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Jack M

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  1. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4c_wI6kQyE&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4c_wI6kQyE&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  2. omg. how many lives can the burton race plate possibly have?
  3. ever have one of those days? http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/05/sneaky-hate-spiral.html
  4. I'd be very surprised if smokers' shorter lifespan (whatever it actually is, 65 sounds very young) offsets the costs of lung cancer, mouth cancer, breast cancer (smoking = #1 cause), emphysema, COPD, chronic bronchitis, heart problems, and whatever else.
  5. That sounds very dubious. I'd need to see data. Agreed.
  6. I meant that it is not a right in that it can be revoked by the state. Agreed. I don't know what the policy is or will be, but if an obese person or a smoker pays the same for healthcare as me (5'11" 175lbs, 110/70), that's just not fair. I know, genetics, metabolism, but at the end of the day there is that pesky first law of Thermodynamics.
  7. I've heard in Mass that cigs cost about $9. impressive. driving is not considered a right here, hence licensing and registration. it is just very difficult to live or work anywhere but in or very near a city without a motor vehicle. I empathize with that. But they can also put the fork down. There are exceptions to every rule. The guy we bought our house from was 92 and a lifelong smoker. He was sharp and able bodied. He also didn't have a wrinkle on his face. Hmm.
  8. None. However in a society where other people are forced to pay for that person's healthcare, suddenly it is everyone's business who is smoking and who is not. Because a regular smoker is effectively guaranteed to have more health problems than a non-smoker. That's not fair to the non-smokers. If the higher healthcare costs of smokers are completely offset by taxes on tobacco, then it's fair, and people can smoke away in their homes all they want. Yes, but just because someone drinks, that does not necessarily equate to higher healthcare costs and negatively impacting others. Excessive drinking/alcoholism sure, moderate drinking no. Smoking DOES equate to higher healthcare costs, and most of the time it impacts others. Very different things.
  9. It is very easy to drink responsibly such that it has very little effect on yourself and no effect on others. The jury is still out as to whether pot is addictive, but it is certainly less addictive than nicotine, so it does not victimize people nearly as much. But I would also say there is no right to smoke anything in public. Gambling, it's your money. Snowboarding trees does not put anyone else in danger. No they are not, not even close. Well, pot is close.
  10. Jack M


    Brilliant move on Doc Rivers' part! Now the Lakers will be all cocky and overconfident for game 7, and then the Celts will drop the hammer! Classic! Hehe, no that was a serious beat-down.
  11. That's a damn shame, I feel bad for you. Yep. Except for softbooters of course. Fine, that still doesn't mean I should have to pay for people's deliberate self destruction. By "serious consequences" I just mean they should have to pay more. Like via higher taxes. I'll bet. There are countries with extremely low rates of drunk driving and related accidents because they have real punishment for doing so. You accept the risk of that possibility when you buy your lift ticket and get on a chairlift. Don't like it? Don't do it. The right to smoke is a laughable figment of imagination. It exists only inside the homes of smokers, and only if they have no kids. As Teddy Roosevelt put it, "your right to extend your fist ends at the tip of my nose". This is why there is a right to drink responsibly. As soon as your drinking injures someone else, then it's no longer a right. fyi, I am in favor of legalizing marijuana. In my experience this appears to be less than 1% of smokers.
  12. You're all talking about the concept of slippery slope. Well, it is up to a functioning society to draw the lines of what is acceptable and what is not. We do it already. And yeah, if we're going to socialize medicine, I think there should be serious consequences for smokers. There is no defending smoking.
  13. I wonder when the North Korean goalie will be ordered to report to the coal mines. Oh, and then there's this... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/0606/wives_soccer/content.1.html
  14. Jack M


    I think they need to get it done tonight. I don't like the Celts chances in a game 7.
  15. Agreed, good thing I didn't say that. I don't understand why decent people should have to pay for the ER visits for the people like in skatha's post. That's different.
  16. I understand it is the law, I just don't understand why.
  17. See I just don't understand the concept that decent people owe these evolution escapees anything. You should be able to turn them away or have them arrested.
  18. Jack M

    Kessler 185 KST

    Thanks Dave, I'm sure you'll love it. Dibs on first right of refusal if not! Pleasure doing business with you.
  19. I just got this email from you!! you, uh, might want to check on some things.
  20. Jack M


    Grapefruit juice is bad for your liver. Check it. Also check my new avatar.
  21. Very nice my friend! Thanks for sharing. Can I call you "Raspberry" now? ;) Great riding. But dude, I could hear your ACLs screaming out in pain when you sat on your tail! :eek: Valsam, let's see your video.:rolleyes:
  22. oh I get it... Vist + Madd = Pisst, haha. looks pretty!
  23. Speaking of Kildy reminds me of Tinkler... what is he up to now? Didn't Team USA campaign his version of a Karl-style plate in the Olympics? It would seem to me that the Karl (Apex) plate has rendered a Kildy style plate obsolete. Just looks like a better mousetrap to me, and it seems the WC agrees.
  24. I'm gonna have to vote for the Safari there. I loved carving mine.
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