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Everything posted by Technick

  1. Brand new Coiler for my wife! Nirvana Energy 165 x 19.5 / 10.5m VSR Titanal .3
  2. Fitness Blender: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos Great exercise selection, little to no equipment. Some of them are surprisingly challenging with only your body weight!
  3. Yé bin beau le topsheet Tintin !!
  4. Here are some examples of customs topsheet I did...
  5. All F2 bindings comes with a set of lift and cant spacers...
  6. If you have troubles with EC, it wont be because of the Intecs! ;) There are dozens other things that you can do wrong...
  7. We should start a thread for those of us working on EC, to exchange ideas and tips...
  8. I ride the 175cm x 22cm EC Coiler Board with 14/13m sidecut. It's my main goto board, works well in almost anything. ... And I would trust Bruce for the specs, tell him want you want to do and you well get something awesome to do it! But be warned, getting good at EC is a multi season endeavor (for must of us mere mortals)!
  9. F2 Speedster Equipe SL 139, new board for my 11 years old son!
  10. Si ça continue, ça va prendre une piste dédié au carving à St-Bruno!
  11. I'm still going strong with my FSW program "Fuckarounditis Strenght Workout... ;)" twice a week sessions. Working pretty good for me, continuing to see weekly gains. Also stretching and foam-rolling almost every day to increase my flexibilty and mobility. Had a stiff right knee for some time but it's getting alot better recently. Here are my last 2 logs:
  12. Attention c'est très contagieux!
  13. Je dirais pas un "petit" penchant mais plutôt un gros penchant! Tellement penché que tu finis couché sur la neige!! ;)
  14. Moi aussi St-Bruno la semaine! Bienvenue dans le "chapitre" St-Bruno!
  15. Try 18" first, then 19", ... 20". It's going to be a big step from 15 - 3/4" to 20,5", you will probably hate it... Going slowly will help you find the sweet spot.
  16. A good starting point for stance width is, when standing up, the distance between the floor and the center of your knee cap. I'm 5,11" and I have a 19,5" stance width.
  17. What is your current stance width on your Burton board? How tall are you?
  18. IMHO, Leave the Burton bindings with the Burton board, get F2 bindings with your new EC board later.... Bindings flex for EC is not that much important, the guy that got me into EC (witch is now a very good friend, and local rep for Swoard Snowboards) rides with F2 Titanium Intec witch is supposed to be "too stiff for EC", doesn't seem to limit his EC ability! I changed from F2 Titanium Intec to Carve Intec RS on my EC board because I needed a second pair of binding for my new Coiler Nirvana and wanted to save money on new binding. I found the F2 RS softer and more forgiving, but it's with practice and someone else helping me with my technique that I got better. My 2 cents about important stuff for good EC: 1st - Technique 2nd - ... technique... 3rd - Boots... (confy with enough flex) 3rd and a half - EC Board 4th - bindings
  19. Why would you need to change the bindings on your old Burton board, they still work with your new boots?
  20. ... So if you want to save money and upgrade later, you can start with standard bail F2 Carve RS. You can upgrade later with the Intec heel receiver and Intec or Fin tec heels for your boots. Use the saved cash to get your EC board sooner! ;)
  21. F2 Carve RS with Intec Heel: F2 Intec RS The only difference is the metal center disk on the intec RS model... The base plate is pretty much the same. From F2 web site: F2 Carve RS`: "Free carve front lever binding for beginners and advanced riders. Nearly indestructible, very comfortable and forgiving due to soft side flex. more flexible base plate for maximum comfort | extremely sturdy due to extra thick 5.9 mm stainless steel bails | variable canting and heel lift "
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