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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. I think New Jersey has quite a few "Stupid/Dumb" laws on the books -- here are a few It is illegal to wear a bullet-proof vest while committing a murder If you have been convicted of driving while intoxicated, you may never again apply for personalized license plates. It is against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season All motorists must honk before passing another car, bicyclist, skater, and even a skateboarder. Full List -- http://www.dumblaws.com/laws/united-states/new-jersey/
  2. You can almost zoom in close enough to see the rivets. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http%3A%2F%2Ftrail.motionbased.com%2Ftrail%2Fkml%2Fepisode.kml%3FepisodePkValues%3D2988857&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=1&ll=44.660305,-93.213973&spn=0.008318,0.0159&z=16
  3. http://www.thnt.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070611/NEWS/70611009 And to think these guys/gals were elected.
  4. Dan - Get a stainless side by side -- Place a Delorean DMC-12 logo on the door somewhere. Use your custom building capabilities and turn the doors into gullwing doors. That would be way better than just a simple green painted Fridge. That is "so yesterday!" You might even get mentioned in Architectural Digest.
  5. My preference is the more icier it is the softer the board. And conversely - in Powder I like a stiffer board.
  6. No but my kids have --- easy to fix too! eat yorgurt with active cultures. --- Let the yorgurt stay on the sore as long as you can before you swallow it , then do it again .. Do this often and it will go away.
  7. http://www.autoblog.com/2007/06/08/dont-forget-june-29-is-drive-your-vette-to-work-day/ or http://www.madvet.com/shop?category=1.231
  8. 2 of those were within 2 weeks of each other playing with the same group of guys for money. After the second one and taking their money 2X for Closest to the Pin, the Skin for the hole, $$ for Birdie and $$ for eagle, They said they wouldn't play with me any more. The other one was in a 4 man Scramble Tournament. I Tee'd off first and we all saw it go in, so they said " Well, no reason for us to even T it up"
  9. Chris Prior Fan here too. I ride two of the 4WD -- 174 with a 10.5 side cut and a 179 standard. I am with BlueB - deep powder it does not too to well but I always thought me weighing 215 LBS - 100 kilos had something to do with it. If I know I am going to ride the groomers stuff all day I ride my 178 Volkl or Hot Blast 178 but if going up with a bunch of skier friends where we go everywhere then it is the 4WD that gets to go.
  10. Visualization works in golf too. Score so far Visualization - approx 50 hole in ones Real ones -- Four
  11. I wish some of the ladies I have dated in the past were a bit more damp after reading your garrulous and edifying response.
  12. So Justin does this mean you'll finally get a real job and start contributing to my Social Security fund?
  13. C5 Golfer

    Name My Cat

    My favorite cat names are: Cougar Meat Bear Bait Appetizer
  14. HMMmm.. I think the IRS limits 401k deposits in 2007 to $15.5K if under 50 and $20.5K if over 50. I believe the limits of which you speak are for SEP plans - not 401k. http://www.kelanroycpa.com/krcpa/2002_Contribution_Limits.htm
  15. Don't know if I am overly optomistic but at 60 yr old I am 98% in stocks. I do not believe the financial guys/analysts that say after 55 or so you should be more conservative with 50-60% in bonds. If I live 30 years stocks will recover at least 2X in that time frame. my 2 cents
  16. And here thought he was going to come clean and tell the truth -- but maybe he is.. We'll never know. but here is his "Thank You" letter. Notice the March date?? It was May that it happened - something is bit off with this guy. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/ABPub/2007/06/01/2003730931.pdf
  17. Restart a good thread.. I hope some that read this thread contributed to their 401k. Since the start of the thread about 4 months ago most funds available in a 401k should be showing about a 8% increase. Toss in the 3% add the employer usually adds, That is a lot of money being made.
  18. Sorry to disappoint you but it is a 98 -- bought it new, driven only on nice sunny days, not a scratch or ding or anything - not a speck of dirt in the engine compartment. Looking at trading soon on a 2008 - I am starting to like the C6 more each time I see one. Plus we only live once -- might as well enjoy the ride.
  19. From KOMO TV plus a new update from the hiker himself who has sent a check for a $1000, As soon as they publish it I'll attach it.. Stay tuned the guy may come clean and finally tell the truth. http://www.komotv.com/news/7752252.html
  20. Well, I am talented -- but there are 5 days in a normal non-golfing or non snowboarding work week. This week I choose to ride the Serotta 2 of those days and the Corvette 3 of those days. Sorry for the confusion but I can certainly see how you could be confused cus I confuzzeled myself when I read your post.
  21. What a beautiful sunny week in the Great Pacific Northwest.. Rode my Serotta to work this week and drove the Corvette too. I just might ride the Serotta tomorrow.
  22. interesting short story on the news-- sorry bout the advertisement at the begginning.. wish I could block that out but muting the volume control helps. http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=3149487
  23. Thanks WaveChaser-- And Thanks to all my fellow Vets. Spec 5 U.S. Army 1967-1970
  24. Using our team as a sample for time to complete-- out of 432 teams entered this year we finished 110th place. 19th in our Division of 122 Teams. The race started at 8:30 with the Cross-Country Skier taking about 40 mins, He handed off to me and I did my part in about 39 min. This downhill event part involves handing of the wrist band off and then stepping in my back binding and down a short hill to the bottom of a black diamond run, taking your board off and start climbing up a black diamond run to the top. Where then you get on your board and race down the back side to the finish line. The climb is 99% of the race. Road Runner is next who takes about 1 hour, then to the road bike which takes about 1 1/2 hr, next is the Canoe which takes about 2 1/2 hours, next is the mountain bike which is about 45 min, and finally the kayak which takes about 1 hour. So top of the mountain at 8:30 , 83 miles away we finished at about 4:30 - beating last years time by 22 minutes. We all felt pretty good about it. Except for our runner we are all old farts with our mountain biker about 71 , I met my goal for the race by climbing that gawd forsaken hill climb with no stopping this time to rest and beating my last years time. A young guy at mid climb decided to try to pass me and he got along side of me and then just could not do it, so he fell back and waited and tried again, failed to complete the pass. Never saw him again. It was my little stock car race where the guy tries but does not succeed. Made me feel good I was keeping up with the youngins. Couple of nice sights ---432 Kayaks and 432 canoes in various car top carriers riding thru town, but the best is siting on the beach waiting for your Kayaker to finish and seeing 30 or so kayaks off in the distance all paddleing like hell for the finish line. It was a good day
  25. So is it your short game or your long game that gets you the high numbers?
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