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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. I don't know what DHL was smoking, the tracking info online said 21lbs. But alas, there was just my one board. And I'm not risking the binding swap, sorry. Prior metal is going back to the factory for the pseudo-recall. I'm "down" to my Madd 180 and 158 now.
  2. speaking of driving, are you all going to fit in the Fit?
  3. sorry for the planker, but... dang that looks soft!
  4. Madd 170 does well if you're stuck on Buttermilk-toast. Also on the uber-steeps like Ruthie's. Otherwise, yes, SES is all about big speed and big turns.
  5. that's good. Just a guess, but it could be the low angles combined with a lot of rotation. Flat or not shouldn't have anything to do with it. You may want to go to Ti bails, but in any case, you should contact Fin. (should have been your first course of action)
  6. Longer boards have a bigger "sweet spot" and are thus more forgiving to inexact body position. Also, longer sidecuts do better at higher speed. The Pilot has a much shorter sidecut radius than that Prior, so it's possible you were just trying to go too fast and/or too long for the Pilot.
  7. What happened, how did it bend? Crash? How loose are your bindings? You should have to use a whole hand or maybe two to open/close them. Loose bindings fatigue bails at an accelerated rate. Whether it's "safe" to bend the bail back depends on how much it is bent. Ever bend a paperclip back and forth until it breaks? That's a process called work hardening. Same thing applies to any snowboard bail. Nobody can tell you whether your bindings are safe over the interhighway.
  8. I am IN. My new Madd 158 f3 isn't going to break in itself!! Can we get an honest conditions report?? Did you guys get this snow?
  9. Jack M

    Sunapee 1/12

    let's take this over here.
  10. Portland Maine. Shawnee Peak is decent for a quick carving fix an hour away, or there's Sunday River 1.75 hours away or Sugarloaf 2.25 hours away. Second only to San Francisco for restaurants/bars per capita - great nightlife. Need the big city every now and then? 2 hrs to Boston by road, or take the train. Great long sandy beaches, albeit only 8 weeks a year to enjoy them. And there's actual Surfing to be had. Ocean - out of this world boating, sailing, kayaking, etc. Woods/Mountains - hiking, biking, camping, hunting, etc. Lakes/Rivers - fishing, canoeing, rafting, kayaking, etc. Traffic? What's that? However, there is that little matter of the worst state taxes in the US.
  11. Tex, no need to ass-u-me like that. Crazyboarder, welcome, hope you find a way to participate and enjoy the forums. Just keep the language non-military. ;)
  12. I see lots of good boards, but no real classics in your list. Some would be classics only to us carvers, like the Burners. The real classic boards start at 1989 and older. Or some early 90s pro models, if the pro made a big splash somehow. Like CK or maybe Brushie.
  13. for some reading to help you into it, check out the links below. Based on your desires you want to look at the Donek Axxess, Prior 4WD, Madd BX, and Coiler All-Mountain. Good luck!
  14. Jack M


    My wife reps Viagra. (NO, I have not tried it) It was invented by accident. They were trying to develop something to treat Hypertension. And then they noticed this "side effect" that kept "popping up" in the trials. That's just what it does, opens up the veins and such to aid blood flow.
  15. Buggs - the term for what you're experiencing is "man-crush".
  16. If you size your bindings as loose as those guys, you don't need lift/cant. But imo, that's dangerous. The argument about decambering holds zero water, because everybody's board decambers, regardless of binding setup, not just EC'ers'. Besides, the time you need maximum mobility is when the board is not decambered. Lifts and cants help bigtime there.
  17. When I rode standards, it would take a whole hand, sometimes two, to clip in/out. You *really* don't want play in that setup.
  18. Sorry, but I do. Advanced novice. There's definitely potential though. There's almost no wasted motion, and a sense of grace. And I've seen plenty of people who should just stick to softies. Or skis.
  19. Those are a world class board and world class bindings. However you should weigh them against the Bomber TD2 as well. These products have been discussed ad nauseum here - try the search function. You won't believe how much better the Donek is than the Alp.
  20. This is great, I feel like I'm at my own funeral! Thanks Chris, but I am still your faithful moderator.
  21. Willy, my apologies for the rude tone. Can you tell I haven't ridden yet this season? However, everything I know about snowboarding tells me the last thing he needs to do is go any faster. Rob, I searched on "utter nonsense", and found the post. That comment was intended for CASI, not you, but I see how it may have come across that way. I still think setting up never-evers duck is ridiculous. Someone made the point that being able to ride switch is a necessity in freestyle snowboarding - true, but first you have to learn how to turn (much to the surprise of any park rats reading this), and a duck stance doesn't help that at all.
  22. Horrible advice. Good grief. You can't work on technique when you're scared. You slip into self-preservation mode and technique goes out the window. Stick to the steeper greens and easier to moderate blues for now.
  23. The micro-adjustment you're asking about is done by threading/unthreading the bails into or out of the shoulder bolt. If you start to see the threads, as in the picture below, you've gone too far. That pic is from this article, you might find it helpful.
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