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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. No. Not until you set them up with lift/cant/bias/etc. That old Hooger looks like a bargain Fish!
  2. Jack M


    Agreed, however if you are smart and honest with yourself and each other, and you both know what you want out of life, you can forgo the years of life experience and get married younger and grow up together. Worked for me, it's been fun. It amazes me how some people even get to the point of engagement without first going down the checklist of life goals and values with each other. I have friends where one lives to ski (was on the US team even) and the other one never skied until she met him. And she wanted 4 kids (and now has them) and he wanted 2. They live very separate lives in the winter. Another friend I used to see all the time on the slopes is now basically gone from skiing because his wife refuses to ski, and they spend all their money on her horses now. Another was a skier and an Eagle Scout, very outdoorsy, she was a city-dweller and not very active due to a back injury.
  3. "Like a Sunday in TJ, it's cheap but it's not free."
  4. They become linked by the boot.
  5. thanks blueb, but thankfully she doesn't read BOL. :D Looks like I'll pass on new skis again this year. Gotta save up for my Bomber plate!
  6. oh yeah. woops, asleep at the wheel I guess.
  7. Nice! What about a brighter green though?
  8. Yes. She likes them, but the skis aren't the best match for her style, or maybe it would be better to put it the other way around. I think she will grow to love them with practice. She is a strong skier, but her technique has remnants of old-school slalom hockey-stop style left over from straight skis. When I met her ('95) she was on 185s. Her last pair of skis were men's 152 Volkl 5-star Supersports, but the Palmers are way more centered and also more damp. I think she likes a more lively ski. I have always gently encouraged more carve and roll, and less jump and push in her turns, but now she knows she has to make a more sincere effort to try to adjust her technique in order to get the most out of these skis.
  9. Of course if you are open to an all-mtn carver, then Coiler must also be considered. I thought you were talking about a freeride board.
  10. Ya gotta look at Donek and Prior!
  11. Dang, so tempting! Tell me more about the plate? Does it allow the ski to flex more naturally, or is it just a dead riser? If the latter it looks like it would create a pretty large dead spot.
  12. Jack M


    On the other hand, I married my wife when I was 24. We've done a lot of growing up together and are very happy, 12 years later. I fear for my good friend who is about to be engaged at the ripe old age of 36. He's pretty set in his ways. He has said it's been a challenge. I think slopestar's wife could be suffering the "7 year itch", just a little late. At some point in every marriage, the hot romance takes second place to best-friendship. If your spouse isn't really your best friend, then there's not much there when the romance tones down. :rolleyes: As long as we're going down the tyranny route, how about licenses for child bearing? Woops, tangent alert!
  13. Jack M


    It sounds like you two are prime candidates for counseling. You have everything to lose in divorce. It will be the most expensive thing you ever do. And with kids, you will be in each others' lives forever anyway. I would think that your kids seeing you sleeping on the couch will probably give them serious issues. I'd try to work out an arrangement that keeps you in the bedroom somehow.
  14. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/working_home
  15. Just wondering if it is a similar "PGS" type mega-taper blended increasing radii sort of board, like Kessler. The pic sort of makes it look like it has no taper, but it is hard to tell. Like Bob Dea said, it's important to know some numbers before buying a board. Geoff says his NSR 185 rides longer and with more stability than his old style 195cm/16m "GS" board.
  16. That's the one. You can sort of see it here: I know I saw one where the front pin was able to slide in a track.
  17. I wonder why they're using springs in that system? Seems like it would modify the flex of the ski? I have seen ski bindings on the hill that look basically like they are doing the same thing as what our plates are doing. The binding basically rides on two axles - fixed pivot under the heel, sliding or rolling under the toe. Can't think of what brand it was at the moment.
  18. what are the comparable sidecut radii?
  19. Allee, if you haven't seen WM's "Ski Time", put it at the top of your list. A decidedly NOT timeless classic.
  20. Yeah but can you imagine screwing up that procedure? On that note and speaking of full circle, maybe it's time for a reincarnation of the Bomber Toaster!!
  21. Been a while since I've seen one, thinking about taking my 8yo son. Are they dropping f-bombs in WM movies these days?
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