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Everything posted by arneburner

  1. arneburner

    LCI Gang

    Great carving day today! I rode from 11:30 to 3:30 and only had to yell at one guy with the big pants, wide stance, no turn school of riding. I smoked him with a big heelside turn just for good measure. It was a nice warm sunny day, but at least it was windy so it didn't get too hot. Should be good on Tuesday.:lol:
  2. arneburner

    LCI Gang

    Ink, I plan on riding Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I will probably go up later, arriving around 11 am, due to the spring conditions. I know, I am a whimp, because I have been in Colorado so long, my old knees don't like firm snow anymore. I will give you a call if I can't find you. Mario, Enforcement at Gapperville may be difficult this week, but we will do our best.
  3. arneburner

    Yo Lci!!

    AC I am going up Saturday, would you like a ride. Could we meet at the Stegosaurus lot at I-70 and SH 8 at 6:15?
  4. Volkl is still available. I convinced Mario that this board was too short for him.
  5. Another round of applause for Mario and Bola, and everyone else who helped put this together. I never thought I would see 50+ carvers at Loveland. Fortunately the only damage done was to the snow. The trenches were deep. :lol:
  6. Bill, It was great to meet you and ride with you at Loveland. Thanks so much for the demo of your Alpine Punk Metal Burner, they are quite rare. Sorry to inform you that I sold the Simms Burner 167, so you don't have to worry about getting spousal approval. Regards, Arne:lol:
  7. I guess I forgot to list the price on the Rossi. It hasn't been used much since I felt it was too short for me. I was asking $100.00 plus $25.00 for shipping.
  8. arneburner

    Yo Lci!!

    Great day at Lovey. 5 degrees with 50 mph winds = -24 windchill. My face is falling off in the space between my face mask and goggles. Of course I really wasn't there today because I was riding the twin skwal's. Tommorrow looks much better, as does Saturday. :lol:
  9. Sorry mookihouse, the first offer to purchase gets the goods. I thought your post was a question that I should answer. I did not see it as an offer to purchase. Sorry for the missunderstanding.
  10. Email sent. Please consider the bindings sold.
  11. They work for both 3X and 4X by flipping over the metal piece in the middle. I would like $10.00 for shipping. I could take photo's if you like. Thanks, Arne
  12. Newcarver, That will be fine with me. Consider the burner sold. I will send you an email so that you have my address and I have yours.
  13. Here is a photo of the base. It is clean. I do not have a pay pal account. A check will be ok with me. Shipping should not cost more than $30.00.
  14. Vokl Rentiger 173 SOLD! Effective Edge-154.5 mm SCR-11.7 M Waist Width-19cm $150.00 plus shipping Simms Burner 167 -SOLD Effective Edge-149 cm SCR-12M Waist Width-18 cm $200.00 plus shipping Rossignol 156 VAS Race Effective Edge- ? SCR-? Waist Width-? $100.00 + shipping Ride Decade 164 Effective Edge- 1295 mm SCR-8.9 M Width-25.3 cm $200.00 Raichle 124 Boots Size 27.5 $75.00 Burton Performance Plate Bindings with 3 and 6 degree cants- SOLD $50.00 All are in good to excellent condition. Bomber bindings and clicker bindings are not for sale. Additional photo's are available of each board and base.
  15. I will bring some brownies. :lol: Not sure what I will put in them, but they will be good!
  16. arneburner

    Yo Lci!!

    A most excellent day of riding today as noted by ink above. I don't plan on going Monday either. Hopefully I can try out the Virus on Tuesday.
  17. arneburner

    Yo Lci!!

    Thanks Mario, I thought I ditched you when I went over to 8 with the ladies. Ran into Bola on the way back from 8. I told him where you were supposed to be, but I guess you were getting cold and had to leave by noon. The wind picked up later in the day as the 200 mph jet stream winds hit. Rode the fat skis until noon, then went with the Nittro Powder Swallowtail. About a foot of nice dense windpacked to to blast through. Another good day at Lovey, except that it looked like the weekend with the crowds. Fortunately, most of them were in the lodge. May be up on Saturday, for sure on Sunday.
  18. I have the same problem with my front (right) knee. I believe that part of the problem is the weight of the board pulling the knee outward while riding the chairlift. Where I ride, there are no foot rests. To counteract the weight of the board pulling on my knee, I attached a strap to my rear heel bail. I can level the board by pulling on the strap and wraping it around my back knee. I rode for 6 1/2 hours on Monday and have had to lay off the rest of the week, but of course I didn't take the time to hook up the strap. It does seem to help when I use it. I also have been using a foam roller and direct pressure to try to loosen up the I.T. band. Ice and naprosyn also help. Regards, Arne
  19. I planned on Thursday at Lovey and Friday at Copper. Still recovering from Monday's 9-3:30 session. Cheers!
  20. I am going to be there as well. Looking forward to running a course with snowboard gates. I am 3rd in my (old) age group.
  21. Great riding with you guys on Sunday and Monday. I think I became infected, although I don' have a Virus yet. :D
  22. I will be there, probably with beer and boards.
  23. Anyone plan on riding tomorrow? I am planning to go to WP or Copper to on Tuesday to try the NASAR course. I would like to qualify for the nationals at Steamboat. If anyone is riding, I would like to meet up. Thanks, Arne:biggthump
  24. Dave, I will look for you. I will most likely be in a burnt orange jacket and an orange helmet. We go for high visibility at Loveland. I will be on a Nittro swallowtail powder if it is deep. Otherwise I will be on an Oxygen Proton or Freecarve with Raichle AF600's. Regards, Arne
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