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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Michelle


    Have an evac plan! Can't stress that enough, and I'm sure everyone in Colorado Springs would agree with me. Don't forgt pets and their meds too!!
  2. Couldn't agree more! Must get out and enjoy!!!
  3. We are about 15 min from Copper, and so far so good here. You can check out where the major fires are by going to 9news.com. something could spark any minute, but so far we've been ok. A small fire near Leadville (Treasure Fire), but there's a crew on it and it hasn't grown. We're getting rain today, so hopefully that will come with no lightning. It's hard to say what will happen in the next hour much less in a week +, so I can't give you any advice but it seems they are keeping people updated pretty well with everything going on. If he is at Copper, there will be lots of people watching everything so they will evacuate if necessary. They also usually have pre-evacutations so people can get ready, unless the fire starts right near them. Sorry I'm not helping, but being honest. We all have no idea what is going to happen!
  4. and skipped some houses, that's what I can't figure out. It turned too - I know it all has to do with the wind and how it was blowing but it's something unfortuantely I think we will see more of since the fire is still going strong. 5% contained. :(
  5. I have been watching the tv nonstop...guess one of those times I'm glad I didn't cancel my cable. http://www.9news.com/news/article/274722/339/Colorado-fires-Blazes-scorch-forests-homes The pics that are being shown today of just hundreds of homes in neighborhoods reduced to ash makes me speechless. http://www.9news.com/news/photo-gallery.aspx?storyid=274686 On Thursday morning, fire officials said the fire was burning 18,500 acres with only 5 percent containment. On Tuesday, it was only 6,200 acres. Looks like there's going to be rain today, let's hope Mother Nature is nice. The past week the temps have been over 100 degrees on the front range, with low humidity, high winds, and no rain in about 2 + months, it was/still is a tinderbox. :( DT - if you need to evacuate and would like to come up here, you guys and the dogs are welcome in my guest room.
  6. Michelle

    HTML help

    I just really didn't even know what it was, and was curious. Now that I have a little more of a clue, I don't think it's something that we actually need. Our current newsletter company was marketing their new product and they are really good at making you think you need it! Thanks to everyone for their help and explanations - and to Chris in PA for detailing it! :) It's nice to have some teckies out there that can explain stuff to people like me. you guys are awesome!
  7. Michelle

    HTML help

    yes, all of this is helpful. I'm leaning toward this is something that we don't need, since our volumes are pretty low relatively speaking. Still not 100% sure, but we don't send out a bunch of automated emails.
  8. Michelle

    HTML help

    Thanks Pat. So are applications such as sendgrid and Amazon SES only used when you have apps? Or is it used on any emails that a company sends out?
  9. Michelle

    HTML help

    sorry, that's not layman's terms. I have no idea what sendgrid is.
  10. Michelle

    HTML help

    Another computer question - can someone explain (in layman's terms) what Amazon SES and transactional emails are (like Sendgrid)?
  11. Michelle

    Yo Lci!!

    You guys should all get together. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?37581-Bomber-Mountain-Bike-Ride-Roll-Call
  12. Michelle

    HTML help

    I think I might have gotten it solved, but if it's not, I'll be in touch. Thank you for responding! :)
  13. Michelle

    HTML help

    Ok, i know I have a bunch of computer geniuses out there, can someone help me with some "easy" html code?
  14. THIS is a spider! not in my wood pile, but too close for comfort. Robert, that would FREAK me out to know that thing was ready to eat me. I'm not a fan.
  15. cool Ben we're around if you make it up this way.
  16. WOW! We're 70+ degrees here, and lovin it! Just wait, 4th of July is coming....
  17. I also love NZ, and spent 6 weeks in Methven (yikes almost 20 yrs ago....). What a great little town! Enjoy the snow!
  18. I followed you up until here. Thank you for the info!
  19. ok, help out a computer illiterate person. What is this? Does it work in laptops? Because mine is SLOOOOOOWWWWW like the commercial with the turtles. :(
  20. sounds great! if you can give us a day or so heads up, we might be able to show you the local watering holes.
  21. BTW fishrising, we are about 1 hour + from Denver if you want to come up to Summit and say hello! We've got 3 great breweries here too!
  22. WHAT???? Casa Bonita closed?? FOREVER?? oh sad day.... :(
  23. Thanks for the replies - tells me that enough people are against it so we won't do it. It costs more for us anyway, so it's a no brainer!
  24. Michelle

    Yo Lci!!

    You crazy kids! Is that monodude I see in the 2nd pic?
  25. If you could use your FB account to log into the new Bomber Store, would you? In other words, is that a feature that you find desireable, or do you care either way.
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