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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. If only 500 of their 894 Facebook followers chipped in $20, they'd reach their goal. Let's do this. Or more racers will have to go the Vic Wild route. The Olympics should be the home of fringe sports. I see no difference between Alpine Snowboarding and Luge, Speedskating, or Biathlon. If our snowboarders simply had two sticks on their feet instead of one, the results they've already achieved would earn them full funding from USSA, but instead they get zero. I'm in.
  2. http://www.aspentimes.com/news/red-brick-theft-suspect-declares-bankruptcy/ What a mess.
  3. The article posted earlier is the latest public information. http://www.aspentimes.com/news/local/angela-callen-who-co-owns-snowboard-gear-firm-is-under-investigation-for-bilking-from-red-brick/ Looks like the bankruptcy was filed in time, but that doesn't mean that it will be approved. That decision is pending, so everything is on hold until then.
  4. Definitely check your credit card activity to see if the charge is even there. My last three orders with Bomber were not actually charged to my card until shipped. If the charge is there, have them reverse it.
  5. It's the same as the Kessler 180. Approximately, because Kessler uses clothoid curves and the Donek Secret is a hyperparabollipse. I like the green on black, @corey_dyck. Reminds me of this badass 80' long racing maxi sailboat that used to come into town for the Marblehead to Halifax ocean race, called Donnybrook. Can't find a better pic, but:
  6. No, you need the thin disks because the BP e-rings are also thinner.
  7. Wow, new guy, that's pretty rude to just drop that without any elaboration. I described what worked for me, YMMV as always. And I posted it a few hours before that new article came to light. I wouldn't advise ordering anything now until Fin has the situation under control.
  8. If you need something, email Jim and ask if it's safe to order. Get his word up front. If you don't get a satisfactory/timely reply, don't order. Use a credit card so you can dispute the charge if you don't get your item in reasonable time. I did this with my new board and it was shipped in a matter of a few days.
  9. Roger. Hopefully they'll be running gates. I'll give those academy kids an eyeful. Let me know the dates of the town race when you get a chance.
  10. Intuition Power Wrap. They seem to be the same as the original Raichle Thermoflex, of which I have had many successful pairs, so I just went with them. Very satisfied, but I don't know any better. I had the same squirm experience with the stock liners as you. My feet measure about 28.4 and I am in size 28 boots. I wouldn't want them any smaller. No squirm with the Power Wraps, and they stiffened the boot slightly which was welcome, but I still added the stiffer gray tongues. I'm seeking more stiffness this year, so I got a pair of the dark gray RCR tongues and the RCR cuffs. Going to try the tongues first. I actually hyperflexed my rear ankle last season, which had never happened before. I still feel it if I make certain motions.
  11. Champ, it may have the UPM inserts under the topsheet. A good shop might be able to find them and drill them out for you. I don't know if there are any local board/ski builders near you (Burton??), but if so that would be a better option.
  12. Oh, so I'll do it on my last day then! ;-) Thanks for the info.
  13. Nice @jburk. If I'm reading that right, 18.5cm waist, 8.5-10.5m radius, this board will demand your undivided attention! Give it and you will be rewarded. Enjoy!
  14. Me! We are taking our kids (15 and 12) out west for the first time to Park City. I want to carve the trail of the 2002 Olympic PGS. Anyone know the name? Looking forward to that and riding my new Kessler Alpine 168.
  15. Seems I owe you a partial apology, however it seems your post was made well before you had enough information to jump to the conclusions you did. And you were still wrong to call out Corey and Bryan for being accomplices. I still don't believe the Callens did anything out of malice, but rather self-preservation. Sounds like they made some poor choices along the way, but they're not out to hurt anyone.
  16. Keep in mind that bankruptcy is not just a button you push and then presto, you're in bankruptcy. It's a process that begins with filing and is decided by a judge. The judge could deny it and hand Bomber back to Fin.
  17. My opinion is evolving. It sounds like orders were being taken with no intention of fulfillment. And indefinitely promising shipping right up to the bankruptcy really sounds bad. It's becoming harder to give benefit of the doubt. Jim... honesty is the best policy.
  18. http://www.businessden.com/2017/10/26/snowboard-business-files-bankruptcy-faces-lawsuit-former-owner/
  19. Alpine boards have come a loooong way since then. Especially in Vermont, the new tech would be most appreciated. (man that OP guy was obtuse)
  20. This. If you derive value and guidance from the community and information on this site, or the info on yyzcanuck.com, and then you go and buy at blue tomato or ebay, this is the same thing as walking into a physical shop, getting help, getting sized, and walking out and buying online. It's theft of services. Guess what, if the real outfitters like Bomber and YYZ go out of business, blue tomato will have no leftovers to buy.
  21. You guys. Fin is involved. This website is not going anywhere. Stay tuned.
  22. I don't know if it's different for bindings, but I have a friend here who buys F2 boards from them every year.
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