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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. based on that, you've made the right choice. You'll love it. Would love to hook up at SR (or SL) to see how it rides.
  2. I'd want to know a couple things - what is the sidecut radius of your Oxygen, and, are you looking to replace it or compliment it? Also, what other boards do you have in your quiver? At 150lbs, a 1.1m difference in radius might be more significant for you than for me at 175lbs, so I'm hesitant to say which board will be better for you. My "all around" board is my Coiler Safari - 170cm, 14m. When I had my Prior 177, I sometimes felt like the metal said yes and the 11.9m radius said no. When they leave moguls on both sides of White Heat, or if that, Top Gun, and Right Stuff are icy, the shorter board will be a bit better on those. But for better snow, Obsession and wider cruisers, or if they groom WH wide, the 183 will be better. But then there's something to be said for shine-ola and having something new. So if the idea of a "previously carved" 177 isn't that appealing, and the 183 in your hands is pretty, maybe just keep it and don't look back...?
  3. I always wished I could pull the author of whatever book we were discussing into the classroom so they could tell my teachers they were FOS. And now here's some proof... I just came across this Douglas Adams quote on how there is actually no significance to the number 42. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Answer_to_Life,_the_Universe,_and_Everything LMFAO.
  4. what am I missing?
  5. best wishes from all of us at BOL.
  6. Jack M


    10 years in August. The doctor is in.
  7. Jack M


    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ylgd2ef4xg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ylgd2ef4xg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Sever all ties with her and never look back. I've been there. People don't change. If you did get her to come back, and god forbid marry you, this would be the story of your life. Over and over.
  8. I'm sure Donek will work with you if you don't want to go Prior. It seems to me that Donek has a carve-centric philosophy across their whole line. I like that.
  9. There was a proposed windfarm off of Mass that would just barely be visible from Martha's Vinyard. Kennedy helped MV citizens kill it because it would spoil the view. I didn't realize wave "farms" could be out at sea - that's cool. The only wave power generator I knew of was a turbine on the coast, I believe in the PNW. It was (is?) a column or columns with non-reversing turbines in them, driven by the air forced up and down the columns by the notoriously huge waves in the area.
  10. wave power - no way. huge NIMBY factor there - same as wind. shoreline is prime real estate.
  11. I think we need to take our heads out of our butts and get back to Nuclear. Check out the new Pebble Bed Reactor (PBR!!) - it can't melt down, and if left unattended it will just fizzle out.
  12. Even Michael Mooreon knows that lawful gun ownership is not a problem. He concludes this at the end of Bowling for Columbine. Canada has higher gun ownership per capita than the US.
  13. Jack M


    Racers spoke.... we listened... The new TD3 features: More forgiving flexible steel space frame construciton More forgiving bail design with high tech polymer toe lever Adjustable flex! Access to all screws Tool-free sizing adjustment! Configurable cant/lift options larger footprint saves metal topsheets and fragile boards with advanced load distribution Low stack height Cool anodized colors For an exclusive sneak peek at a TD3 prototype.... CLICK HERE!!
  14. Left lane on-ramps are rare, so the left lane should seldom be a merging lane. In all other cases, the left lane is the fast lane, but more specifically, the passing lane. Correct, but incomplete. Left-turning cars must yield to cars opposite them unless the left turner got there first. Nope. Two cars opposite each other = neither is on the right. The car turning left must yield to cars turning right or going straight. Cars turning right or going straight are duty bound to know this and proceed immediately at the green light, lest they cause confusion and delay by trying to wave on the left turning car. Cars behind the errant waiting car may try to pass it on the right. Of course, collision avoidance takes precedence over right of way, so if the jerk turning left charges out first, you don't have a right to hit them. sufficient. however "minimum" is actually 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-second_rule_(road) Correct. However this was a bit of a trick question, because you should never find yourself in that situation. If you've camped out in the left lane and ignored your rearview long enough to get flashed, you've already violated proper use of the left lane. Nope. Pebu got the correct answer. Turn your steering wheel to the left only when proceeding to make the turn. While waiting your wheels should be straight so that if you get rear ended you don't get pushed into oncoming traffic. correct. mmm... almost. Here's another... your car has 3 rear view mirrors. What is the proper use and alignment of each?
  15. And for the pics to fall mostly within the posted rules of this forum. :rolleyes: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=8944
  16. Jack M

    Ken... wall-e?

    nice going. I don't doubt it. Cars was a great movie, I recommend it to anyone at all interested in cars/car-racing whether they have kids or not. Looking forward to taking the kids to Wall-E on a rainy day then!
  17. ok, back on topic... COKing, can you tell me... what are the proper uses of each lane of a 4 lane highway? 2 or more cars come to a 4-way stop, which car has right of way? 2 cars are waiting at a red light, opposite each other. one car has its left directional on. the other has its right directional on. the light turns green for both, who has right of way? how many seconds gap is generally considered the minimum "safe" distance from the car in front of you? you are in the left lane of the highway and the car behind you flashes its high beams, what should you do? you are waiting to make a left turn. when should you turn your steering wheel to the left? you parallel park on a hill, your car pointing uphill. what should you do before leaving the car?
  18. Look who's back.... summer bobdea!
  19. maybe if you pay attention in class you won't kill someone with your car. no 14 year old is a good driver. fact.
  20. Aisling? How 'bout an updated pic, eh? ;)
  21. he sure was a prolific e-mailer!
  22. Jack M


    You are riding on a beautiful white horse. On your left side is a drop off. On your right side are several ostriches being chased by a lion. In front of you are four large gazelles which won't get out of your way and you can't seem to overtake them. Behind you is a stampede of horses. What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A: get your drunk ass off the merry go round!
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