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Everything posted by Loc

  1. I needed something to help my legs stay nimble throughout the summer and got myself an Axe II complete from www.sk8kings.com. Ricky the owner was nice enough to put my set together after work on a Friday and even meet me in a parking lot to give me pointers. I'm a complete n00b on pavement and he was impressed with my 'turns'
  2. With lack of support from the US, will our current and future racers end up going to other countries like Canada and race for them?
  3. Wow SP was so awesome! I'm already excited to get back on the hill in November to practice everything I learned. The adjustments Sean and Mike made showed in my all-mountain carving. I'm a lot more nimble now and there's less "oh crap oh crap" moments in varying conditions. I only wish I was better at turning through the sleeves It was firm in the morning but got super slushy soon after we started. Crowds were mostly minimal and the temperature was up there. I camped on Mammoth Scenic Loop like Sincure pointed out. It's a nice area except for the cars pulling into my spot at night waking me up haha. I also got a chance to go to Mono Lake for some photography: http://www.flickr.com/photos/loc_nguyen/sets/72157618415913598/ John has group photos he will post when he gets to them.
  4. Wow after two days of SP I am riding much crisper and more confidently. A lot of stuff makes total sense now. Mike won't teach us the J-tear though :( would've been awesome to see a 40 something show those park rats a thing or two haha.
  5. Everyone here coming up Thursday and going to the meeting at Mammoth Inn that night? I'm doing a half day at work and driving straight to my luxury accomodations - a small plot of Sierra where my tent will go. I'm excited for the clinic and my first camping trip of the summer
  6. Wow, add this to the list of things I need to learn. I wonder if the boys at SnowPerformance will teach me this move on Friday
  7. Ahhh I can't wait, hopefully he'll turn me from a carving doofus into a carving hero
  8. Check it out, Mike Jacoby will join us for Saturday and Sunday http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=25899
  9. Congratulations guys! Check out the forecast: http://forums.mammothmountain.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2561&start=60 Now that I have a pass to go up whenever, maybe I should get a powder board...
  10. Hey Neil are you brining the Angrry to SnowPerformance next month? :D
  11. Sucks to hear about your accident! Lots of close calls for me this season as I got better and faster. The only thing I've been able to do is scan for everyone uphill that can be a problem on toeside and stop for a breather if I don't feel comfortable. Not so easy on heel tho. Someone needs to step up and make goggles with carvdar.
  12. Alright guys, it's time for me to get off the newbie fence. Can't wait to shred with y'all one last time this season at SP! Let's rip :AR15firin Also, should I bring the Madd and/or ATV? Might bring my friends' skis and try to figure out 2-planking if I have energy left hah.
  13. Loc


    I didn't believe Mammoth could get more than 3". Oh ye of little faith. There was probably ~10" on top of the mountain and my Madd 170 was nose diving haha. It was hero snow on the Broadway elevation but the crowd was HUGE. The runs got chopped up pretty quick and I wasn't doing much carving by afternoon.
  14. Loc


    Howard's says up to 6". I'm already at work in LA and hope I didn't bring the wrong board. No turning back home to get the ATV
  15. Awesome riding! And give my props to the camera man too.
  16. Loc


    I'll be up there this weekend riding on Saturday and Sunday. Hope to run into some of guys
  17. Hope I get a chance to demo one before the season is over. Man, I'm excited to know there's an alpine board maker in SoCal! You do custom shapes Chad?
  18. It was great meeting you and everyone else too. Hopefully I will see more of you y'all in Mammoth and June Mtn next season! I'm going to put that MVP pass to good use. Now I've got 6 months to contemplate a WCRM or Sctub
  19. Wow that's an early start. What time does coaching end each day?
  20. For the fellas who are going, what are your plans for lodging? Just seeing if anyone is looking to share a room.
  21. Are there any freeride or freestyle boards that use metal technology? I'm curious if titanal has any benefits for our softbooting brethren. I only see it mentioned with racing and carving boards.
  22. Sean - looks like you're holding an alpine skiing camp at the same time? Too bad I can't be in two places at once :o
  23. I just got back from summit. Prepare for some slush on top of ice! No crowds in the morning but there were some lines to wait in after lunch.
  24. I like this line: "It all started with my realization that snowboarders were carving way more than skiers do....I tried to go as deep as snowboarders did but I just didn´t make it."
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