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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. I have about 10 different waxes but I've gotten to the point where I don't even look at the colour or temp rating of the wax anymore. I just slap it on and Wax Wiz it into the base. I feel zero difference from one wax to another. I even tried paraffin. No difference. And I would say I glide a bit quicker than most of my riding buddies. Maybe it's just my bulk.
  2. Now that my kids are skiing again, I have to find boots that go both ways. I'm going to look at Full Tilt and will see if I can find those Dalbellos. Anything else I should try that will give me enough forward lean and not be too stiff?
  3. I forgot my jacket earlier this year. Had to ride in a fleece. I lost my car keys once on the hill. I had to talk my wife into driving 3 hours in a snowstorm to come get me. It was Dec. 23 and no locksmith or tow truck was willing to come help me. Got the keys back in the spring and the remote worked fine.
  4. I just got back from a weekend at Mont Blanc and here are my impressions for those thinking of riding and/or staying there. Carving: Very carve friendly resort. There are a couple of nice wide cruisers on the Mont Blanc side (Geant being the best) and a really nice one on the North Side. Name escapes me right now but it's left off the chair and then a sharp left. Vert is advertised as 1000' but I think that is measuring right down to the highway. It felt more like 750'. Similar to the Collingwood resorts. Not a lot of runs there though. After two days, I was getting a little bored. Lots of company in hard boots. I saw a lot of them. Even rode the lift with an instructor riding a Kessler SL board. Very short lift lines even on the weekend. I waited 5 minutes max. Chairs are really slow though. As for crowds, only the green run called Yodel was crowded. The rest of the runs were pretty much wide open. Lodging: The hotel could not be more conveniently located. I could see the main lift out of my window. The rooms are clean and basic. Like a decent Holiday Inn. All the rooms seem to have a fridge (not mini-bar) which is a nice bonus. No extra furniture (ie. chairs or a table). We tried to get a table and chairs for a card game but they were non-existent. Beds are not that great. A little soft and not that supportive. The real negative though is if you have an active neighbour above you. Apparently the builder didn't think to sound proof the flooring so every footstep above you resonates through your unit. No Wifi or in-room Internet but they have a free Internet connected computer in the lobby. The restaurant is great. I was very happy with the meals. I would say they were near-gourmet. Service and portions were very good. 3 stars out of 5. I recommend the Mont Blanc Hotel there if you go for the meal/lodging package and if you get a top floor unit or a guarantee that the unit above you is empty or goes to bed before you. If you're a light sleeper or if you don't need the meals, you might try elsewhere.
  5. Boris: Let me know if the deal falls through. I could be talked into buying this.
  6. That might be Peter Vu out of Tahoe.
  7. Count me out for tonight. I picked up a cold in Tahoe (lousy pure mountain air) and can't shake it. I will be at BV this weekend watching my daughter race. Happy 29th Birthday to Leslie.
  8. I could be talked into it if I don't have to drive alone. Are you leaving from work? Anyone else want to carpool?
  9. I just got back. Rode Heavenly on Jan. 13/14. I wouldn't recommend it unless it snows a bunch. I stayed on the Nevada side, mostly on Orion, Olympic Downhill and Stagecoach. Olympic and Stagecoach are pretty scraped off and icy - easy to lose an edge. Orion is good but crowded because of all the closed runs. Kirkwood was much better for snow coverage, IMO.
  10. Sorry I missed the training and the opportunity to embarrass myself. I'm going to try get out there in 2 weeks.
  11. Does anyone want to go up this week (the 6th). I think I can make it and have room for a couple more in my truck.
  12. My advice is to sell it on eBay. Burton boards get no respect on BOL but the people on eBay line up for them.
  13. I've got a Prior 4WD 174 that I think I'm going to sell. I have hardly used it in the past 4 seasons and it's just gathering dust. I will be at Mont Blanc in February. If you can wait that long, I can let you ride it before you decide to buy.
  14. One time, I accidentally reversed my bindings and I had 3 degrees of heel lift on my front foot. I experienced searing pain in my front thigh until I figured out what was wrong. I think front heel lift creates an unnatural stance. I know some people like riding that way but I don't know how they do it.
  15. rhaskins: What's your inseam? I'm at 32" and I go by the .6 X inseam rule. I've been riding at 19.5" and I find a narrower stance makes it harder to use my back knee to drive into the turn. I find that I have to use my hips more which I don't like.
  16. I already booked a 4 day mini-vacation at Mont Blanc in February. I can give you the full scoop on accomodations, food and hill afterwards. Ernie is right, the prices were very reasonable. A hotel room (ski in/out), lift tickets and two meals a day came out to $1,600 for a family of four. That was about the price quoted me, per person, at Owl's Head. I just hope the food is good. If not, my family will kill me and I'll never get to plan a vacation again.
  17. Here ya go. Sorry for the lousy quality but my scanner sucks. My tourguide. One of the exhibits. No sampling allowed. Now, where are the pics of JG's room-mates? I call BS until I see the photos.
  18. Did you go to the Cannibis Museum? When I was there, it was run by a gorgeous girl covered in tattoos, head to toe. This was in the early 90s before everyone and her mom starting getting tats. Strangely alluring, she was. I have a photo around somewhere.
  19. They don't actually make beer there anymore. It's a big tourist trap but you do get free beer at the end. The Guinness tour in Dublin is far superior (as is their beer).
  20. Couple days ago? I posted a 22 months ago! http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=14729&highlight=burton
  21. I'm only involved in the sport at a local level but I would think that media relations, during the race season, is the job of CSF and their PR agency. The wheels should be greased and only need to be set in motion when you get a result like Italy. I agree with you about the athletes marketing themselves. However, CSF should also be ready to assist the athletes with templated sponsorship kits and media training. As far as I know, CSF does not do that. Alpine Canada, on the other hand, has this stuff down cold.
  22. Spoken like a true Californian. He lives in Ottawa. He just has to put them out on the front porch.
  23. Hey D-Sub, aren't Blax/Line boots exactly the same as those? I used to have a pair and wish I never sold them. Maybe if you expand your WTB to Blax/Line, you'll have better luck.
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