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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. Hot damn, that is too nice to ride. I can't believe that art is vector based. It looks hand drawn. Having gone through the custom topsheet process with Bruce and snowboardmaterials.com, I highly recommend it. I think it cost me about $60 extra.
  2. Sounds interesting but I think moguls in SBX would be a disaster. With rollers and jumps, when a rider falls, the direction of the fall is usually predictable. With a mogul, you can get thrown anywhere. Unless the mogul field were really wide, chaos would ensue. It'd be fun to watch though.
  3. Watch out for the Blue Jays.
  4. Who needs ebay, there's some really good chit in the Classifieds right now. It's killing me not to pull the trigger on those Doneks.
  5. When I post, I don't know what's in your personal board collection. So, if I tell you I dislike Burton boards (which I don't), it's meant as an opinion and not as a personal attack against your quiver. Same thing goes for my opinion on cars, women, stand-up comedians and fishing boats. When you feel you're being dissed, just remember: You're Good Enough, You're Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You
  6. Who do I call to hook me up with a Dupraz? I might bring nothing. Just boots. I can demo from Prior. It would be quite a luxury not to lug boards with me.
  7. I've been online since the dawn of time - before Al Gore even invented the Internet. Who remembers BBS's and CompuServe? Over the years, I've been insulted, cajoled, harassed and threatened. I even had one clown call my company to try to get me fired. Little did he know I was the owner. My point - to enjoy the online medium you have to develop a thick skin. And on any online community, you need to learn who to ignore.
  8. I could ride with you on Thursday. Let me know if you're interested in taking some runs together. Cypress Crew: What board should I bring - 174 Prior 4WD or 175 Coiler Freecarve? I prefer riding the Coiler but I'm worried about soft conditions.
  9. Chris P as in Chris Prior? Would be cool to ride with him again. Rode with him a few years ago and he rips. He doesn't seem like the hangover type though.
  10. Glad to be of some use. This will be the latest I've ever been on the slopes. Let's hope the snow holds up.
  11. Wow guys, I feel so honoured. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
  12. I lost a board once. I unclipped at mid-run to hike up to a missed turn. The Fastex buckle let go and I wasn't holding onto the board at the time. The board took off like a rocketship. I was yelling at the top of my lungs as this thing went ripping down the hill eventually shooting into the woods. I'm telling you, it could've maimed or killed someone. So I don't understand the resistance to wearing a leash. It takes a second to clip on and it doesn't interfere with riding in any way. Is it uncool?
  13. Yes, both are thermos and I molded with a toe cap. I initially thought about remolding with a bigger toe cap or something wrapped around my big toe but I'm wondering if that will make matters worse. I guess I'll only know by trying it. I will try some of the other suggestions here before remolding.
  14. Thanks Chris I will try that. I actually moved my stance back to a more centred position earlier this season. I used to be way forward thinking that would help initiate turns. Moving it back really helped my riding. I will try moving back 1/4 inch to see if that helps the toe problem. quee: Definitely not swimming. If anything, the 27s are actually a bit tight. There is no heel lift. It's just the toe on my front foot that is the problem.
  15. skategoat

    Old News

    This is sad. I have to believe that this is a marketing failure. How could we fail to capitalize on racers like Jasey Jay, Matt Morison and Alexa Loo? Articulate, telegenic and successful. I think there are plenty of corporate sponsors who would love to be associated with those kids. It's a failure to properly package and sell the product. Desperate cries for money are the weakest form of marketing. And I don't buy the "Rebagliati Factor". Ross didn't have any trouble attracting endorsement money after Nagano.
  16. I should have mentioned - one boot is 27, the other boot is 27.5. Both have the same problem. My son has a 26.5. I may try that. I don't actually notice my foot moving but I am assuming it must be moving to some degree to cause this. I may try packing some foam on top of my foot.
  17. Please...stop... To the OP, buy the Burton. If you don't like it, turn it into a bench or burn it. If you burn it, I will send you $10 if you post a video. Get 10-15 of us to make the same pledge and you'll come out even. Make sure you wear a respirator because that ptex will put out some nasty fumes.
  18. Anyone experiencing bruising or pain in their front big toe? After a full day of riding, it's always a bit sore. Right now, it's killing me after riding for two full days on the weekend and then aggravating it playing basketball. There is bruising under the nail and I have a feeling I'm going to lose the nail. I think the problem is on my heelside turns, the foot is moving up and forward and driving my toe into the front of the boot. I have two different boots, both with molded liners. I have the same problem with both boots. I wonder if I should try a different size shell. Anyone else have this problem and how did you fix it? P.S. Photos available upon request.
  19. I heard Costco sells them. In Quebec for sure and maybe Ottawa area. Snow was fantastic there this weekend. No ice. No bare spots.
  20. It took me six years, hundreds of riding days and a dozen boards to get to the point where I knew exactly what I wanted in a board and could articulate it to a builder. I bought a brand new Prior in 2002 when I first started hardbooting and really, it was a mistake. I had no idea what waist width I liked or radius, or stiffness or length. I should have waited until I had at least two full seasons of riding under my belt before I ordered a new board. I would never suggest to a newbie that he/she should spend the money on a DonekcoilerpriorviruspogovolklF2. I would say buy a cheap but solid board that is appropriate for your weight. If you decide you like carving, buy more cheap, used boards and weed out ones that you don't like. Once you've settled into a style of riding, you will know your preferred specs. Then you order *The One*. It's like dating. Your first date, you shouldn't be all that picky. His clothes are 10 years out of date, he needs a haircut, he slouches a bit. But hey, he owns a car, he's got a job and he doesn't smell. His name is Burton. Take him for a spin. Maybe you won't even like dating and would prefer to live alone with cats.
  21. Tex: I hope your wife is alright but as far as a crappy trip is concerned, it's going to happen sooner or later. We went to Killington for three days this season. Day One, the mountain was closed due to high winds. Day Two was fine. Day Three, it rained. 10 hour drive there, 12 hour drive home in a raging snowstorm. The way I look at it, Mother Nature owes me one. Same for you, your next 20 trips will be uneventful because you've paid the price. HK
  22. I saw a couple of hardbooters on Kandahar. With the crowds, I couldn't catch up to you. Talk about great spring conditions. If anyone has a free day this week, get on up there.
  23. I just got back from Mt. Tremblant and the conditions were some of the best I have seen in 20+ years of skiing/riding there. They have 250 inch base. Even Expo (double black) which is usually bumped and iced up was carve-able. The only problem was the crowds this weekend. 15+ minute waits during peak times.
  24. That video is all over the Internet but I can't figure out how a woman finds a lion in the wild in Columbia. Is this some long lost South American sub-species?
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