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Everything posted by pebu

  1. Back in my softboot days I was comin in to the lodge hot. I was stopping on my heelside hard when my toe edge caught a mound of hard enough snow. Perfect superman flat onto my face. also on my softies I was playing in a field being towed behind a snowmobile. He suggested I try hitting this jump. Ok, whatever, I've jumped enough. Well, I held onto the rope a little long. Perfect superman, flat onto my face. First week on hardboots, still in ski boots as a matter of fact, cuttin a hard toeside in earlyseason conditions. Hit some granular manmade... HOOK! Perfect INVERTED superman... I remember thinking to myself that I was about 4 feet off the ground, though I don't know why I thought that because I didn't get a chance to see anything happen. Next thing I know I'm on my hands and knees. A friend came down and asked if I was ok. Yeah, I think so... She started laughing and said something to the effect of "good, because that was soo funny! YOU BOUNCED like a RAG DOLL!"
  2. Alright, here's what you gotta do... You need to hook up a fishing line to your board and you can leave it uphill a little bit. Then you'll be sitting there outside, below the deck, just give a whistle and then give the fishingline a tug. The board will start coming right for you, where you can "mount up".
  3. Occasionally I'll just leave a card sitting on a table in a restaraunt or something. Ski lodges work well because the tables are self bussed for the most part. Pick up all your crap and leave a single card...
  4. I third the sportube. On my last trip (roadtrip) I got 3 bindingless boards, 2 bindingless pairs of skis (they have motion rails which makes it super easy) and one pair of skis with bindings still on it. Oh, and both of my tuning tool boxes. That was heavy **** right there. One thing to watch out for though, on a trip to steamboat (by air)... I would have rather locked it, but since it's air travel, they may need to open it up and take a peak. Well, when I got to steamboat I went to walk away with my sportube in tow and it splits right in half. How effing far did it travel without the clip in place? How many times did it come apart and some underpaid bag jockey grab whatever and try to stuff it back together? Not to mention, Where the **** was my clip??? Those things are like 5 bucks, plus I still needed something for the flight back. Anyway, since we couldn't find any of those clips in steamboat my buddy had the idea of using the nylon ziptie thatwe got from the lift tickets. I used one to close it up and then I taped about 5 of them right next to the spot and used alot of arrows and "friendly" words to point them out. When I got home it had a ziptie on it and there were 2 or so missing from the 5. Anyway, yeah sportube rocks.
  5. pebu

    Crystal Mtn.

    Didn't you just have a kid? Shouldn't you be saving some $$$? Plus I don't think you should be engaging in high-risk sports, I'll have to take that donek off your hands..
  6. pebu

    Crystal Mtn.

    I didn't mean to imply you couldn't do it in softboots, I just meant that despite a small amount of chop you'd still be in your hardboots. I'd imagine you'd find a large amount of chop easily tamed in hardboots, whereas I get my ass handed to me if I were to try. I'm hoping I can make it sunday, but I might get roped into going to the girlfriends parents.
  7. WV, I sent you an email. It's DiveBomber's thread though, so I don't want to snipe or anything.
  8. I don't mean to make light of this cause it was obviously very painful and quite a feat, but as somebody who's into failblog.... EPIC FAIL
  9. I got mine in yesterday, they looked alright. I did kind of like the older ones that directed them right to the welcome section. But I'd imagine people are more likely to go to it if it's not full of \\/\::.\\|?//.
  10. I'd say a 156 is too short. Maybe modern construction could hold you up at that length. I ride a 162 nitro at about 140lbs and I get that thing cranking tighter than anything I've ever seen before. Get something with some snap and stay on top of it cause if you're not paying attention that snap will push you way off your line.
  11. I find that hard to believe. If they were going to foreclose, I'd imagine they'd wait until after the olympics so they could salvage whatever they could out of it. I mean, how much do the olympics bring in? Unless they're trying to gain leverage for some other shady deals, who knows.
  12. Effortless, yes, but it's almost like they're levitating. When the non-carver sees it they wonder how it can be possible to hover over the ground like that, much less do it without even breathing hard. I guess I'm trying to say that effort and possibility are on two different scales. By the way I'm not very good with my words. I'm an engineer, what can you expect?:D
  13. No touch. The no touch style looks way cooler, even magical. When other people see you mere inches, or even centimeters from the ground, but you get up without touching it... Yeah, they like that. As do I, when I do it. Like it's said in the carvers almanac, Whereas in other sports, great athletes make it look easy, in carving, great carvers make it look impossible.
  14. pebu

    Crystal Mtn.

    I forgot to say that I was there saturday and sunday. Saturday I got there at noon or so. Holy effin people. I made about 3 runs and decided it was way way way too busy for me. Which was a shame because the snow was hero and it was a gorgeous day out. I would have hid somewhere until the crowds thinned down, but I had to go to the drop-in hockey game at 7 so I just ditched it. Sunday was great. I didn't get there until after 6, so I was a little worried that it'd be chopped up, but it really wasn't. The snow held up great despite the warm temperature. It was to that point that even if there were a few chops I could plow through them, even on my SL board. I was crankin some real tight turns. Skied with some friends, one of which is a highschool student on the ski team. We have the same style (despite his being a skier) so we like to follow each other down. Him on his 09' race tiger SL and me on my nitro sl... He didn't stand a chance at following my lines. He might be able to do it, but he'd need about a foot of risers to keep from booting out. Soft snow is partially the problem. Anyway, a friend of theirs was trying to learn how to snowboard so I stopped by and gave a few pointers. All of a sudden it clicked for her and she was making it all the way down the hill without falling. Last run of the night she hurt her wrist. Anyway, can't wait to go again this weekend. Also, I saw a softbooter carving up Buck. I thought, hey, that might be Knoch, but it couldn't have been him in soft boots. So, anybody know who it was?
  15. pebu

    Crystal Mtn.

    I forgot to say that I was there saturday and sunday. Saturday I got there at noon or so. Holy effin people. I made about 3 runs and decided it was way way way too busy for me. Which was a shame because the snow was hero and it was a gorgeous day out. I would have hid somewhere until the crowds thinned down, but I had to go to the drop-in hockey game at 7 so I just ditched it. Sunday was great. I didn't get there until after 6, so I was a little worried that it'd be chopped up, but it really wasn't. The snow held up great despite the warm temperature. It was to that point that even if there were a few chops I could plow through them, even on my SL board. I was crankin some real tight turns. Skied with some friends, one of which is a highschool student on the ski team. We have the same style (despite his being a skier) so we like to follow each other down. Him on his 09' race tiger SL and me on my nitro sl... He didn't stand a chance at following my lines. He might be able to do it, but he'd need about a foot of risers to keep from booting out. Soft snow is partially the problem. Anyway, a friend of theirs was trying to learn how to snowboard so I stopped by and gave a few pointers. All of a sudden it clicked for her and she was making it all the way down the hill without falling. Last run of the night she hurt her wrist. Anyway, can't wait to go again this weekend. Also, I saw a softbooter carving up Buck. I thought, hey, that might be Knoch, but it couldn't have been him in soft boots. So, anybody know who it was?
  16. They wouldn't happen to have Keewenaw Brewing Company (KBC) Pickaxe Blonde Ale down that far, would they? KBC is in Houghton, MI (way up there) and they've been pushing the Pickaxe Blonde and the Redjacket farther and farther south. The blonde is just... Sublime...
  17. So I was pulling into the Buck chair line and some teenage girl sees it. Teen Girl to her boyfriend: Hey, why is his board so much cooler than yours? Boyfriend: Hey!?!? The conversation continued between several people in the viscinity when she couldn't quite come up with the shape. Teen Girl: Cause its kinda... Square or somethin. Someone else: Well, it's more rectangle than anything. Yet another person: Where did you learn your shapes? blah blah blah. Anyway, it made my day (I mean, on top of sleeping in, playing video games, taking a nap with the girlfriend, playing some more video games and carving hero snow) to hear that to a teenage girl my board is cooler than some jibbers board.
  18. I think the race to 3008 has begun. Wait! I got it! OMG I WON!
  19. Some friends have bullet cams for videoing rally cars. They put them places that you wouldn't want to put a person. Anyway, the bulletcam manufacturer has a guarantee that if you manage to break the lense, just send them the footage of the lens being broken (usually a spectacular crash) then they'll replace the cam at no cost. Does GoPro do anything like that?
  20. Believe it or not, the best riding I've done is trying to shake a kid on the highschool ski team. He's got a set of SL race tigers and can really angulate. He's not a phenominal racer, too many mental barriers, but while freecarving he can regularly boot out. When I'm on my SL board, I'm breathing heavy after a run down our 350ft hill.
  21. If I figure effective edge is overall less 20cm, the radius looks to be about 8.7m. Longer measured effective edge would make the radius bigger than I calculated. Sounds like that thing would definately turn.
  22. Both of my rides are front foot at 60-62 degrees, and that's just with my MO26 raichles. Maybe it's the snow I ride, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I still get some heel drag if I don't set my bindings up just right. I've just been driving with the knees and dropping my hip and been getting good reaction. This brings up another some-what of an issue though. I mean, I love the idea of the td3sw, but I'm a little concerned, If you're riding upwards of 60 degrees or more, aren't you going to lose that edge control? It seems like an ideal setup would be for the axis of the pivot to be straight across the board. Of course it would be one hell of a project, from the design point of view.
  23. ****, it's wisconsin... There can't be but 2 hills in the whole damn state!
  24. Hey. I'm just bored. Girlfriend's teachin a class right now, won't be back till after 10. I guess I'm just working on getting crunk. NCIS is on. Dogs insist on wrestling. I know I should be doing work, but it's her house so I really don't know what to do. Did I mention that I'm bored?
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