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Everything posted by Loc

  1. Can this be done if I buy the necessary parts? I'm thinking of getting the F2 titanium standards since they appear to match well with AT boots for splitboarding (see Buell's post here). I'd like to use my Intec heels for the carving setup though so if the parts can be switched out that would save me a bundle
  2. You have some 'splaining to do now
  3. Loc


    It's great to see freeriding getting some mainstream coverage. I'm committed to learning how to split this year. Jeremy Jones is my hero
  4. Powder isn't so easy to carve in and I go into freeriding mode when there's freshies around. When it hardens up try squaring up, driving your rear knee towards the ground and "pinching the pencil" on a heel side. I find that fixes a lot of my heel side problems with washout/chatter/etc.
  5. Great footage! Now who's who :D
  6. LOL. My eyes went straight to the pictures. I am so weak
  7. Man that top sheet is smokin Jack, because I'm lazy and don't want to use the search feature, who are the other contenders?
  8. I have M25 boots. Let me know how much and what conditions they're in. Pics would be nice too:cool:
  9. My heelsides have been really sucking so I'm trying to square up more and drive with the ankles and knees. Even on my first day I felt my toeside was just fine, it's that darn heel side that keeps chattering
  10. Was there any powder around where you could test how it floats? I assume the V-cut allows the back to sink when the snow is fresh. Do you think it would perform better as an all-mountain board or more carve specific?
  11. Don't have a name for her yet, but this is my new Coiler VSR 168, 19cm. I've been waiting anxiously since May!
  12. Wow you have a "fleet"!? lol I'm fortunate to have even one Coiler VSR which arrived this afternoon. I will take pics tonight
  13. It's been dead for at least 2 seasons I think? I've thought about whipping up a web application for gear reviews so people can do just that. I just need to stop being so lazy
  14. I'm hoping to begin splitting this year and Venture has a great reputation among the backcountry folks. They're a small shop like Donek and make some great stuff with a lot of love. I've wondered what a splitboard with metal would ride like... http://venturesnowboards.com/
  15. The bottom of June Mountain is very wide with two lifts on both sides. Naturally, I always use it as a vanity run to show how an edge is suppose to be used. I was mixing up cross unders and overs and by the time I got to the chair the lifty said "oh so you're the hot carving guy on ski boots."
  16. C'mon where are the pictures! Chad, I'd love to try out one of your boards at June Mountain. It's the only place where I feel I can turn on the after burners and properly push a board :)
  17. I'm the second owner and have been using these for 2 seasons, I think around 20 days on them. I'm located in West LA for local pickup or OC on the weekends. Asking for $225 shipped and PayPal. Or a trade for F2 Race standards.
  18. I bought a pair of Burton Driver-X boots a few years back for 60% off of new but haven't gotten around to using them yet. Perhaps this season I will if I can find some good bindings to mount on the Prior ATV. I've been following the splitboard forums and they seem to like the Drivers for their stiffness too.
  19. June Mountain's opening day was incredible. It was hero snow everywhere except for the trees where the left over powder was still very soft. Gunsmoke could've been groomed a little bit better but it was still the most carver friendly run on the hill. I ran into Jake who I met at Snow Performance and other hardbooter I didn't get the name of. Can't wait to go back :)
  20. The ATV was great in powder and I didn't have to worry about it sinking. Well, when I tried to carve a turn with my weight forward like on the groomers it sank in and I had to dig myself out :lol: I hit a lot of powder stashes in the trees and the nose would plow in and pop up. The angle were already low at 45F/40R since I'm only a M25. I didn't have to change them at all. I wish I had one of those fancy new rockered boards to try out though. I saw quite a few skis with that shape on the shuttle.
  21. Well, I didn't want to rub it in but... OMG I've never been in such deep pow. I arrived in Mammoth around 1am but it was already dumping. The roads were caked with snow and ice on my way back to SoCal a few miles south of Big Pine. Chains were required from Mammoth down to almost Bishop. I think the storm total was somewhere around 6ft and June got walloped too. Eagle and Canyon weren't open and some parts of upper mountain were closed for avy control. Crowds weren't too bad though, old man winter must've scared some peeps away. There wasn't a clear hour the ENTIRE weekend and ma nature wouldn't let up. Visibility was terrible and the wind was bone chilling but I've never had such a good time fooling around in the soft stuff. The snow was wet and heavy so hopefully that helps gives an excellent base for the season. Now that I've had my powder fix, give me some groomers, I want to caaaarve!!! Go ahead, live vicariously This is (was?) a Nissan Altima. I regret not jumping off the 2nd floor onto it :) My buddies and me Crowds weren't too big, I think the conditions scared fair weather skiers away I need to get myself a Subie! I want an Outback, or maybe a Forester will do... Video for proof :) <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="360" data="http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=71377" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"> <param name="flashvars" value="intl_lang=en-us&photo_secret=003cdb673d&photo_id=4187334466&hd_default=false"></param> <param name="movie" value="http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=71377"></param> <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=71377" bgcolor="#000000" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="intl_lang=en-us&photo_secret=003cdb673d&photo_id=4187334466&hd_default=false" height="360" width="640"></embed></object>
  22. I will likely be up there this coming weekend. It's been too long since I last carved down Gunsmoke :)
  23. Welcome to the dark side. My Prior ATV 171 is my first alpine board and still my most used. I just surfed 3ft of freshies this weekend at Mammoth in CA and it floated quite well with my 155lbs frame You picked a great board to start with!
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