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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. The CarveFather! King of Quadriceps! Ron, I have a video request. I used to be able to do this, haven't tried in years but it was fun. I want to see you do a big toeside carve forwards to big toeside carve fakie. That should be some good eye candy. You're the man for the mission. This message will self destruct in 5...
  2. so.... anyone got any credible info/conspiracy theories on facebook really being just a big data mine for the government? My brother posted about this on his FB page, and he got deleted, banned, and asked not to come back.
  3. Ha, hope I didn't just prune him! Well, he can still lurk without a membership. If he even had one, that is. Hmm... we're up to 2320 after 5 years with VBulletin.... So we'll see Burton alpine boards in 2223 AD.
  4. Went to Missoula for a wedding a few years ago, seems like a great place to live with lots of outdoor activities right in your backyard.
  5. +1. Another word for what we do was "Burtonboarding". But I never called it that. I think I'd rather have the association with snowboards than with fruit-boots. Err, skiboards. "Skiboard" is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. I've been asked "what is that, a skiboard?" too many times. I say alpine snowboard. If the blank stare continues, I say it's for carving turns and racing.
  6. I just did a bunch of pruning - deleting spammers (over 4000! ) and members with 0 posts who also haven't logged-in in 90 days, and members with less than 10 posts who haven't logged-in in over 2 years. As of right now we have 2320 registered users. 132 have 0 posts. 692 haven't logged-in in over a year. There are some interesting users out there... like some who registered over a year ago, last activity was this month, 0 posts. Some big-time lurkers out there!
  7. The bail stops work well. Makes getting your toe in to the step-ins easier, and I'm sure it will be a boon for standard users for the trickier task of getting the heel in. Access to the center disk is huge, as I usually have one or both loosen up once or twice a year (I <i>hate</i> over-torquing board screws). I also like that there is more boot sole to binding contact area. The steel SI receivers are nice. They're smoother to step in, and because they're thinner it's easier to see if your pins are fully extended. BlueB's idea is a good one, but the current TD3 setup does provide a lot of suspension. I'm running the medium e-rings, and the ride is definitely more comfortable without being sloppy. The lip of the center disk that holds down the cant disk is not very wide, another e-ring between the two would probably get pretty chewed up. Not sure how much that lip could be widened, as the size of the center disk is constrained by the board's insert pattern, and the size of the cant disk is constrained by board width.
  8. Weight too far forward. Is that board rockered?
  9. Bring mirrored goggles so you don't have to make eye contact with the commoners. ;)
  10. I agree with Jim, but I do try to fully carve a run if all of these conditions are met: there are no other interesting features on the trail besides cord; I have the energy; the trail is wide enough for the board I'm on; the trail isn't solid ice, the trail is uncrowded or there is a break in the traffic (I'll sit and wait for a break rather than skid down with traffic). Sometimes on my 158 I'll aim for the solid ice patches just to see if I've got the mojo.
  11. I'm not touching this one. Err... starting now.
  12. I have an extra Burton bail with clip. First $100 takes it.
  13. Jack M

    Sock and Awe

    www.sockandawe.com I'm up to 15. Top that, infidels!
  14. or... http://www.bomberonline.com/about/contact_us.cfm there is more to this site than the forum! :)
  15. Thanks for the offer Pokkis, however the ECS/OCC aren't in the budget right now.
  16. I've removed the stuff about the grammar. Oh please. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=221192&postcount=248 I would never object to a new idea. Look, nobody but the very rich and/or the faithful Tinkler flock are going to shell out ~$2000 for a rockered board without being able to try it. Since Tinkler doesn't do demos, his only other option is a professional review if he wants to sell this thing. If he just does this snowboard thing as a hobby and doesn't care about sales and doesn't care about promoting something that could be good for all of us, then fine. Otherwise, let's find out if this thing really works. I would like to conduct a two part review between myself and a racer, hopefully Bordy. Or if Tinkler already knows it's not going to do well on firm hardpack, just say so and we can move on.
  17. ah yes, quite right. I haven't been intimate with Burton graphics in a while.
  18. Nice going roost. FYI, the originator of a thread can delete the whole thread by deleting their original post. Buuut now you can't because it's locked. heh. Thank you for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you. Fool.
  19. 32" at Sugarloaf. Sound off. Check this guy pillaging the pow pow gnar gnar on the old school gear...
  20. Whatever. The EC site used to have a picture of the technique I like with a big red "X" through it. For a long time now I have been saying EC is great as long as you know the basics first, and that it's not the path to ultimate edge grip on ice. That's all. seen on bumpersticker: "Howcome so-called 'open-minded' people never see it my way?"
  21. Bordy, Great to have you back. I think you're misunderstanding my point about racing/freecarving. I'm in total agreement with you that the vast majority of racers at your level and above are master freecarvers. That's not my argument. My point is the equipment for racing and freecarving can be different. If it weren't, we'd all be riding GS or SL boards with 10 pound hangl/vist plates on top. No thanks. Some of the best alpine boards I've ever ridden are 170cm/14m/21cm, and 171cm/11.2m/19.5cm. How would you classify those? They would be useless for serious racing. A freecarver's review of this rockered Tinkler would be completely valid and useful. So would a racer's. But just one or the other wouldn't tell the whole story. If you're worried about the alpine industry splitting, that ship has sailed my friend. It split in about 1991, when Burton split their M line into the PJ and the M. Other companies made similar splits around then or earlier. I think BV and other people in this thread have sufficiently made the case that indeed racing and freecarving are different. Kildy summed it up nicely. Freecarvers avoid ruts. MUD, Ahem. I was not trying to attack Tinkler's integrity, and I don't believe I did. I did not know it was his design. I thought it was a random custom, not a researched design. I'm still not going to take anyone's word that it works on hardpack. I'd like to see for myself. YYZ, I know Hot (and others) made h-lam boards. That was the joke. What's old is new. aeronaut, The point was, asyms have been tried, and rocker has been tried. I don't think re-trying them with new materials is time well spent, if the goal is on-piste carving (which the OP said). all, I regret that my tone has been less than polite. I started out politely, but didn't get an answer. Would we still be reading this now, 250 posts later, if I had been? I think questioning this design would have ruffled some feathers regardless.
  22. Told you so too! Had mine out on Saturday... I am in pretty sorry shape after nursing a shoulder injury all fall (read: sitting on my duff) and I am way less sore than I should be - the board is definitely easier to ride.
  23. Correct. Get some. I don't think they'd have me, my board's "only" 21cm wide. Plus I refuse to shave my armpits. No. Installation was a snap. Just use a hammer and a nail punch and pliers.
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