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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Hey guys I have a customer that has just gotten a MAC, and says that he can't see most of our web site. He says our pages are coming up as CFM, which is our old web site and not our new one. Our new one is all html. He can see this page http://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/Deeluxe_c_24.html But he can't see this page https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/deeluxe_track_225T.cfm Do you think it has something to do with the security on the page? The 2nd page is a secure page, while the first one is not. However, the twist is that he can see this page https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/What-Boot-is-right-for-my-application_ep_49-1.html Any suggestions for him? Thanks!
  2. Wanna make sure I have the right information!
  3. this looks great! can you send me the file? I don't know how to get it from the forum.
  4. So who out there can fix my profile pic on FB for Bomber? It is supposed to be our logo, but it is zoomed in 1,0000 times so that you only see the B. I have it set to "size to fit" with still no luck. Anyone know the setting that I am missing?
  5. once again, Excaliberthefathead came by my office and saved me. He has impecible timing! It's fixed now. :)
  6. Ok my little computer geniuses out there! I just put Windows 7 on this computer (BOL headquarters) and a new motherboard with an *gasp* SSD drive (thank you for all the help!). However, I can't seem to get Flash to "stick" to my computer. I have downloaded it a few times now (for IE9) and i get the screen that says "you have succesfully downloaded Adobe Flash Player for IE" but then when I go to a web page it still asks me to download it again and I can't run any flash web sites. I have also installed Google Chrome and the flash player for that, and all works fine. Am I missing something? usually when it says "you have success!" that means it worked, so I don't even know where to start looking. Thanks in advance for all your wonderful impecable priceless knowledge!
  7. Buell, is this photo taken recently? do you guys still have that much snow in OR?
  8. Good Grief! Guess I need to drink more coffee this morning. Yes, there will be LOTS of moving gates and on the weekend it can get pretty crowded most days. Mornings are not too bad, but after 10-10:30 look out.
  9. Jeez I'm terrible at that. http://www.coloradoski.com/page/resorts/ Possibly....you'd probably have to get with one of the teams to have that set up, or Nastar course.
  10. HA! I just noticed they left Vail off of that list. It's further from the front range, but here's their web site just in case. http://www.vail.com/
  11. I'm not sure about the Springs, how far Monarch or Wolf Creek is from there to go at night, plus I don't know if they are open at night. I do know that Keystone is open at night but from the Springs it is not possible to come at night. Boulder is the closest, and you are still talking 1.5 hours. Depending on where you are in Denver it could be 1-1.5 hours drive. Anything near a bigger city - Denver, C Springs, Boulder - is going to be crowded unless you can ride mid week. You and 30,000 of your newest buddies from the front range all pile into the Summit resorts every weekend/holiday. Here is a list of all CO resorts and a map, although the map is a little deceiving since you are driving through the mountains, and not as a crow flies. Don't even count Echo mountain, it's mostly a jib park and very little carvable terrain. You will be riding with all of the kiddies from the front range daily.
  12. Ah true....i guess it'll all have to wait now since I have to fork out the $$ to "fix" the computer before I can get a new one. This one will have to do for a while! Thanks for the input!
  13. Sweet let us know if you make it out here!
  14. Oh! My parents had a 1969 Tempest for years. It was a tank. I got my hand slammed in the door once as a kid, and I'm surprised it wasn't crushed. Someone t-boned us once and all it did was send us into the other lane. Hardly any damage and the other car needed a new front end. This thing was a beast. Nice one Bryan!
  15. I did haggle a bit, and he says he charges $95/hr. WOW! I am in the wrong business. I was going to do this myself, because i think between Fin and I and a few other computer gurus that we have out there I could have easily done it, but he approached it as "of course I can help you! yeah, no problem just bring it over and I can have it done in a few days". Even when he said it was ready he never said anything until I went to pick it up. I really thougth he was going to say "eh, a bottle of wine" or "dinner" or something but instead he said "how would you like to pay?". Ok, I should have asked but I never expected it to be that much, especially after he lectured me for 15 min about how I shouldn't spend any more money on this computer. Eh boy, lesson learned. If you are doing something for a friend and plan to charge them full price, talk about it before. It is not nearly as uncomfortable before the work is done as it is after. If you are getting work done by a "friend", ask how much it will cost before. See above. Anyway, he also said that because it has Vista the machine and the software are "married in time" and I shouldn't upgrade to windows 7. he said that it will slow down my computer even more, and make it quirky. I have been told by someone else that it's not a problem, and you can upgrade any computer to run a newer operating system (as long as all the necessary parameters are there). any thoughts from the you guys about this?
  16. That's what I was expecting, but the "bill" came and it was $200 *discounted* I was told. I wasn't warned about this before he started on my 5 yr old laptop, and the way it was approached was more like "sure, I'll help you out!"Ok, didn't expect it for free, but just wanted a little clarification that $200 is a bit high to "help out a friend". Should have come to you first Dan!
  17. couple more questions: what's the lifespan of a laptop? In other words, how long can you expect it to "keep up" if you are not running crazy RAM sucking programs on it? I was told 2-3 years at most and since mine is almost 5, I was also told to spend no more money on it at all but buy a new computer. To have someone completely wipe clean your computer and reload the OS back on to it, how much would you expect to pay? Now, how much would you expect to pay from a friend who was helping you out?
  18. Still hard to believe. She definitely left a huge void, but we believe that she is running around with all the other best friends that we have lost over the years! Zsa Zsa and my boys in their younger years, circa 2005 BFF's circa 2004.
  19. Look how friendly he is! I'm pretty sure he's single, and he snowboards! But he doesn't live that far north.
  20. How are all my friends in ID? I heard that the fire outside of Twin Falls has escalated overnight! BE SAFE!!!
  21. HA HA HA I had to laugh when I read this....I've been known to do this on a few occasions. I am denying that it is a sign of age.
  22. so sorry to hear it - it stinks. Wish I could figure out why this happens. Where is the answer book???
  23. Doesn't look like you'll make it to CO, but if you find yourself here in the moutains do stop by! I have a guest room just waiting for someone to occupy it :)
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