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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Looks like a great weekend for a car show. Weather is supposed to be about 80° F and sunshine. http://www.good-guys.com/news/newsStory.aspx?newsid=791
  2. I bought a car on Ebay - sight unseen and used these guys to ship it to me. They were great as far as i could tell. I liked the ability to track the car daily thru the transponder they use and my computer. They also had a superb check in and out proceedure for any damage to the car it by chance it happens -- good record of before and after. http://www.dasautoshippers.com/
  4. Congrats Dan-- I am impressed. Side bar-- glad they caught the guy who hit two riders ( one critical ) just outside Portland on Sunday. The HitRun driver was 8 miles from the crash site when they caught/arrested him. Hope the prosecuter and the judge rides a bike. My GF and I were riding SR 2 to Stevens pass Sunday when after 3 close calls we called it quits and found another ride... Too dangerous due to the last car purposely got as close as he could.
  5. Good luck on the STP..I am not quite ready for that big of a ride. I can play golf 5 days in a row but not bike for all day or 2 full days. You have some nice bike shops in Portland -- River City is where I bought my Serotta.
  6. Hey Dan. try this forum with your bike cleat question. These guys are pretty good and very knowledgable. http://www.serotta.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=3
  7. I really do not care who wins - I just like to see it won fair and square and within the rules and no rumors or finding of doping for a change. But is this possible today?
  8. I am with you a bit on this one...but maybe not to your extreme. I enjoy a good audio in a sports car but leave the gps, heated seat, tilt telescopic , headsup display type items out. I don't think I have ever had the air cond on in my corvette but then I live in Seattle where aircond is usually not needed. I was looking at the new C6 corvette the other day and the top level trims which is the way most of the instock Corvettes are on the lot, way too many luxury items. the guy could'nt undertand why I want a plain jane basic sports car. - I'd have to order it.
  9. I have ridden that big boy WCR 185 -- wonderful ride and handles the crud and chop like none other. Good buy,!!! I ride my TD2s on all my primary boards, and the TD1s are on the seldom ridden boards. Go TD 2
  10. Looks like we'd be well matched if we played together - I am up to a 9.0 handicap, had it 8 or so but lost my mid game for a while. I hae been putting pretty well lately. I just practiced in my living room day after day with a pedalum swing and it seem to have helped. Your story above seems to describe why golf is such a frustrating but sometimes rewarding sport. Plus you can't blame anyone but yourself for poor performance and or good performance. Greatest game in the world. I did not start playing until I was 50 - thought the game was kinda dumb. then I met this beautiful tall woman who loved to golf. She said " either learn to play or you'll only see me when it is dark out" I learned and we played well together for a while. Then I found out she was a nut case with terrible case of the bipolar personality. I dumped her and kept the golf. I see you have no tournament scores in GHIN- do you not play competitively? CYA AL
  11. I give lessons in putting Pat. It is easy as riding a snowboard. First thing is no I say again NO wrist action, all large muscle shoulder movement, never bend the wrist in a putt.
  12. I have played in this one before and may play again this year in the Mid-Senior division. Thought I'd post this in case anyone else is playing. It is a great tournament and well run. http://www.pacamgolf.com/
  13. Justin -- Why mess with a Porsche when you can have a C5 Corvette. Some of the best all sports cars for such cheap $$.
  14. Montana was great -except when we left -- forest fire near West Yellowstone caused ugly highway visibility and breathing but thank god it did not last long traveling towards Bozeman. Lots a good food and red wine. wonderful cabin in Idaho. Did the Park visit and saw lots a animals plus 1 griz and 1 black bear. Then golfed Big Sky with my younger brother. I won the first 18 match and he won the second 18 match.. I told him the first one is the only that counted. Eagled hole 11 ( I think it was 11) Par 5, on in 2 sunk a 6 foot putt. He was pissed cuz he birdied it and still couldn't win the box. We had a good laugh on that one. I turn 61 in Jan. - Celebrating in Whistler as always. Re: the demoralizing of my opponent -- we still talk about it being one of the best matches ever played at Echo.
  15. I won 1st place the last 2 years in a row in our Gross Division MP 7 handicap or higher - no strokes given play straight up. I was 3 down with 3 to go and birdied the last three holes to win on Hole 19 (Hole1) with a par. I was mentally drained for days but it felt real good. So anyway this year several friends are gunning for me - can't think of a better time to lose a job. My girlfriend and I are off to Montana tomorrow -- road trip with biking , hiking and golfing around Yellowstone for a week. Good luck with a finding a new job in the family Pat
  16. That was caught in the Columbia River - so fresh water. We caught 8 of those big boys that day. The three of us were damn tired - arms hurt. Catch and release only BTW since the big one are breeders. For bait used a 5 lb Shad with a hook the size of your hand.
  17. Congrats on the match. I love match play - the only way to play golf. I am the Match Play Chair at our Club and I am currently running 4 divisions of MP this summer with the finals in Sept. I am same as you with regard to No pension. My 401(k) and my own savings needs to get me thru the next 30 or so years. Luckly I have very few bills and no debt except for a house mortgage.
  18. I have Johnsonville Brats on the BBQ -- who wants one?
  19. Dr D -- additionally -- I may be doing a trip to Big Mountain this coming season just do not know what month will fit in yet. How long do you think the trip is in a car from Seattle? You guys have big fish there? Here is my Sturgeon a few years ago.
  20. Dr D -- are really suggesting I go back to work? My specialty is machine design - small mechanism - anything that moves , rotates, slides, pick n place, electronic packaging, or anything that has a motor.
  21. We are closing down the little satellite office where I work and we are all out of a job come July 13th which is a Friday the 13th - unlucky day. So the big question arises – Crystal Mountain has a season pass for about $700 and is the best place to go in Washington State and I have a small fee I pay each month to Echo Falls Club to play unlimited golf 24 7. I am pushing 61 yr old and I think this is the time to call it quits and go retired. Maybe work a few contract engineering jobs here and there next year but it looks like my weekends just became a 7 day a week play days forever.
  22. Last weekend was our Echo Falls Men's Club US Open. We play stroke play on Saturday and then Saturday night pick a US Open player as your team mate. I was in the club house Saturday night in 2nd Place with a 78, Mike was in 1st Place with a 77. I picked Tiger and he picked Aaron Baddeley. That move put me in 1st Place Sunday night. Just had to brag a bit.
  23. Somehow we need to stop having stupid people... example I know of these two people personally from a distance but still know of them. One thought the reason her vacuum cleaner was not picking up anymore dirt from the carpet was because the power cord had a knot in it. No S**t! The other thought that if you dimmed the dashboard lights in your car the headlights also dimmed! Also - No Sh*T!
  24. I know this may pi** off a few but I do firmly believe in Natural Selection, we need Mother Nature to weed out the stupid people. We should not pass laws to protect the innocent. For instance - I am against labeling hairdryers with the Warning - Do not use while Showering Or a Chainsaw Label - Do not attempt to stop chain with hands. others may be found here http://www.dumb.com/productwarnings.htm http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/opinion/points/stories/DN-olson_25edi.ART.State.Edition1.445d7eb.html
  25. No I did not find that.. a friend sent it to me. I have google earthed my house and I see the day they took the photo I had one of my cars out front with a car cover over it and it looks like I just mowed the lawn. So what does NWA stand for?
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