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Everything posted by Technick

  1. I have 2 Coilers, ExtremeCarve 175 x 22cm, 14-13m SCR and Nirvana Energy 170 x 20.5cm 11m VSR (10/12/11), I have one coming soon from Bruce for my wife, a Nirvana Energy 165x19.5cm, 10m vsr, flex for 125lbs. So yes, he can do one for you no problem but there is a 10 weeks waiting time right now between order and delivery...
  2. Too late, it's mine!!!!! Perfect board for my son...
  3. Ok.... I'm just sharing what I'm doing to get back into shape, maybe share some ideas, not to get my way of doing things analysed. I'll explain what you dont seem to understand, my "Fuckarounditis" rep scheme... It's based on Anthony Ellis "Gaining Mass" Program, for squats its 2x12 warmup, bar only, 4 set, from 8 to 2 reps increasing weight each time, then a "burnout" set with the first weight, max rep and in superset with leg extension machine, to max. The idea is to increase weight progressively each set, up to very heavy (1-2 reps max)... There is a whole book on his program including nutrition, information on hormones etc. A friend of mine used his program to break his "Stuck as a skinny guy" problem. He was 6'5" 165lbs and try all sorts of body building programs but nothing worked, now he is at 235lbs... I had great gains with this program before, I know the program and like it. I lowered the set count (no burnout or superset) and dont go to very heavy because, with this program (Modified Stronglift), I do legs every other day... With the Anthony Ellis program it's once per week, so I dont get as much rest. I do what I do and I'm fine with it! If I want advice I will asked for it!!
  4. I always listen to advice with an open mind but don't follow them if they dont feel right to me... :) Yes my main weakness is and has always been my lower back, 20 years of working at a desk, in front of a computer is not very good for posture and for my back but I'm slowly getting it back with exercice, stretching and foam rolling. I removed the deadlift from my program only temporarily so I can progressively get my strenght back. My lower back gets plenty of work for now with the squats, I will put it back later. I've squated 225lbs a couple years ago, I should be able to go back there with time, I just want to avoid injuries, my snowboarding season is to important to rush into it. I got back pain from the first training I did, no back pain since. I agree with Corey about eating and calories, I don't think it's a good idea to cut calories and fasting when you want to gain muscle mass and strenght, If you hit a plateau it might be one of the reasons. Just my 2 cents... ;) I was thinking about using a belt for the squats but I'm going to wait until I get closer to 200lbs on the bar. Here is my first training: 2017-08-30 ---------------------------------------------------- Workout Logs Rowing Duration : 00:05:00 Barbell Squat Set 1 : 85x5 Set 2 : 85x5 Set 3 : 85x5 Set 4 : 85x5 Set 5 : 85x5 Barbell Shoulder Press Set 1 : 45x5 Set 2 : 45x7 Set 3 : 65x5 Set 4 : 65x5 Set 5 : 65x5 Barbell Deadlift Set 1 : 45x5 Set 2 : 95x8 Dumbbell Side Bend Set 1 : 35x12 Set 2 : 45x12 Side Bridge N/A Set 1 : 00:01:00 Set 2 : 00:01:00 ----------------------------------- Last training: 2017-09-30 Rowing Duration : 00:04:00 Barbell Squat Set 1 : 45x8 Set 2 : 95x8 Set 3 : 105x7 Set 4 : 115x7 Set 5 : 125x8 Barbell Bench Press Set 1 : 95x8 Set 2 : 105x8 Set 3 : 115x7 Set 4 : 125x6 Set 5 : 135x6 Chin Up Set 1 : 0x7 Set 2 : 0x7 Set 3 : 0x6 Set 4 : 0x6 Set 5 : 10x5 Air Bike 50 Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep Set 2 : 50 Lap/Rep --------------------------------------------------- Shoulder press: Set 1 : 70x5 Set 2 : 75x7 Set 3 : 80x6 Set 4 : 90x6 Set 5 : 100x6 --------------------------------------------- Squats at 125lbs are still pretty easy and will be adding a little more weight next time (this afternoon), back still solid, no pain.
  5. 5th week from going back to lifting weights, I've started with the Stronglifts App and program but went back to "Jefit" witch I used in the past, I prefer this one. I modified the Stronglifts program a bit, my lower back didn't like the deadlifts and had to take a couple of days off. :( I still do a "Day1", "Day2" program alternating 2 to 4 times a week. Here is my program: Day1: ------------------------------------------ Rowing: 5 minutes (warmup) Barbell Squat: 5x8 Bench Press: 5x8 Chin Up: 5xMax Air Bike: 2x Max Day2: ---------------------------------------- Rowing: 5 minutes (warmup) Barbell Squat: 5x8 Shoulder Press: 5x8 Glute Kickback: 2x25 Seated Leg Tucks: 2x20
  6. I think the F2 RS are better for EC. It's better to run flat, no cant, no lift and soft lateral flex. http://www.alpinecarving.com/ec.html
  7. C'est bon pour moi quand vous voulez... Massif c'est parfait et ailleurs si ça vous dit.
  8. Get some F2 Carve RS, 200$ New (Canadian Dollar). The Intec RS are 20$ more but you will need Intec Heels for your boots witch will cost you another 100$. Yes the base is made of plastic and have a little bit more side flex but I dont mind it at all, I even prefer this for EC.
  9. This just popped in the "For Sale" section: Swoard Gen5 Extreme Carver 175H !!! Jump on it while you can!
  10. On fini ça sur ma terrasse, avec des burgers sur le BBQ, j'invite. Apportez votre bière...
  11. C'est bon pour moi, à moins d'un empêchement majeur de dernière minute...
  12. Though the 169H (Hard flex) is rated 170 to 200lbs... the 175H is 290-220lbs. Maybe wait for a 175H to pop in the "For sale" section, it would be a better match. You could also post in the "Want to buy" section for the 175H, maybe there is one somewhere waiting for you! :)
  13. Found this,2015 but maybe still available...: Swoard EC 168H 300$
  14. Start with boots and bindings, get use to them on the board you have and are used to. Keep your cash for next year... Practice your EC technique this season and get a dedicated, made for you EC board later, unless you find a used EC board with the right specs... I practice EC the first season with a F2 Silberfeild, narrow freecarving board. Far from ideal for EC but improved my dymanics (push-pull) and correct hips alignment. The rest was easier and more fun with a custom EC board that I got the next season...
  15. There is a 10 week wait between order and delivery for a Coiler board, Bruce is very busy right now, but it's well worth the wait for a custom board. Ps. With your shoe size, you should go 23cm wide so you can setup the right angles for EC. 45 to 50 deg rear. +5 to +8 deg front.
  16. Boots: Something confy that fit your feet well and has good flex, you want to be able to flex your knees very low to standing up almost strait, BTS springs instead of locking mecanism. Bindings: I've started with F2 Intec titanium, witch works well but wanted to try something with more flex, now I ride with F2 Intec RS, same convenience that the Titanium but more flexible, love it! I run 48 deg. rear and 55 deg. front. Board: Used Swoard or Coiler EC, I Loooove my Coiler EC, it's my main goto board, works well in many snow condition. Mine is 175cm, 22 wide, 13/14m sidecut, flex for my weight. I'm 5'11" 180 lbs. A Coiler Stubby could be good too, based on the Coiler EC but with a higher nose, better in soft snow.
  17. I've trained a couple of time in my life, I was squating around 220lbs a couple years ago but was less into it lately. Did all sorts of programs, the one that got me to 220lbs was Legs once per week with this partern: 2 warm up sets (bar only) then sets of 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps increasing weights each time, then right after the 2 reps set, dropped the weight to first set weight and go to max reps, superset with leg raise machine. I had to increase weight each week. I like to change things up, the Stronglifts 5x5 program is very different from what I did in the past so it's a good way to keep things interesting and new. And yes, form is super important, I watched a couple "how to squat" videos to get a refresh of the "do's and don'ts". Il be watching my form closely and will be starting low and slow.
  18. I just started the Stronglifts 5x5 program, seems really good! Simple and quick, easy progress tracking with the free app!
  19. Does the rips impare riding, do you feel it, presure points etc?
  20. Looking for hars boots for my son, M24 or M25...
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