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Everything posted by Zone

  1. Jonas, thank you!!! Beautiful poetry on snow. I agree, the 5m8sec onward are just amazing. Like Rob, I now wish for snow in the middle of summer. PS: downloaded fine in just over 30min. Quicktime worked better than VLC on my 2 yrs old laptop. Now to try on the big TV. :biggthump
  2. Similar question for those who received shipping from Europe. I have the option of having it sent to Canada or the US, same fees, or is one country cheaper from Europe?
  3. http://www.star-board.com/2008/pages/news/news.php?readmore=319
  4. Yes thank you for having us there. What a great slope that Waterfall. Steep and wide a-la-Zinal. Will keep me challenged for years to come. Definitely will come again next time. Hope Jeff's leg is better!
  5. http://web.wcsn.com/index.jsp I have it locally over the air antenna, not sure where the station is. Practically no commercial on TV. Very non mainstream sports (martial art, mountain bike, hard boots etc...).
  6. Great pics, and lots of them!! Wow the overall level has gone way up.
  7. Here are some links on what they are. I sort of look at them the same way until I started to find out that very much like hardboot snowboarder, they are a very small group, fairly close knits, with small production products, not unlike hardboot snowboards. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skiboarding http://www.skiboardsonline.com/html/sport.htm How they feel when you call them snowblades: http://www.sbol.ws/vbulletin/upload/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1218 Bomber Elite Snowboard bindings (note: same reputation there as here for Bomber bindings, and the majority of people there don't snowboard): http://www.skiboardsonline.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=bomber_elite&Category_Code=bindings As a side note, I bought them planning on using them for snowkiting in the near future, as they are wide and non cumbersome and definitely carvable.
  8. I know it's funny. Mine are so fat, I've heard kids at the lift calling them little snowboards for those skiers that can't snowboard:lol:
  9. Post that one on the Skiboardonline forum and you'll get lynched, skinned and boiled alive!!! Ski blades and skiboards are two different beast, sort of like calling carving boards Lamar snowboards....
  10. Thanks for the info. Presumably the club is open to the public on weekday and you don't need to sign in?
  11. Unless major disaster, I'm in. Will email you for instruction later (unless you can post them here).
  12. If you can skate/inline skate, grab a pair of skiboards instead of skiis. Much faster learning curve and you can carve just as hard (I witnessed my wife learning curve on those, she now starts to carve on those, whereas she was hopeless on skiis). Bonus is you don't have to change boots (although if you are a beginner you probably should get releasable and ski boots, or at least a short pair of skiboards that won't torque your legs when you fall). Good site for them and great online service: http://www.skiboardsonline.com/. They even have Bomber non-releasable.
  13. Thanks for reminding me! Will do.
  14. Ok I suck at this kind of stuff, but isn't cross under, then pushing off in the turn used to generate forward motion/speed on a skate board on the flat? If so, why wouldn't it generate the same thing on a snowboard? I probably have it all wrong... By the way, love your quiet arms and nice pics!
  15. Zone

    Gate virgin

    Thanks all. Had a great time today at the Ontario Masters. Great camaraderie and fun. Did not kill myself and actually finished all my 6 runs. Came in third for my age group(OK there were only 3, I think, in this group but we shall keep that one secret shall we?):o
  16. That's a cool site. Help me answer my initial question. 78% groomed is carvable and in my own lifetime too!
  17. One of the question laying in bed late at night for the physicists/metaphysicists... When carving down the hill, lazy/flegmatic/let-the-board-ride vs. dynamic/push-pulling-hard/you-ride-that-board.....where does all that energy you spend go? ?spraying more snow, deeper trenches, more scraping (ooh that's a bad word) noise,faster.....or none of the above (just like an Audi diesel can be fast but also very quiet and efficient). Maybe I should just go back to sleep:sleep:
  18. Sent you an email, hope it went through. You could always pm me if needs be.
  19. Do you mean you need a ride? In which case I could pick you up if needed. Let me know.
  20. Oops, never mind. That was 78% which is around 38 degree. I first read 78 degree....
  21. http://www.mayrhofner-bergbahnen.com/en/100304/100252/view/594/harakiri_fis_rules_mayrhofen_steepest_slope.html Just wondering???
  22. Wow you're one tough carverchick (either that or alcohol is a great analgesic). Carving multiple days on a broken leg. I'll drink to that. Don't rule out the kinesiotape yet, it will come in handy once the bone is healed and you are back in real boots!
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