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Call me jack

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Everything posted by Call me jack

  1. title says it all. I'm looking to buy a pair of boots. a large 25 or a normal 26 is my size. please email davewave260@gmail.com if you can help. feel free to comment here too, but it's quicker for me to check my email.
  2. ride the blacks. stay till late. while your wait for every one to leave, work on your FS misty flip :) works for me... that last one you might wanna do in softies though... really though, ride fast, and stay ahead of the pack. think of it like dipping through rush hour trafic at 90mph.... apply this to snowboarding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2uQdneM_hE
  3. Yeah, I plan on getting one soon, actually. Carvers, wether in soft or hard boots, by nature just ride alot faster than park babys or "free riders" Be a park rider, I never wore a helmet (should have), but now that I ripe down the hill it makes me more nervous than when I would fs misty.
  4. what are the differences between the 2 styles? is there somewhere i can read about this?
  5. I would imagine that technique is more imortant than tune. Although in more high performance areas (ice) with more skill riders (or just all same skill level riders) equipment quallity would be the determining factor As the demand on the riders technique and skill increases, and riders ability to meet that demand increases, the abillity for his equipment to perform at the level the rider is demanding becomes more important. Otherwise the riders overall performace will be compromised.
  6. there is nastar, yeah. but, they don't exactely use the most snowboard friendly gates, and ours is mostly dominated by skiers, so it's kinda hard to learn from any one. although, i do see a few guys out there once in awhile
  7. Damn, funny thing about that; I actually work this saturday at Afton. :( Too bad you guys don't practice there; they don't really support snowboard racing at afton alps.
  8. Yeah, I might just be over thinking it. I read the tech articals and some of the just seem so obvious I assume it's harder than it looks. Yeah I can carve my down edge in a "C"
  9. I livebin a big hill w/front wheel drive. Do not move the gas pedal posion unless it's flat. Keep your speed up but also safe. DO NOT PULL THE HAND BREAK!
  10. lol, but i love the park! and kex, thanks alot. that was helpful, but more importantly, you reminded me to do my math home work.
  11. you think you'll do it again? I'll be interested.
  12. Ok well now scared, but as of right now i'm about to start riding hard boots for the first time; i got my board and bindings together, and i'm just waiting on boots. I've been reading the tech articals on here, and practicing some of the stuff in my softies. I feel like i should be confident (not amazing, just confident) when i first hop on this sucker, but there's a little voice in the back of my head say 'your too ignorant: total faillage!' i've been snowboarding for 9 years in soft boots, and i'd say i got sort boot carving, and it's dynamics 90% understood/mastered* when i start hard booting, am i gonna be completely lost or will it be like riding a bike, only the bike is faster and has ape hanger handle bars?
  13. My mondo is 258, you think i could get into a 245?
  14. Call me jack

    Mes '09

    is this the the hill by the tube park? i went riding today, and i got a strange hop on that hill too once in a while
  15. When did I ever say anything about front side and back side? Or are you just knocking me cause I can back side misty?
  16. well, it seems alot easier to relax in soft boots on a park board. idk. i'm just starting with hard boots and i've been a park rider for the past 9 years. I maybe i'm still just getting used to hard boots. i like my soft boots and 148cm boards, still, what can say?
  17. Call me jack

    Mes '09

    i said hi to a few of you guys when i was riding down the lift to start my shift. lol
  18. well, i know if i was going i'd bring a carve board and a park board. but thats cause i started as a park rider, and am just starting to branch into carve. (it'l also fun to carve tiny half circles at the bottom of the hill on a park board; good ol' 6 meter sidecuts lol) maybe a soft boot freecarve set up of some sort, for you, though?
  19. So basically,boot makers claim a size 25 boot only goes to 25.9 but that statement is slightly on the conservative side? Ok. Thanks guys
  20. ok, so i measured my mondo (twices) and it's 25.83. Thats really close to 26, and i wear some heavy socks they may not fit. So would it make a big difference if i just got 26s?
  21. if i buy deelux boots that have a mondo size of 24 does that meen they'll fit anything from 24 to 24.9?
  22. Is it worth it? Like, would you guys say it's worth the extra cash?
  23. Call me jack

    Mes '09

    I'm going too! But, I'm going to work LOL. :( Hey Trent, look at my other thread about os2 bindings, that I'm about to post ;)
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