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Everything posted by Pow

  1. Most of the true fans of this magazine are very diplomatic guys... then of course youve got the punks and posers following the hype buying the magazine because they sell it in the skate shop where the cool kids hang out. Im relieved to see such apathy towards alpine in this magazine. also: the transworldsnowboarding.com "set up selector" has "alpine" as one of the 5 dicipline choices for finding gear. However, they have no alpine gear in their database yet. They dont have wide boards and other things such as burton gear yet either, so im thinking they probably just need some time to complete their board list. transworld might be the only part of pop culture snowboarding that still recognizes alpine.
  2. is that tape i see on that topsheet? thats not a board, thats junk:nono:
  3. i grin every time i see the sharp cutouts on the tail of my board:eplus2:
  4. speaking of retro burton, check the new fish http://www.snowboard-mag.com/node/8340?res=original ^sort of reminds me of the old powderguns they used to make.
  5. With the quick and easy use of hardboot bindings, the ratchets have become a major pain in the @$$ for me. Flows are pretty much the only softboot bindings i go for nowadays. although i must say, burton's bindings are the only thing i liked when i rode my friend's all-burton setup a few times (i believe they were cartels).
  6. thats really sad. If theyre ganna do a porno board, at least make it look good.
  7. http://www.snowboard-mag.com/node/2986 ^would this be it?
  8. This is a familly site:nono: use whiteout!
  9. the park monkeys hate burton, possibly more than the alpine riders. theres always a huge thread about it, with just about every frequent poster offering up their hate. My theory is, burton riding will be viewed as a completely different dicipline. theres the powderfreaks, the park monkeys, the alpine carvers, and those pussys on burtons (new burtons, not the good stuff they stopped making) although i do have to say, having a huge commercial snowboard company comes in handy when im looking for tools and a carrying case for my hats (wtf?)
  10. Pow

    Spam posts

    noooo! you beat me to it:argue: great stuff!
  11. I wonder what would be cheaper, that house or Buttermilk itself?
  12. maybe we should start a pool for the SES pad but thatd never work... the squall guys could barely get a pool together for a snowboard, how are we ganna handle a multi-million dollar piece of aspen real estate?
  13. eliminates suction i guess, but it doesnt seem very good for balance or carving.
  14. Pow

    "Teen Buzz"

    wow thats loud!
  15. Pow


    sorry to dig um a slightly old thread, but i just saw a 170 munoz listed in C5 golfer's profile, so they do make them longer:biggthump
  16. could work to keep out moisture, i suppose.
  17. i know a few people like that... we call them woodchucks, the northern rednecks.
  18. yeah, but now somebody else wants a topsheet and decided to use the old thread
  19. sorry to complicate the idea section further, but wouldnt it be cool to get a topsheet with blood spatter on the edges of the topsheet, to make it look like the board's been carving people? sure will keep the monkeys off your deck in the liftlines. Ive been waiting to throw the idea out there, and this thread seems like the perfect place to do it. sorry, i have no means or know-how to create a sample image. sure would add to the creepy factor of the board. Maybe your next board, Shred! kimo... you should see it. i envy it greatly. I'll wait for shred though, im sure he doesnt want me spoiling his show-off rights.
  20. im sure if you dilute the bleach enough itll be fine... thanks for all the options!
  21. thanks. i searched clean liners before and came up empty.
  22. This is sort of a stupid question, but ive been wondering for a while now what to do if you get your boot liners dirty or they start to smell really bad? Is there a way to clean the liners, should you just let em smell, or do you throw them away at that point and get new ones? FYI, my liners dont smell, im just wondering what i should do if they do get smelly.
  23. once again, my peers embarass me on BOL. what's more amusing though is when they sit at the bottom of the steepest run on the mountain. At royal mountain, the very bottom of the "Royal" is probably the steepest area on the whole mountain. Immediately after that is the path between the lodge and the lift. for some reason, many riders decide to chill on the path right under the royal. It's also a favorite spot for skiiers and boarders to leave their gear, even when the racks 10 feet away are nearly empty. Needless to say, ive seen my share of gear get run over by out-of-control noobs thinking they can handle the run. Ive also seen 2 people get hit. sure, those guys probably shouldnt have been on the royal, but where is the logic in laying down on one of the most dangerous spots on the mountain?
  24. If he knew how to carve, i bet that lady would still be alive, too. I wonder if the run was crowded or if it was pretty much open except for him and the lady?
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