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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. read this. http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/TD2_setup.cfm
  2. If you only have flat bindings, you probably won't like going all the way to 19+". I like 3 degree cant disks front and rear. I'm 5'11" and I ride 19.5". The default starting setup should be pure toe lift on the front foot and pure heel lift on the back foot. A lot of people actually ride with a little outward cant too.
  3. Oh, strange, I missed that. I would agree it's harder to lay out on a 10m board for that reason. It can be done, but you have to bring your A-game and be super aggressive.
  4. It's not the B<sup>2</sup>. Well anyway, I would say relax the boot fwd lean on the rear boot and go back to a setup you're used to before you judge the board. However you said it yourself, it's user error, and I agree. This is a modern board built for modern technique. Narrow stances fell out of favor a good ~15 years ago. You'll probably have to take a step back before you can step forward again. Get some heel lift on the back foot, toe lift on the front foot, widen the stance, and head back to the greens and blues to get this sorted out. Don't worry, it will be fun. Ride with someone who's got it going on. At 5'10" with toe/heel lift you should be at 19" minimum.
  5. Yeah, the only problem with Gilmour Bias is that you have to run higher angles to do it without drag. I'm sooo enjoying coming down from 62 to 66 degree angles on 19cm and 18cm boards to my current 58 degree angles on my 21cm board. I'm not so inclined to go back over 60. I used to do Gilmour Bias many years ago (before I had heard it called that!) but stopped when I realized the angle penalty. I didn't really notice anything lacking after going back to 0 bias, so maybe I wasn't using enough of an offset.
  6. agreed, go back to a boot/binding setup that worked for you and go from there. However in any case I'd say 16.5" is waaaay too narrow. Also, which Prior is that? If the radius is significantly longer than your previous board, you're probably trying to tilt the board up too high too quickly with not enough speed. Too much boot forward lean can be part of that problem.
  7. awesome. I bet that could be made amphibious.
  8. Not bad, you're getting there. Try this as a practice drill, put your right hand on your left boot cuff on heelside. Also I would recommend turning your back binding so that it is more close to parallel with the front binding. I don't think more than 5 degrees of splay is a good thing unless you are naturally more duck-footed.
  9. Nice find. I've contacted them. I wonder if they'd like to send me a board for a freecarver's review. hmmm....
  10. No you missed the point entirely. The point was, there was no modernization or industrial revolution until after the birth of capitalism in a country with a system of severely limited government. Any country's modernization after 1776 was/is because of or a reaction to capitalism. It is. Regimes that create economic growth by force ultimately fail.
  11. well yeah, I was taught B. Yeah, the fact that Russia became a prison known as the USSR and systematically exterminated tens of millions of its own people to make it happen isn't a valid argument.
  12. He registered and confirmed from the email address on his own website. Someone would have to go to a lot of effort to fake that.
  13. Here are the cliff notes: The graph is quality of life vs time. We are taught Line A, when in fact Line B is the real line. Replace the question mark with the year 1776. Humanity began a rapid ascent when the first quasi-Libertarian government (ours) was established. Now don't get all chicky on me and think I'm suggesting anything like world domination or American superiority. It's just interesting reading, and a fair warning about too-powerful governments.
  14. Sorry for the tangent, but it's related to the bigger argument going on here... A link to this was sent to me by a fellow BOL'er... (excerpted) excerpted from http://www.richardmaybury.com/chaostanA.html, By Richard Maybury
  15. Your experience was basically identical to the ones in the videos I posted. Shocking.
  16. The only point I was trying to make with my story was that I've experienced socialized healthcare firsthand. That's all. Of course there are good/bad doctors everywhere and no system is perfect, or even good.
  17. sorry, "a" nationalized system.
  18. Very interesting, thanks for coming by to say so. Is that even your signature? Wow, 4 year old tech to win gold!! Impressive! Also I was watching the youtube of your gold medal run thinking oh my god, fog, flat light, my nightmare conditions. Congrats again.
  19. Just saying I'm not an American with no experience with the system. typical. :p
  20. You guys should teach women how to read words that aren't there. Wasn't saying US doctors are perfect, just that I had an experience with a socialized system, and I would have expected better. Check it out when you get a chance. Scary.
  21. Jack M

    good beer

    Yeah, I've tried that. It's very good but I wouldn't say it's very similar to Leffe. A lot of Belgian abbey beers have kind of a winey bite, Affligem and Chimay included. Leffe does not.
  22. My wife used the system in France. She broke her leg near her ankle in Paris (red wine + Bateaumouche = oops). We went to a hospital there in Paris and they put on a cast. For free! We were amazed. Until, as we were waiting to be discharged another doctor happened to walk by and notice that her leg had been set completely wrong. A broken leg is supposed to be set with the ankle at 90 degrees, otherwise after it heals you won't be able to walk normally. My wife's cast was done at about a 45 degree angle. Do-over! I would expect better from a doctor in the nation's capital. Wait, so those videos never happened? (did you watch them?) I'm very glad you haven't had a similar experience.
  23. If we socialize healthcare, Canada will be f**ked. Canadians are not allowed, by law, to pay for their own basic healthcare and that of their families. The state determines who will get health care, and why, and when, and how long they will have to wait, which is sometimes months or years for even life-threatening illnesses. As such, they have an entire industry of "Private Medical Brokers" who get people care in the US if they can't wait. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Rf42zNl9U&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Rf42zNl9U&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXZaTXDu3Os&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXZaTXDu3Os&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  24. Jack M

    Ses 2009

    and what is Fin doing... "The Elaine"??
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