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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WEATHER/12/19/northwest.storm.ap/index.html
  2. As your only board, you will quickly tire of hauling that much lumber around everywhere you go, every time you ride. I wouldn't go longer than 172, and would prefer something in the upper 160s. Here's some general reading on buying an alpine board: http://www.bomberonline.com//articles/how_to_buy_snowboard.cfm
  3. Avoid this person for the rest of the season. Check out this article: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/canting.cfm
  4. Dr D - use your knees as shock absorbers, not just to "get low". In other words, tip the board up on edge first, and apply knee action as needed to absorb terrain. Many people's first action on each carve is to bend their knees and get real low. This will flame out your quads in a hurry, and it greatly reduces your range of motion (suspension travel).
  5. Jack M

    New Ducati

    Nah, I'll take a Firebolt any day. (that's Shaggy - photo by me!)
  6. Sunny Breeze is local to me. I can vouch for these guys - good crew.
  7. Buggs, I would suggest blending more cross-under into your cross-through. This will help get the transition completed as quickly as possible, minimizing time off-edge. The whole idea of cross-through is to displace your c.o.g. as little as possible. That maximizes balance and stability. Think of making the board move relative to you, rather than making yourself move relative to the board. I would also say that you should avoid the fetal position if that means hunching over with your back and shoulders. No need, it hurts balance and will fatigue you faster.
  8. The Alp (the symmetrical ones anyway) would be good for a light to average weight beginner. Heavyweights should look elsewhere. The Alp and Coil were quite different. The Coil was an all-mountain carver with a round tail and more nose. The Alp was a softer, wider, kinder, gentler race shape with a square tail and less nose than the Coil.
  9. Jack M

    New Ducati

    you know, this 1098 for $3000 less than the 999 begs the question..... will the 750 cost $9000? Will it be an 800? Nah, they couldn't race an 800. Not that they really care about SS racing anyway, but still. Carvedog, Fin will get you a replacement keyboard. Machined from billet, of course.
  10. Actually, all posts from new members are dumped into a moderation queue. We have to go into this queue and validate or delete each new post. (Edit - top secret custom VBulletin hacks deleted here) We did this as a spam countermeasure - the spammers have really found BOL. (some of it is rather amusing) So this is kind of a chore, and perhaps saps time/energy that could be spent doing real moderation. However, I have to admit I haven't seen anything over the line this fall. Sure, people are arguing and voicing strong but valid opinions, but I haven't seen the gloves come off yet. If anybody has, *please* use the reporting function. Oh yeah? Check out this dick that cut me off this morning on my commute...
  11. You were advocating slop. No? It would suspend your shins.
  12. Jack M

    New Ducati

    Sweet Bonneville! But I thought you got a Harley?
  13. Jack M

    New Ducati

    Man, now that I've downloaded all the wallpaper and read the Motorcyclist Mag write-up, it is so obvious this was designed to be the real 916 replacement from the word go. From some angles you could even mistake this bike for a 916. They clearly want to just sweep the 999 under the rug. I remember the first time I saw a picture of the 999, I thought it was someone's sick idea of a cruel photoshop joke. Of course in person it was much better, even striking when considered on the whole, and I convinced myself I liked it. But damn, this bike is the real deal. I can lust for it with no exceptions. Must suck to be Pierre Terreblanche right now, watching your company (former company?) backpedal, trying to erase your mistakes from history, and to know that sales of your design were so bad, they had to slash the price of the new bike by $3000 to buy back market share.
  14. Baby steps, Neuffy. If you're used to flat/flat, go for a 3 first.
  15. I think I understand the question - you're asking if you should turn the cant disc on your rear foot to provide some outward cant, yes? Sure, try it. Then try toe lift on your front foot. If you like both, you're gonna need another 3 degree disc. I assume we're talking about TD2s?
  16. Carp, good question. The whole idea of binding alignment is to find a setting that is "neutral" for your body. This provides maximum range of motion. Your bindings should not be forcing your knees together or apart. So I'd recommend you start with zero cant and just heel lift on the back foot and toe lift on the front foot as a benchmark, and experiment from there.
  17. Depends on whether you've got the 3 or 6 degree disc, and what you consider an insignificant change in lift. On a 3 degree disc, you can achieve up to a 0.78 degree change in cant in either direction (significant!) while affecting only a 0.1 degree change in lift (insignificant!). That would give you 0.52 degrees of outward cant and 2.95 degrees of lift, on a 3 degree disc.
  18. what's next, "modding" your boots to remove the top buckle(s)?
  19. Buggs - give it a shot, start with small changes, like half a degree. I personally use outward cant on my back foot and I love it. For example, if your binding angle is 60, setting the cant disc at 60 gives you zero cant and all lift. Setting the cant disc higher (65 and up, in 5 degree increments) produces a blend of lift and inward cant. Setting the cant disc lower (55 and down) produces a blend of lift and outward cant. You can play around and get very significant changes in cant while getting insignificant changes in lift. See the cant/lift matrix here: http://www.bomberonline.com/JackM/td2matrix.xls
  20. That sweet asym tail will allow you to go fakie easier than a regular square tail, because there's less of a rear "edge" to catch. For helicopters, it has lower rotational viscosity. Plus, it gives you funky new/old ways to grab your board that nobody else will be able to rock. Be sure to get the 7-degree Burton cant wedge and shove it under your rear foot and keep your front foot FLAT. This will keep your knees together for rad cross-rocket air tweakage. Even better, stack two under there just like Brushie. And while carving you'll look just like Stein Eriksen - knees tight like a tiger. Sweet deal, go for it. I think I have a vintage North Face patchwork day-glo one-piece to go with it... interested?
  21. Jack M

    New Ducati

    from www.ducati.com:
  22. from today's Sugarloaf report. Post your current cord porn below!
  23. like the Swoard guys, they make their own super-wide boards.
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