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Everything posted by DonPablo

  1. 11/20/18 evening Soft groom, more forgiving than the last weekend mornings, easy carving conditions. The hill was pretty quiet. The new skis were fun, 19 meter radius, they like to go. Thinking about going out Saturday and or Sunday morning.
  2. Gonna have to go back to my snowboard, where people just want to get really close to me but not talk, lol. I wonder if that old guy will recognize me if I'm on my board? I'm going to try out my new skis tonight at Buck.
  3. Looks like the two days of warm weather was tough on Buck, you can see a little dirt at the bottom of the bunny hill from the "Plaza Cam". And more warm weather starting weds. I saw on their web page the ticket office is open at 9:30 Saturday, I'm planning to get there a little before that.
  4. I can try to get you a little ptex. I'm planning to go to Buck Saturday morning, early, jumping right to the MK I think...
  5. I can check but I don't think they do. They have a pretty old looking ptex gun that is quite large, not one of those hot glue gun sized ones. After a base grind, the repairs I've seen look really nice.
  6. Saturday damaged your edges? was that your new board? I was in Fargo this weekend, but it sounds like I didn't miss much. I got an industry pass this year and I haven't gotten it in the mail yet...
  7. Looks like Buck open at noon sat for (winter) skiing
  8. They had the Nevaplast at the top of the triple chair? That is sooo flat up top. That and the toe rope setup are both bad. Looks like they have some of the snow guns setup on cross roads you can see from the web cam. Hope they have enough money to turn on them on.
  9. Shim the top of your boot with something to take up space, its dorky and annoying but works well on my Track 700s that have way to much space up there. I don't think there is a liner out there that would fill up the extra space I have in my boot.
  10. I road for many years with boots that were sizes too big, if you want to free carve to the max, you need the flexibility. I prefer a boot that is laterally very stiff or my knees are dragging in the ground without the board/snow angles I want. With that said, I'm running the appropriate sized boots now (Track 700, no BTS), getting some heel lift in them, added some filler between the tongue and liner. Hokey but it works. Planning on getting the stiffer red tongues. Buck added 3 (maybe 6?) electric car hook ups, so if you want that primo parking spot Bob, you'll need to trade in the SUV for an electric car...
  11. I should have asked how many times I got a ticket at Buck. I'm guessing somewhere around 30-35, you are the champ Bob!
  12. Lifts are going, saw the groomer. I think I’m gonna pass today.
  13. They were planning to practice I believe the email read along the lines of canceling because the snow was too soft, they weren’t going to run the toe rope and bad road conditions. They said they would practice Sunday. Why practice the last day of the year? The ski race program moto is “learn to ski through endless drilling and infinite gate runs” and the Buck team has the power to open the hill early for themselves
  14. I think I’ll be out noonish, they’ll probably be running the lift early for the Buck Hill ski team so it will be all skied out by then
  15. Weather is shaping up to look really nice on Saturday. Patti and I are headed west on Saturday to ski for the week =)
  16. Go do some hiking at Buck? They are probably grooming right now
  17. Buck has this going for them "at least we aren't that ski hill"
  18. Saturday is the only day that works for me
  19. I think I see three of those ski boarders from the web cam at Buck right now making ruts...
  20. Board game tonight, I think I'll be at Buck Thursday night but skiing
  21. I think they groomed because it blew so much that there was spots of icy hard pack and spots of powder. They shouldn't have groomed the whole hill, they left nothing untracked, the most complete grooming done all year.
  22. No concrete powder or slush, it's been cold enough and the wind blew any moisture out of the snow when it was falling. What was under the powder looked really bad. It will probably be decent carving here for a few days until it gets warm again.
  23. I like how they have video of the groomer going up the hill in their post that says powday
  24. Buck groomed the hill, said they weren’t and then they did. Buck is the worse
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