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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. FOS = full of s. I've emailed the seller and said sorry but you are mistaken. I sent him the link to the vid that Inkaholic found. Haven't heard back.
  2. You can negate the fixed inward cant of TD1s by sandwiching nickels between the toe/heel pads and the baseplate on one side. Be very careful and torque the screws as much as you can. This modification is not sanctioned by Bomber Industries. I just used to do it myself on TD1s with good results. A few times the nickels fell out, but this did not cause damage or failure. This will give you something close to pure heel lift on the back foot and pure toe lift on the front foot (get a 3 or 6 degree disk for the front foot too). This is a much better place to start. And yeah, at your height you'll want to be at a wider stance. Also I disagree about 10 degrees of splay, that's a lot and your knees will be going off in different directions. Try to stay at 5 or under.
  3. I asked the seller, he claims it's the board Ross rode in the gold medal race. FOS?
  4. Yes. 167 to 174. Depends on what you want to do and your foot size.
  5. and Kildy himself had something to say about that laterally-split-at-the-waist Kildyflex-looking plate... http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=22643
  6. Well, race-style/Bomber-style will get you there too. Heck, by the above description I'm an EC-er too! Steep enough and/or fast enough, you will have body parts skimming the snow. (although often I can feel my thigh dragging and my armpit is not.)
  7. But how interesting or educational would that be? Ooohh, pretty board! End of thread. Should we start a forum called "Look at my new toy and tell me how awesome it is, but don't ask me why I bought it!" ;) ;) ;) I just wanted to know if I was missing something regarding long boards with short (for their length) radii. Chris Houghton mostly answered that. I've ridden a 205 with 18.5m radius, and it was great, but that's the sort of radius I would expect on a 205. I was surprised to see a long radius on a long Tinkler, because I hadn't seen one before.
  8. Either. Just master the basics first; don't bend over at the waist or reach down for the snow.
  9. Fact. I'll never forget the time at work when we got a letter saying our healthcare costs were going up, because people would prefer to take expensive prescriptions than alter their lifestyle.
  10. Yeah, I'm just not getting that. My 180 is verrrry fast, and my 170 can go quite fast as well. Speed and stability are as dependent on radius as length, if not more. DH skis have very long radii, like over 28m. This gold board of yours stands out as the radius is more in line with the length.
  11. Do you mean an all-mountain carving board? Because all-mountain freeride boards generally suck at carving with hardboots. And it's "tensile". If you're going to masquerade as an engineer, ya gotta spell the terms right! ;) ;) ;)
  12. I started questioning this when I got a Madd 180 in 2005 (about the same time the Schtubby concept was born... hmm... ;) ) which has a ~16m equivalent radius. I rode with GeoffV who had a Donek 195 which was also 16m. The 180 doesn't need to be any longer to handle the 16m, and we were making about the same size turns. That's why when I wanted a 14m board, I only made it 170, and it works great.
  13. The Amp was a lousy board even in its day. And we have come a loooong way since then. If you're serious about wanting to get back into hardboots, money spent on a cheap compromise now will be money wasted when you realize you want the real deal later.
  14. There are all-mountain carving boards now that work great in powder and rip the groomers. Check out the Coiler All-Mountain, Donek Axxess and Prior 4WD.
  15. (avoiding rocker discussion) This is my question about a lot of Tinklers and some other customs that have been posted here, why such a short radius for such a long board? My 170 has 14.2m and it wants for no extra length. 15m would be found on a 180-185. What does going to 202cm buy you with a 14-15m radius?
  16. Slalom-sized sidecuts are not stable at high speeds. Look to a metal (greater stability) Coiler, Prior, or Donek around 170cm, and 11-12m sidecut, which is a little longer than slalom but shorter than GS.
  17. pretty! what is that gold fiber?
  18. Owning an 18cm Madd 158 and a 21cm Coiler, I respectfully but thoroughly disagree.
  19. yeah, looks like the Madd 158 will get some use this year after all.
  20. I was talking about the Pilot series, but that Blade 170m would be a great choice. So would the Prior 169Wide. Go for it.
  21. Not gonna happen. I think if you are caused to think about your feet this much while riding, there is something wrong with your setup. When you are set up properly, your feet disappear, and they just do what you want.
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