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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Congrats and welcome home, brother! Are you sure it is tightening towards the tail? Like, the radius is getting smaller towards the tail? That would be the reverse of the recent trends that have been dominating world cup racing, with sidecuts that get longer towards the tail. Kessler has done so much to promote that, I'd be surprised if they made you a board the other way around. Also I'm not sure how that would be possible when you also have a centimeter of taper (tail narrower than the nose).
  2. yeah... who else would run the sewer main right through a recreational area?
  3. Doesn't the grooming process depend heavily on the finesse of the operator to use both the front plow/blade and the rear tiller/groomer in concert? If so I don't see how this would work. And if the "outrigger" sections of the machine are weighted as much as a cat or nearly so, they would probably need to have their own propulsion.
  4. This is mechanically incorrect. So tired of this argument.
  5. Was the car in question a Ferrari? That could explain it.
  6. And by the way, I wasn't submitting that as my own opinion. It was just an alternate perspective that I heard and found interesting.
  7. Good points Ken. But the crazies will always be provoked. Either by us, our allies, or their own imaginations.
  8. Yeah... I had an "incident" involving PBR and the Sugarloaf Reggae Fest several years ago. Since then I have to muscle my way past the gag reflex to drink it. Then it gets better. But ya know what, when I want to slum it I like Miller High Life a lot better than Pabst. After all, it's the champagne of beers, right?
  9. Hmm, I haven't seen that around here, but IMO the title of best beer ever still belongs to Leffe.
  10. I hope you're right, Rob. I heard a good question recently though... if OBL was not a real Muslim then why upon his death did we wrap him in the very religion he worked so hard to pervert?
  11. Nice. Double Pilsner, that sounds interesting. Gotta say though, I went through a phase of thinking I was a big hop-head only to find out I'm not really. I think I over-did it. Seems like every American micro these days is out to out-hop the next with these high-octane X-tuple IPA's. Lately I've been more into ESBs, blondes, browns, Belgians, Germans, etc. But when I do want to get my hop on, Schneider Hopfen-Weisse is a great alternative.
  12. Try Samichlaus. Make sure you are sitting down.
  13. I would probably pass out after 4. Even if I could tolerate that much alcohol I would probably get bogged down before then by the weight and rich flavor. But the flavor made me ignore my better judgment and crack a second one right after polishing off the first, and this was before dinner so I was definitely feeling it. Woopsies!
  14. I got a 4 pack of 11.2oz bottles. It's filtered, so I don't think bottle size should matter.
  15. Found my new favorite beer today... Kasteel Donker. Belgian brown quad. OMG, smooth and delicious. Only downside is that at 11%, which you can't even taste, I can't down a whole 4-pack in one night. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/212/1711/
  16. more on the photos: http://whitehouse.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/03/even-more-on-the-photos/?hpt=T1
  17. photoshop. after and before:
  18. Faking it like this would be a major tactical error - we would be throwing Pakistan under a very large bus. So there will not be a grave site that can be turned into a shrine. They have photos, they are sensitive, we are deciding if/when/how to release them. We also have DNA evidence... http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/05/02/bin.laden.body.id/index.html?hpt=C2 This guy thinks Al Qaeda is over: http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/02/al-qaeda-is-dead/?hpt=T1&iref=BN1
  19. Yep. May he burn in hell.
  20. The plastic is stiffer and the booster strap helps too.
  21. Awesome! I really enjoyed the interview he gave us after the Olympics, and meeting him at SES 05. Really nice guy. One of the few people to make snowboard racing a paying career. Congrats Chris!
  22. I went from Burton Fires to Deeluxe T700. The 2010+ T700 (red lower) are similar to the flex of the Fires, and are a better boot. The 2009 T700 (white boot, red tongue) are a little bit softer.
  23. why were you standing on your board in a movie theater? ;)
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