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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. C5 Golfer

    OT: Dog Nut

    Thought I'd show off my lovely daughter. Yes, she is a snowboarder – soft boots for now but has a hardboot set up but no time to try it out. Yes, she is single but don’t even ask guys…. I know what your intentions are.
  2. Nice Bike Phil! Don't let a little snow stop you from riding that guy, looks like it will go anywhere.
  3. Sad the post was "locked" -- even tho some of the posts were dumb and pointless but that should be no reason to stop conversation about the nominal subject to which this forum subscribes, Damn it wasn't like were talking about guncontrol or religion. But maybe it was religion some just weren't worshipping the correct god!
  4. I am not kidding, when I was with ADIC, (10yrs designing robotic magnetic tape libraries and auto changers -- DLT & LTO format) we were constantly beaten down by top management to have a new product by some date pulled out of the air or pressed by a Product Show. I always had to go to full battle dress anytime product schedules we discussed. The humor in it is there was always time to do it the second time when the product failed in its first launch. Mind you we were mechanically heavy
  5. My experience in engineering is this -- project schedules do not allow time for calculations and testing. So we do exactly what you say above, get it close, if it breaks make it thicker, "We are steel safe" It is why I do not fly much.
  6. It is not financial situation it is a priority situation. Shift a few priorities and you'll see.
  7. This thread is due to most posters being very very bored or very drunk
  8. Now all we need is some crazy guy like J James to put one of these in a motorcycle. He better have his teeth and helmet epoxied in place.
  9. Not nice..to keep feeding a 8 year old fire that was put out long ago
  10. We can pleasantly agree to disagree here.. I asked the question so that the other side of the coin is seen. To answer your question.. Sure any customer of any product would always want his faulty failing product replaced. That is a given - down to where Paris Hilton I am sure wants her Continental GT replaced when it is dirty or needs a vacuum in the interior. But let’s get real; no manufacturer of any small size can replace a broken product 100% of the time no questions asked. Yes, of course I want more customers -- but not at the expense of failing to where I have to close the doors due to keeping my product affordable and slightly profitable and at the same time give Carte Blanc replacement program anytime a user breaks it. There are times specially in this sport when and if you break something we are informed and smart enough to know if this failure was due to abuse beyond reasonable or flat out faulty. I think with that information any of us could and can go back to several of our prime manufacturers and state our case. I bet more than 80% of the time the customer will go away happy. \ One of the beauties of our sport and its products is that we can and do talk directly with the “MAN” in charge. Fin, Chris Prior, Sean, Bruce, --to name a few. Try that in other sports and you get this question on the line “ Press 1 to continue in English”
  11. Bein I are an enginer and a manufacturing guy.. I'd have to ask all of you this question. If you had your own small snowboard company and each time a customer broke a board racing would you invariably replace it at no charge?
  12. Gotta go with Prior here as my favorite MFG. Chris builds a great board and stands behind his products. Plus he is a super good guy with whom to ride. I may be prejudiced since Whistler - home of Prior - is in my backyard but I am thankful they are. It is not often in a sport that one has three fravorite tools of the sport.. this sport for me it is Prior 4WD 179 , Volkl RT 178 and Hot Blast 178 --- They are all a great ride and favorite. Can't say the same in fishing, golf, biking, hiking, kayaking or cars.
  13. I first skied when I was about 40 or so and had falls that hurt and me wondering if I should be doing this. I then snowboarded at 50 yrs old (my kids were very convincing) with soft set up and sure I fell when I started but then once I was riding well 3 yrs later, I crashed a couple of times and that hurt too. Then I went to hard boots. Discovered I did not hurt my ankles anymore at high speed like I did with softboots in the skied out crud so I kept with it. Going on 7 years now and no hurts. Sounds like I should stay with hardboots - safer least for me.
  14. These are the times when would it not be nice to be sitting at a big round table with a couple of cold ones and talk about it face to face? Also would be nice if had that bike there and we could prove out these theories on a closed track after we had a few cold ones, we’d end up a lot of material for Youtube.
  15. Dr D-- if that was the smallest == Damn! what was the biggest? At approx $4000 a little model airplane radial motor would be my choice for an R/C fun... but that is too much money for something I'd crash at takeoff!
  16. I wonder how the torque of this bike shown above affects the rider when the it is WOT and accelerating
  17. I wonder if your comment applies here as well???? http://www.ronpatrickstuff.com/
  18. Check here - http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2006/05/11/radial-engine-motorcycle-2/ and also here -- http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2006/05/10/radial-engine-powered-motorcycle/
  19. I don't think it is redneck ... IT's a FORD :lol:
  20. Even tho I am not a fan of motorized 2 wheelers -- this one would be one of my favorites if I was.
  21. This may help-- or does it?? one may have to draw thier own conclusion. http://www.indexmundi.com/g/r.aspx?c=xx&v=25
  22. Puts it in a very good perspective - least for me it does. Only 3 have an Internet Connection. - wow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQDLndolQOQ&mode=related&search=
  23. Just wondering -- we have had several good auto discussions but I can't remember anyone chiming in on how great a Rotary motor is. Just curious.. never owned one -- looked at a RX7 model once but couldn't get in the car with my long legs. Corvette experimented with a 4 rotor motor years ago, that would have been something to drive.
  24. Erik.. My GF and I went to Benihana the other day - she has a dairy allergy and they were very accomodating - cooked hers first so there would be no cross contamination. But here is the reason I mainly replied. Any chance this is the guy who is suing you.. ???? Accused Burglar Sues Homeowner Who Shot Him The Milwaukee Journal ^ | 10/01/06 Posted on 10/01/2006 9:28:04 PM PDT by baldeagle390 MILWAUKEE -- A Janesville man who admitted breaking into a home is suing the homeowner who shot him. Kurt Prochaska, 39, was on probation last fall when he admitted he broke in to a home and was shot by the homeowner, but that's not stopping him from going after cash through the courts. Late last year, the Rainiero family awoke to find Prochaska in their home. Michael Rainiero, a doctor, ordered Prochaska to leave. He didn't and was shot in the back. Nearly a year later, Rainiero's attorney said it's far from over because Prochaska is suing him from beind bars, saying the doctor didn't need to shoot him. "What the doctor wants is this whole ordeal to be ended and done with," Rainiero's attorney said. The Milwaukee County suit claims Rainiero used excessive force to deal with the intruding plaintiff and alleges severe and permanent injuries, relentless pain, and loss of earning capacity. The suit doesn't specify a damage amount. Rainiero claims he shot Prochaska in self-defense. "The doctor was asleep in his bed when an intruder came into his home and put his life, his wife's life, and his two kids' lives in jeopardy," Rainiero's lawyer said. The lawyer added that Rainiero showed restraint, not excessive force, in dealing with Prochaska. Although, he had an entire magazine of bullets, Rainiero fired only once. The Rock County district attorney agreed, long ago ruling the shooting was justified. Still, Prochaska is able to move ahead with the suit. "Judges like to give everyone their day in court. No matter how absurd it might seem, this gentleman has a right to have a day in court. And so, my job is to make sure that that day in court is a very short day in court," Rainiero's attorney told 12 News reporter Nick Bohr. A hearing on the suit is set for next month. Prochaska's attorney did not wish to comment on the case. If the case is thrown out, Prochaska can be forced to pay up to $500 of the legal expenses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. Hey Jon.. not sure I can totally agree here. It is a delicate balance between borrowing and saving. At the one extreme one could save 90% of earnings and live in a tent with wood heat and ride a rusty old bicycle. the other extreme is where you are heavily in debt and own a house with 9000 sq ft and olympic swimming pool and party everyweekend when you are not flying to some ski resort. so we look for balance to enjoy life and have a smile on our face. Now assume for a minute that we drive approx 25K miles a year and most of us probably average 30 mph so that equates to 800 hours spent of your life in a car. Why not make it a car that is a pleasure to drive, puts a smile on your face when you go to work and go home from work, something that get to 100mph before your cofffee gets cold. Remember when buying a car - find something that puts a smile on your face -- why be miserable? We work too hard to be unhappy with our ride. Also it is like riding an old Burton, you still get to the bottom of the hill but we like riding our Coilers Doneks and Priors, not much difference since the goal is getting a ride to the bottom. My $.02
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