast for Whistler .. sounds good since I am there all next week. Cascades will get hit all this week. The forecaster who is a snowboarder I believe said upto 2 feet of snow by tomorrow morning. Feeling sick here Boss. Snow Heavy At Times. Alpine High Minus 2. Snowfall Accumulation 15 To 25 Cm. Freezing Level 1000 Metres Rising To 1200 Metres This Afternoon.. Tonight..Snow Heavy At Times. Alpine Temperature Steady Near Minus 4. Snowfall Accumulation 10 To 20 Cm. Freezing Level 1200 Lowering To Valley Bottom Near Midnight. Tuesday..Periods Of Snow. Snowfall Accumulation 10 To 15 Cm.
  23. C5 Golfer


    And you want to ride my 178 RT --- I don't think so. :lol:
  24. Not the best way to hunt deer. I do not know if the driver was hurt.
  25. I sympathize with you Pat, I am also 60 and may lose my job next year. Not sure what I will do if that happens, probably golf and fish again. Keep us posted to your success.
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