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Everything posted by Poloturbo

  1. West Was just a joke. Didn't want to insult or anything.
  2. It's so much like my story its unbelievable. But I was rich with the Legend ? Try carving it's even better. ?
  3. Hahaha Réal. Tu dois connaître le King d'abord lol. ?
  4. Non lol. Cetait juste pour montrer le côté risible des fois de kijiji pour avoir souvent annoncé.
  5. Fais tu la livraison a Val d'Or compris? Désolé. Juste un peu d'humour avec mon expérience Kijiji style. ?
  6. I was the fat kid at 11. Skateboarding since 8. Wasn't really the cool guy in high school. But what a was really good and untouchable was when snowboarding. At 14 in the moguls nobody could follow. That was my pride... Started in 1987 on a Black Snow Legend. Was going every day at Ahuntsic in Montreal on a tiny hill to learn by myself. Would put 3 haystack stolen from the trees around the hill to make big jumps. Would race my buddies in high school but they had the $$$ and parents to funds the travels to help them with racing. Was always first but hey. Not competing lol. I come from a very poor family and the single most unbelievably thing was that my parents sacrificed what they have to get me 10 courses at Belle Neige school. That was incredible and to this day. What gave me my passion for carving. The courses was carving on a Burton Safari. http://www.networka.com/hilarious-80s-era-commercial-for-black-snow-snowboards Spent way to many years without health. Cherish it like the "apples of your eyes" ( French expression.) Best season to all. ??
  7. Poloturbo

    All sold

    Moss is sold. Thanks to the buyer... Rossignol left... buy it super cheap.
  8. Poloturbo

    All sold

    I have 3 boards I want to sell. Dimensions to follow. Im back home only next monday... First Dupraz 5.5+ 165cm. About a 2008 board. Well used but still rips. 200.00$ (sold) Moss PQ60 160. Bought it from Barry. Used once. Good condition. Msrp are huge on those. 350.00$ (SOLD) Rossi magtek xv 167. : big mountain board almost new. 225.00$ (Selling to a friend) Shipping is usually about 40-50$ for usa with usps priority depending on location. I'll give you a quote. I have numerous transactions here... Will update more details when I'm back. Price in USD$ Thanks for the space ASB.
  9. Awesome Really like mk1. I raced a mk1 jetta . Incredible input and connection. You don't need 500hp to appreciate a good dynamic driver's car. ?
  10. Mig got you covered...
  11. Cool Corey. Thanks will listen to it. Whats that language?? . ? Pretty cool to see your car. Lol bought a DSM....again. nice drag car potentiel. 400whp. Forged motor good for 600-700 whp. Looking at turbo setup to slow at 400whp. ?
  12. Encore ouvert ?? 4 autres jours en fin de semaine et encore ouvert le 26 et 27 mai J'en ai jamais fait aussi loin d'en la saison c'est fou.
  13. Cool cars M.Y. Lightweight and nimble. Like your style
  14. Super fin de semaine encore. 3 jours à St-Sauveur mais la pluie de dimanche dernier aide pas. Reste 2 week-ends et c'est pas mal terminé. Finir le 13 mai c'st bon. ?
  15. Lol the SUV to board analogy is funny. My father in law owns a tuned 600+hp porsche Cayenne turbo. And went little bit offroad. Hummm not the best idea. ?
  16. I would say you represent what this community is all about. Amazing man . Very generous of you. Let's duplicate that...
  17. Insane potential also. https://www.goapr.com/products/ecu_upgrade_40tfsi_s6s7.html Monster in the making. I think 717 ft tq could turn the earth? ?
  18. Barry a 300hp without a blown motor? Must have sold before it went boom . ?
  19. Done. Great community and awesome people here. Worth more than every penny.
  20. Was there the 14th and 15th. 14 = ice day and awful 15cm overnight 15 = perfect Was on the Moss Barry sold me. Amazing tune on it...crazy good hold.
  21. Malade Mig!!!!!! J'adore . Faut j'aille faire un tour dans votre coin du Québec l'an prochain.
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