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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. I think it is good they use leaf springs in the trucks -- provides a lower center of gravity than independant suspension which why I think the Hummer - military one specifically and the M151 had such training issues with rollovers. Weird that it was a FORD design, they rolled over and caught on fire -- does that suprise you? Here is how the DOD disposed of the M151 "The US Department of Defense deems all M151 series vehicles "unsafe for public highway use". Therefore, these vehicles have to be made "unusable by removing major components and destroying the unitized body so it cannot rebuilt". However, this policy gradually changed from releasing vehicles intact to releasing cut or crushed bodies only. "
  2. Ever notice when you have a car/truck discussion how everyone either has a car that has had no problems while the guy next door with the same car cannot keep it out of the Dealer's repair shop? Could be a whole new discussion but I think sometimes the owner can will his car to behave or fail. It is all in the attitude of how you feel about your car. Case in point.. When I was married - gawd that was a long time ago - we had 3 cars, 2 were mine and 1 was my wife’s, she had a negative attitude about any car’s reliability. When I would go out of town on business leaving her with 3 great running cars and 2 happy kids - when I returned in a week or so all three cars would be having issues of some type and the kids crying. I spend the weekend fixing the cars and they would be ok until the next time I went out of town, same thing would happen. ( no she did not sabotage them, we'd have crap like broke clutch cable, flat tire, brakes squealing, won’t start, window switch broke, radio quit ) None of this crap would happen when I was home, only when I left. ( I know any wonder why I divorced her????) So my point is any car will run great if you have a good attitude – these mechanical machines have little gremlins in them just waiting for you to speak to them,
  3. Phunny thing is in my 60 years of living I have never found or known anyone who thinks the French culture is superior. I did meet one lady who " had the lights on but nobody was home" thought Paris was in Europe - not France.
  4. Jack's thread reminded me of this trick we played on a hyper overcaffinated nicotined charged fellow worker. We started with making 1" high spacers for his desk where he spent most of his time computering. I think we did this on Friday nights after he left for the weekend, we lifted his desk up and placed these spacers under each leg ( they were structurally sound so they did not dislodge if the desk was slid) and when Monday came around our overly excitable employee was now sitting 1" lower with respect to his computer and desk. No one said anything all week - there were 3 of us in this caper. Come next Friday night we'd wait till he left and re-do the spacers with a 2" inch variety we had waiting on my shelf. Monday would come and he was now 2” lower to his keyboard. So now you get the picture of our devious practical joke. This scenario goes on for 6 weeks with 100% success of fooling him. Each week we ( the joke team) would go in and see how things were going for him and if there was anything we could do to help in any area bothering him. He’d say not really but appreciated the thought. On the 7th Monday he came into work, sat down to log on and we had ignition or “fire in the hole” so to speak. His desk is now resting proudly and quite well camouflaged a magical 7 inches higher in the air than anyone’s desk. As we are there to wish him a good morning as he sits down to log in, he gets up all upset and turns his chair upside-down yelling “What the F&*#” , we say “What’s wrong” he said his chair won’t adjust. We say “what do you mean” He says “ Look “ he sits down and his poor hands are at his eye level when he is typing on the keyboard. So he gets up again throws his chair upside down a gain to figure out what has changed. We are laughing so damn hard he catches on and says “ What the F^%& did you do?” That was one funny joke. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. reminds me of a practical joke we played on a guy at work who was the company jokester until we got even. He had a small office at the end of the hallway and one day when he was out we took a small container of Korean kimchi and taped it to the underneathside darkest corner of his desk. After about three days we had to tell him where it was, he couldn't bring guests into his office for weeks. Reminds me of another joke we played which I'll start on another thread so I do not threadjack Jack
  6. When I took a marketing/sales class years ago it seems there was a day we talked about there are only so many buyers for a certain type of product and the buy cycle sometimes is like a bell curve. Seems Chrysler entered on the left side ( climbing) and Ford and Chevy ( read Camaro) entered on the right side (declining ).
  7. 400 HP and rear wheel drive. Another negative I think is when the windows are down for a sunny drive, your elbow is above your ear if you like the elbow rested on the window sill. Ouch!
  8. While enjoying beautiful sunshine last weekend in Whistler/Blackcomb I met a guy from Germany who was riding hardboots and an F2 board with stepins. Anyway I introduced myself and started up a conversation while riding up SolarCoaster. He asked what board I was riding and I told him a Prior, He said he did not know that brand and then I told him about them being made in Whistler. He was interested and then we went on to talk about bindings , he saw my TD2s and he mentioned I should try step-ins. I said they are step-ins , made in Colorado by Bomber, never heard of them he says. He the says which gets to the topic of this post, "You see mine have this hidden release button on the boot to release the binding" I looked down and he is pressing on the outside of his pant leg, no pull knob or cable like my Intecs it seems, so I pursue further and he says they are Intec, see this shaft on the side of the heel as it slides in and out. I say "so does mine , same thing", He says, No , These are Intec , I say Yea, so are mine. He says, they can't be - only Intec makes these and the bindings. So now he shows me the cable system, it is just like mine but he does not have the handle outside his pants. Damn, I thought he was onto something with a "hidden button" thing. I hope he remebers Bomberonline so when he gets home he finds there is another world out there.
  9. Check the new Interceptor. Butt ugly - I wonder if the designers forgot about coefficient of drag. I think a better name would be "Bankruptor"
  10. Is this the guy to which you refer? 400 hp with a manual tranny would do nicely. http://www.pontiac.com/gto/gallery.jsp
  11. Never have used an electric razor.. I watched an old John Wayne movie the other day = Rio Bravo with Walter Brennan and Angie Dickinson. There is a part in there where the beautiful Angie Dickinson - Feathers - is shaving Dean Martin with a straight razor. What a thrill it would be to have a 30ish Angie Dickinson shaving me,
  12. Ahhhh I see the problem,, sorry bout that. Hey , arne't you guys dun under doing great things for GM like in the Pontiac and some high performace things?
  13. I am a C5 fan, the C6 does not appeal to me yet, so I'll stay C5 for now. GM took to much room away in the back for my needs, gotta have room for 2 sets of clubs and luggage, C6 fails in this dept.
  14. We are off to Whistler to celebrate 3-4 days. Maybe next time Art, Crystal mountain soon after I return. AL
  15. Happy B day to me-- Big 6- Oh and many more to go.
  16. Anyone at Whistler Blackcomb this weekend-- Jan 26-29th -- It's my birthday and we will be celebrating.
  17. You will not be disapppointed in a Hot Blast 178. I have 2 of them, and plan on riding it all weekend at Whistler this weekend. Let me know what you think.. I do not think it is too much board for you at your size. I am 6'3" at 210 -
  18. If that does not work show him this one..and then get out your cell phone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hJvZ48oKM8
  19. Have you tried Bomber Butter? -- I have heard that works well on other moving parts. If that does not work try Loctite in the blue bottle, sure to hold them from turning, twisting and bobbing up and down. Be careful with this stuff around plastic tho. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  20. On a quad chair while at Aspen years ago during Gay Week (unknown to me at the time). I heard this from two skiers dressed in drag with beads and colorful dress sitting next to me - I do not know their real names. Steve asks Bob "Why aren't you riding with Dave?" Bob answers " I am so pissed at him!" "Why , what happened?" "He left the iron on all night!" Bob then says to me "That is a big board you have there!" I smile and says "thanks" This is a true story.
  21. Don't think it would help Dr D. On this day I believe the smart people stayed home because it was obviously to slick to drive, then the stupid people who think 4WD gives them added braking power believe they can still get to work to earn that mighty dollar. These same people have heard the steer in the direction of the slide theory and to them that means steer in the direction the front end is going but when they should be steering in the direction the rear end is going but if you try to explain this to them they have a "deer in the headlights" look.
  22. My guess looking at the video is that after the first colision, the drivers foot slipped off the brake and hit the gas, you can see the car accelerate and tires spin as it does the intersection and hit the wall. I think the gas pedal was all the way to the floor.
  23. Hey Volvo guy - I just thought you did not really own a Volvo. A bike with out paint is too plain Jane in mho. When you have the aluminum on the rims, all the metal from the sprockets , seat tube, it looks nice to have a little color here and there. Looking at a 1/2 paint and 1/2 polish on the Ti frame. I never liked Delorean sports car looks maybe you did which is ok, "not that there is anything wrong with that!"
  24. Check out the video clip on this page -- look for the one that says "Amazing home video of icy collisions in Portland" it is in the middle or so of the web page. http://www.king5.com/video/
  25. Not mine Justin.. I think that is an Ottrott model. I did get fitted Sunday for my Legend Ti , specs are on their way to Serotta .. I think it is a 7 or so week lead time now. This week I have to decide color and paint scheme.
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