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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. I like bjvircks story better -- Hell, he was there! ;) :rolleyes:
  2. Hey, Dsub Does she smoke cigars? I think I have met her in a past life, I'd tell you about it but it would get political and then we'd be back to square one.
  3. Ok so I changed it to "Woman of the Year" and it does not change the title in the forum list. So I tried. Guys it was meant as a joke -- no political statement inferred, suggested, implied, or otherwise recommended. Take a chill pill….it is Friday – we are supposed to be winding down not getting all wound up tight. It is almost like I used the word “frontside or something” Please accept my humble apologies to those I offended.
  4. Ok so I changed it to "Woman of the Year" and it does not change the title in the forum list. So I tried. Guys it was meant as a joke -- no political statement inferred, suggested, implied, or otherwise recommended. Take a chill pill….it is Friday – we are supposed to be winding down not getting all wound up tight. It is almost like I used the word “frontside or something” Please accept my humble apologies to those I offended.
  5. I know the feeling -- I had my Prior 4WD with the Blackcomb topographical map top sheet and TD2s -- the guy said , "wow, that is some old stuff you have there!" I said "Yea, Last years model" He did about the same thing as you mention "Huh?????"
  6. I am a grumpy old fart too.. My question is have you asked him about it or confronted him in a positive sense?
  7. Size 30 boots here. 19.5 - 25.5 wide boards. My 2 cents worth is this. Depends on you and your riding style and preference. I remember many years ago when I bought my Arbor Munoz 170, 25 wide board. The dealer said I need a Arbor Wide board, and I asked why since all I had rode is 25 or narrower boards. He said with my size 30/12 US feet a wide will ride much better. So I demo'd one one day when Arbor/REI had a demo tent up. One ride down and I could not wait to get it back to the tent - terrible suggestion that I must have a wide board, Edge to edge was about as slow as molasses on that groomed trail. Later I saw a guy that just loved the Wide board and he was a size 11 foot. I normally now ride a 19.5 wide board – the Volkl RT 178 or the Hot Blast 178 and then for my all mountain cruiser my 21.5 wide Prior 4WD 179. All three of those are a wonderful ride any day.
  8. Elaine says " It shrinks?????, I don't know how you guys walk around with those things!"
  9. Boys usually get freaked out. Men do not - we enjjjjjjjooy it, specially when you pick us up to. Be sure your car is clean and you open the door too! I am serious -- a little light hearted jestures go a long way - specially if the dating couples are just getting to know each other.
  10. I have never treated my C5 like that! I wonder if the guy survived?
  11. I guess I should ask Jack if that was a heelside or a toeside turn????? :lol: Maybe that is where we should have a portside or starboardside turn.
  12. The guy getting out of the way - damn lucky! Driver of the X5 - damn good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtzFTMEVIQY&mode=related&search=
  13. I am from Iowa originally so I hope it is ok to poke a little fun.
  14. WISH you guys would quit teasing me! Wish I could get away
  15. Sorry if this has been posted - I tried search and no results.. Good video -- not so sure of the race with the jet--- does not seem to prove anything. Riding backwards was double thumbs up!
  16. Be careful with the above advice... It may have been that way many years ago but the IRS made changes to the rules to prevent people keeping the $$ without paying taxes. Below is how the rule is stated at one of the financial institutions. 13. I still have a 401(k) account with my former employer. I would like to transfer this account into my IRA. Can this be done? If so, are there any penalties? Yes, this can be done and is referred to as a trustee to trustee transfer. You need to request the distribution forms from your former employer. Make sure you open your new IRA before the transfer so that you can provide the account information on the required forms. There are no penalties with a trustee to trustee transfer, but if you allow your former employer to send the funds directly to you and not to your new IRA, they will be required to deduct and remit 20% of the total to the IRS.
  17. That sounds nice to be able to take your HS students... not sure if that is possible anymore in the states--- Too much liability - if one of those students were to get sprained finger or something - the lawyers would come out of the woodwork, find the liability release form was signed under duress or something.
  18. About 2 years ago while returning from a road trip - southbound I-405 we passed a semi-truck on the left side. This fancy truck had doors on it with glass down to the bottom of the door. My GF looked up at him and he was totally naked driving at 70 mph. She freaked and he just smiled back. I am starting to think there are only 2 sane people in this world and I am beginning to wonder about her!
  19. Next time he should shoot or rob someone on the slopes -- that way he'd get no fines and only 1 year in prison.
  20. You are thinking of her when you buy it correct??? I have heard it is the thought that counts :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  21. I am thinking about one of these for her. The only problem so far is it is a manual tranny 6 speed, and she can't drive a manual. Do you think this would be ok anyway since I prefer a manual transmission? It is red and I would think of her when I buy it.
  22. If you don't know ---your $$$ you put in 401k are always yours...unlike some of the scams of past. You can take it out several ways. If you changes jobs which is the most common reason you can transfer it to your new plan @ your new job if you want - be sure you have them make the transfer check out to your new institution not just you. Otherwise you will have terrible penalties. Second common reason to take out your $$$ is to help buy your home or a hardship occurs. That is to say it is treated like a loan - no penalty for this withdraw but you will need to pay it back. Just think you are your own banker loaning yourself money and paying it back. One reason the 401k type plans are also good is the maintenance fees are usually paid for by your company not YOU. This amount is generally around 1%, this is another good reason to save in a company 401k plan. When you save in the various IRAs the maintenance fee is paid for by you. Hope this helps and when you are 40 yr old and have money saved you can thank Bomberonline.
  23. One way to look at your tax rate when you retire and use your 401(k) or other tax deferred savings/retirement plans, These plans are now seen as your employer - and you are the employee where you determind your annual salary, based on that income you will pay the going rate just like you are employed. On top of that is any additional income like Soc Sec and Dividends, part time work, what have you you will also pay income tax. So remember - your 401(k) is your employer when you retire, treat him right! Roth plans are great too - if you qualify.
  24. I dunno what to tell you - been a jeep owner / enthusiast for 40 years. But you can read these.. I think the Discovery dudes ride Land Rovers.. http://www.fourwheeler.com/thehistoryof/129_9709_jeepposter/ http://www.olive-drab.com/od_mvg_www_jeeps_ford_gp.php http://www.film.queensu.ca/CJ3B/Poster/GP.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willys_MB
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