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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. Sorry man, no video, no credit. Someone should've at least had a camera phone.
  2. I think this is more funny than scandalous. Who hasn't embellished a story to impress their buddies? "Man, I tell you, that was like a 30 foot drop." Thing is, there isn't usually a CBS news crew and 1000 photographers around to disprove our adventures.
  3. Entertaining blog article on the first day they let us knuckle-draggers ride Taos (it's in three parts): http://www.hypebeast.com/blog/paulkim/2008/03/21/the-day-taos-froze-over Some snowboarder slept in line so he could get first chair.
  4. Wow, impressive. Now I would be even more impressed if I heard you cleaned and gutted the thing and then roasted it that evening.
  5. Congrats to Pierce on a fine result. There's some fine vino in Italy and no drinking age. You'll probably hear from him in a week or so.
  6. That's exactly what the airlines need. Not a tip jar but incentive pay or perhaps a stock option plan. My favourite airline is Westjet. It's cheap and service is fantastic. http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/may2006/id20060510_847981.htm?campaign_id=rss_innovate "It was 'PAX in 12B wants a coffee' (at other airlines). Passengers became inanimate objects and that's the way they were getting treated. At our airline, we hope you're treated like a guest," says Don Bell, executive vice-president and co-founder of what is now Canada's No. 2 airline."
  7. I'm not sure I agree with that. Well, I do agree that air travel is a commodity but I don't agree that crappy service should be part of the package. You eat your share of crap in any service job. Ever work in a restaurant? As a customer, do you put up with a rude waiter? If the soup is cold, do you send it back? There are ways to make it cheap and cheerful. Low profit margins are not an excuse for poor service. That's just going to put you out of business faster.
  8. Could there be a worse airline in the entire world? Almost every flight I have taken on Delta runs into problems. Lost luggage, late flights, missed connections, rude staff. As for the latest fiasco, I won't go into details but I had a flight cancelled without any warning or explanation. They just dropped the news on me at the check-in counter. No other flights that evening so they put me up in possibly the crappiest hotel in the entire world and gave me a $7.00 meal allowance. I am still recovering from my total lack of sleep that night due to the late night partying in adjacent rooms. Possibly the worst part of it all is that the staff I talked to about it both during and after the trip simply couldn't give a rat's ass about it all. They all acted like I was inconveniencing them. Man, I used to complain about Air Canada. But no more. Thank you for allowing me to vent.
  9. It's pretty much guaranteed that if a fish is large, their populations are threatened. Bluefin tuna, salmon, swordfish, marlin, etc. - maybe not officially on the threatened list but certainly, their populations are vastly diminished. I'm no expert on sturgeon, but I know their populations are threatened or endangered in many parts of the world. The Great Lakes used to have sturgeon. I've seen photos from the 1800s of stacks of dried sturgeon, piled up like cordwood on Toronto wharves. They were used for fuel! As for Columbia River populations, a quick scan of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) database tells me there is concern but they are not on the officially threatened list. http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/234/summ
  10. I was having dinner with a friend and there was Columbia River sturgeon on the menu. My friend was set on ordering it until I guilted him out of it by telling him how threatened they are. I can't believe there is still a commercial fishery for sturgeon.
  11. Your BS meter needs calibration. I carried a handheld GPS for a number of riding days two seasons ago. I was surprised by the speeds I was registering. Normal cruising speeds were in the 75 km/h range. When I tucked it (on a blue run), I hit a max of 99. That's 60 mph. And it didn't even feel that hairy. No doubt Gilmour can carry that kind of speed into a 360. That being said, I still don't see a full 360 on the vids. Sorry JG.
  12. I think the O2 are newer. I'm not sure if they're necessarily better.
  13. Can't go wrong for $50. I had a pair of those Oxygen bindings. Good, solid binding. Never failed me. Do they say "O1" or "02" on the centre disc?
  14. The hardbooter appeared to be normal. He probably thought I was weird - a guy walking down the street, stops and starts chatting about snowboarding. Normal in Aspen. Weird in Manhattan.
  15. Was this Mountain Masters in Manotick? I know he carried or did carry hardbooter gear but I always found the owner to be quite unfriendly and never bought anything from him. That was a few years ago when he was on Bank St. What did you and your buddies score?
  16. I was in NYC this week and I'm walking down 42nd St. near 7th Ave. and I see this guy standing on the sidewalk holding a snowboard in a BomberOnline bag. The last place I would expect to meet a hardbooter (next to Bangkok, that is). I stopped and said hello but didn't catch the guy's name. He said he's not a frequent visitor to this site but just in case, I just wanted to say hello again. I really wished I had a camera with me.
  17. Hey Craig, thanks for a great day at Devil's Glen on Friday. Excellent conditions, some steep pitches and some good riding buddies. Five carvers is a good start.
  18. Finally got my 4807 out. Not that there was any powder. I just wanted to get a couple of runs on it to see how it feels. All I have to say is "yikes". It's gonna take some getting used to, at least on the groom. The width really throws me. I'm used to tipping the board just a bit and feeling the edge grab which gives me a sense of security. With the 4807, I feel like I'm running flat all the time. I expect you really have to commit to tipping it over to get an edge. I have ridden my 160 Fish in the pow and it floats beautifully. The only problem is, once you get on any groomed runs, the lack of tail means you really can't carve. Still waiting for that perfect powder board. Tempted to buy a Dupraz.
  19. Come on tex. Don't be so cynical. Write a review and you get entered into a draw to win a cool sticker.
  20. Can anyone ride Whistler on April 21? I'm there for the weekend on business but I'd stay an extra day if there is someone to carve with. I'm too scared to ride by myself at Whistler. If you're from Vancouver, I'd be happy to share expenses on the way back if you can drop me at the airport.
  21. I never knew Burton made boards in Canada. Where was the plant?
  22. Those are the actual captions from the above photo from the guy in the photo, I presume. Stuff the nose like this guy did and it's gonna hurt. Not to discourage you or anything.
  23. "I get tendinitis in my back, neck, and leg. A dislocated hip. Rope burn on my neck from my helmet shooting off" "I was bleeding in my neck and couldn't remember anything for about 30 seconds" Good luck!
  24. I don't remember seeing too many technical jackets. Mostly shredder type gear.
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