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Everything posted by fishrising

  1. OK, straight to the point...what kit (and from where) do I need to buy to get started in home brewing beer? I want everything in it to get started, not needing to purchase anything else, recipes, ingredients and hardware. Opinions? I want a kit to see if I am interested, before going crazy with "real" equipment. I want to be under $300 all in to see if I want to pursue further. I love pale ales, IPAs, Scottish ales and stouts. I would prefer a pale ale or Scottish type ale to start with. Stout would be a 2nd attempt. THANKS!
  2. Nope, never too early, but I have to get through hunting season first!
  3. yeah...go Starboard! They make my all around family board, the Rio Medium. Can handle beginners uphauling on near windless days all the way into some pretty windy situations. It doesn't do anything perfect, but it can do everything pretty good... but I haven't taken it into the waves yet...
  4. LeeW, I was just curious what you meant, it's tough to read "emotions" or "feelings" in text. When spoken, things are much easier to decipher. I didn't mean to be confrontational. Just trying to get at what you saw in the hostel. When you said "stuffs" earlier, as in "bunch of grateful dead stuffs all over the place," what is "stuffs?" People? Vandalism? Just not sure what you meant by stuffs. PS...42 dead shows under my belt, 16 Jerry shows, 6 Phil & Friends, and a couple of Ratdog shows...about 1700 hours on tape/cd/misc lossless audio files/etc. Been out of the scene for a while...hhhhmmm...time to cut some new CDs or add some music to my iPod... PPS...if you know a Sheree Clarke, used to live in the Silverthorne area, tell her Ben (the tall guy) from CT, said "Hi." I lost touch with her a while back...
  5. Yes, just trying to see what you meant by that comment, factual or not.
  6. fishrising

    Watch Out!!!

    POINT #1: If the CG boat was under non-emergency way, then the other boat had the right of way. If the CG boat was under emergency way with lights flashing, then as an emergency vehicle involved in an emergency it had the right of way. POINT #2: Regardless, it is every vessel operator's responsibility to avoid a collision regardless of who is right or wrong. It looks as thought the other boat never even saw the CG boat. Even more reason why the CG should have changed course regardless if they were running in an emergency mode or not, as they were the only ones who knew a collision was about to occur.
  7. fishrising


    AK in PA, nice job with the self bow and arrows, lets' see some pics! (sorry if you had them posted already but my office blocks a lot of photo upload sites, so I don't see 5/6ths of the pics until I get home.) Self bow is my next project. Right now I'm just shooting my Black Widow recurve. Been out a few time this season in CT, but haven't seen much, both still hunting and tree stand. I still think it's to hot. 10/13 is opening bow season where I hunt in NY state, so maybe it will cool off a little more for that. The heat doesn't motivate me very much to get out. Been getting my dog on some birds during some "fun trials" to get ready for bird season. But even for that, it's been pretty warm... Come on colder weather...for hunting and boarding...
  8. My biggest problem now is trying to get front row enabled on the Intel Mac Pro for simplicity of playing all digital media. I've got a remote for it, but can't get it enabled and working. I found plenty of "tips" to get it working on the powerPC Macs though, but none for Intel based. Oh well, Leopard is supposed to have it for all Macs, guess I will have to load that come October...
  9. That's nothing, you can get dual quad core 3.0GHz Xeons
  10. Hopefully this isn't duplicate information, as I did not read this whole thread. But I am a recent Mac convert (just purchased a 2x2.66Ghz DCXeon, 5Gb RAM, 1.25Tb DASD Mac Pro) and have been doing some research on the very same topic. Here is a pretty good thread for Mac based solutions to the task at hand: http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=897236
  11. Congrats! I went looking for a Sharp Aquos LC52D92 last night in the local shops, BestBuy, CC, etc... and couldn't find one. Best I could find was an 82u. But I did see the Pioneer PRO1140HD again. It's still at the top of my list. But I want to "see" a D92 before I make my decision. Also the 58" Pana has peeked my interest again. I hate these decisions...
  12. I actually found at Costco the Sharp Aquos LC60C52U for $2999. The problem I have with the D92 is that it's over $3k. Best Buy has athe D82 for around $4k, so I assume the D92 is more. Anyway, $3k is my max, maybe a few hundred over, but not thousands over. I need a minimum of 50", and I want plasma or LCD, no rear-projections, etc... Skategoat, please report on the new set...
  13. Looking for a 50"ish flat screen. I narrowed it down to: Pioneer Elite PRO1140HD $2999 Panasonic TH58PX60U $2699 Pioneer PDP5070 $2499 Panasonic TH50PX600U $2199 Panasonic TH50PX60U $1750 What would those of you who have looked at these sets do? Considering price, quality, etc... 768 is fine for me, I do not need 1080p or the premium $ to go with it. Yes, I have been lurking/searching all the usual forums, avsforum, etc...just looking for some of your opinions...
  14. Bring your pow sticks, have fun! I'll be at work. If anyone wants to drive to Hartford to borrow a 187 tanker o/s feel free to contact me...
  15. I suppose that anything is possible. But I am 6'7" 265lbs, so I doubt that I am not heavy enough for this board. Riding style...that's a different story. My guess is that I simply need to put the time in and learn how to ride this board.
  16. Thanks so far... I don't recall having this problem on the Rossi Throttle I used to have, which was 173L x 21W x 11SC. This is the board I learned on, way back when. I guess next time out I will narrow the stance, and drive my knees...
  17. I haven't been able to figure this one out with several trips to the mountain... My go to board is 173L x 19W x 9SC. I've recently obtained a new board that is 179L x 21W x 11.2SC. My new board has bit of a wider stance, and not quite as steep binging angles. I can't seem to get it up on it's edge. I've been able to get it to carve toe side at speed with a lot of room. Will a jump from a 9 to a 11.2 sidecut really be bigger than I expect? What do I need to do? Any ideas/suggestions/pointers? Is it the sidecut that I am having trouble with or the waist? Or, do I just need to shut-up and ride??? Thanks in advance!
  18. Nice...my Heavy Tools Lizard 173 is/was my go to board...that is until I just got my new Donek (and no I haven't updated my avatar yet Jack). You're gonna have fun with it, it's great for crowded NE slopes...and suprisingly stable at higher speeds too...
  19. I just picked up a Canon SD630, for when I am not carting my Oly E-1 or E-500 and lenses around. This Canon is very compact, takes excellent pics, and 640x480 30fps vids (TV quality). Large display, no viewfinder. I am happy with it. And it literally fits in my front pocket. My keys take up more room than the camera. Dpreview has a wealth of good info if you dig into their forums. I frequent their Olympus SLR forum almost daily, not as fishrising but as Ben Sxxxxxx. Stevesdigicams or something like that has good reviews also...
  20. Pat, great start! I like clean, simple, easy to navigate sites... Did the manufacturers provide the product thumbnails? Or did you have to shoot them? PS...can you get fellow BOL'ers from CT a deal on a Colnago??????
  21. The Rossi is now Jack Michaud's, and I have a brand spankin new Donek Olympic Core Oppenheimer 179 FC to replace it.
  22. That's pretty funny! I wish I had size 11.5 feet!
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