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Everything posted by Pow

  1. I was thinking that instead of a spring, a eurothane honeycomb (similar to the air shocks in nike sneakers) around the joints might work well and save space. Then the back of the boot could look more like this instead of this allowing it to fit between a strap and a highback.
  2. Hmm... so it can be done, but there isnt a boot out there yet that's the best of both worlds. I tried putting my burton winds in my softboot bindings, and assumed the buckles would get in the way. Actually, the buckles didnt make too much a difference, its the forward lean adjuster/spring mechanism in the back that really sticks out. itd also be kinda awkward to ride with the toe and heel blocks as they are... almost like riding in stilletos. Im wondering how youd be able to keep the support the hardboot after getting rid of that back mechanism... if this can be done,then we have a softboot/hardboot hybrid shape to work with, the rest is just modifying the sole and the lacing/buckling system.
  3. I saw a pair of old ski boots in a diner recently... you know, the kind with DIN toes and heels but are still lace up. they looked sorta like this, although the toe and heels on the boots i saw would fit modern alpine skiis better than these old cross country boots: When I saw them, I thought "hey, those would fit in an alpine binding and a softboot binding... why doesnt anybody make boots that can fit in both?" Obviously Im not going to pick up the ancient history in this picture to use as my new boots, but I'd like to know if anybody has ever attempted making an uber stiff softboot say like say the driver X but with Toe/heel blocks like ski boots. Maybe even with hard plastic underneath the soft shell, like a hardboot in disguise. A boot like that would go great with an all-mountain carver or powder board. It would attract more customers than just alpine riders too because it can be used with a softboot binding. so it would make sense for a company such as deeluxe to develope something of this nature. It may even be a good boot for freestyle skiiers, who need a softer boot that still fits their ski bindings. has anyone tried, does anyone do it now without my knowlege, and does anybody else think this would be a convenient boot to have?
  4. I think the "my other ride's an alpine" factor immediately invalidates most all of the "suggested setups". we tend to have very different standards (higher:biggthump ) for our freeride/freestyle boards, and disregard the length of board to size of rider ratio more. Ive found that alpine riders understand their gear on a level few freestyle boarders will ever comprehend. I also think that everybody has different needs/wants in thier boards, so two alpine riders of the same size could be happiest on two completely different board lengths/stiffnesses/widths/sidecuts. The only sure way for me is to try it, or at least ask around about a certain model.
  5. RenewZoom, Hyperzoom, and HZ paste are my waxes of choice... because my peers would scorn me for dirtying my base with graphite. If it wasnt for me they wouldnt even know what wax is (i get paid to do their wax work:cool: ) Isnt it funny how kids will mess up a topsheet, sometimes even on purpose to match their jeans, but cradle their p-tex like it was their own newborn child?
  6. I always thought the name had something to do with a "Formula-one" racecar, although i dont know why the number is "2" for the F2s so im probably wrong
  7. I think I heard Nidecker recently relocated their production to Utah, so perhaps carrying some Nidecker alpine boards around here might be an easy/good idea too! although I dont know where they were before.
  8. Jiminy Peak is supposed to open Friday! I'm heading up there (arriving early for opening, hoping to make first chair, and leaving around 1 to get back home for work) for opening day. Does anybody want to make a few turns with me? I wont be very good, and could use some pointers. Any help/company would be appreciated! -Steve
  9. Jiminy Peak is supposed to open Friday! I'm heading up there (arriving early for opening, hoping to make first chair, and leaving around 1 to get back home for work) for opening day. Does anybody want to make a few turns with me? I wont be very good, and could use some pointers. Any help/company would be appreciated! -Steve
  10. lift cables then?:D Ive never seen rails set up like that... you probably would need to use your pro-status to special order it.
  11. hmm, stores carrying bombers... since bombers come in all different settings, I can imagine that might be a hastle. Not dissing the binding or anything, i love it and cant wait to break mine in, but if i was a shopowner id consider carrying cateks before TD2s because its a more standardized product.
  12. 3 types of waxes for 3 types of friction: dry: hydrocarbon wet: add fluoro static: add graphite reasons why not to: fluoro: toxic fumes. graphite: it stains the base grey (unless your base is black) if conditions are very dry (close to 0% humidity) then hydrocarbon waxes are ideal. the higher the humidity, the more fluoro is needed to perform to the wax's highest potential. As for static... your board is constantly moving across the snow, constanly creating static, so graphite is always ideal. I'm not sure how much friction static contributes compared to the other elements involved, but riders use it with great results so it must be worth it. If you dont want to make your clean white base look dirty, then stay away from graphite. otherwise its great.
  13. I plan on visiting la grave durring or after college:biggthump It seems to be the premire destination for powder riding.
  14. It's a touring show, where it stops is posted here http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/CirqueDuSoleil/en/showstickets/default.htm It was a little different, but the music combined with a sort of story line and some really cool acrobatics made it great. The acrobatics in La Nouba were better, but I liked everything else about Corteo more. Ohh, and if you're considering watching delirium, i wouldnt reccomend it. Loud, constant, techno-ish music throughout the entire show, with very little acrobatic visual entertainment. They had some wierd things projected on screens, but not a lot of stunts and such. It dissapointed me all-around, which surprised me because i like the music they encorporate into their shows. gdboytyler, the 100 waves thing is a surf party program where you can rent out the lagoon for 100 waves, the style of your choice, for after park hours. The surf lesson program is before park hours, with instructors and such. the learn to surf program is not as expensive as the 100 wave party. I dont exactly remember the price, but i think it was around $200. I enjoyed it, but an accomplished surfer would probably be very bored.
  15. La Nouba was great! Corteo was even better though... at least i thought:biggthump
  16. Us riders on the southern end of the adirondacks have rain to deal with... last month around this time there was snow on the ground and yesterday it was 60! gore wont be open for a while still:(
  17. smuggler's notch VT! rated the best family vacation destination in ski magazine... I love the place. It has some of the most intense terrain in VT. the liftline on madonna mountain varies in steepness between about 60 and 90 degrees... nearly **** myself going up the lift the first time. Needless to say i did not ride the liftline, but the other runs they had to offer are most excellent! the beginner area is great too... actually i should say the beginner mountain is great, because moorse mountain is set up perfectly for progression. it was the only place my little brother has ever enjoyed riding... and he's too stubborn to learn how to ride well so basically its good for even the hopeless riders. There is one thing you have to look out for though: while everything on moorse mountain i would give a green circle, the unloading ramp (at the top, not the mid station) i would have to give a black diamond! last year it was steep, long, and people fell all over it in front of you. hold your children tight getting off this! my two cents, -steve
  18. Hate it too, but there were two things that rocked about it. one: I got the maximum possible score in buzz lightyear (999,999 points) on my side of the car and then went on to beat everyone else with the other side too (632,894 points) because i had my own car. two: private surf lessons at typhoon lagoon. it was amazing having all those waves to myself, it only took about 2 tries to really get the hang of it. If anybody else on this site is planning on going down there, I highly reccomend typhoon lagoon's surf program.
  19. Thanks everyone for all your help! I will continue to ride with the angles that feel right... I was worried that there might be something wrong with my riding style and that It should be more comfterble with outward canting (after all, what feels like great riding to me might actually look like **** to everyone else). I'm looking forward to getting the season started over here, and hope to see you all out on the mountains! -steve edit: ohh, and I might as well add that since i now have my TD2s, Im shocked at how low they sit on the board, despite the suspension system! from the pictures i really expected them to be much higher. for those of you who love that "on the board feel", bombers aren't too far off.
  20. I've reviewed the information on this site, and tried the search function (way too many results to find exactly what i need) and decided that i still need some help. Appearently outward canting is the way to go, but inward canting has and does feel better for me than outward canting. what problems might occur with inward canting and should i cant my bindings outward despite the lower level of comfort it brings me? please help!! -steve
  21. how do you ride that at royal??? I dont think i could handle it ... youve gatta be dead tired after just two runs riding that GS board on our narrow little trails! If you'd like I'll let you demo the Longboard and the Overdose, although the OD is much shorter than what youre used to riding so im not sure if youll like it -steve
  22. It looks pretty wide... either a BX style board or an EC style board. you can't really see the tail but its safe to assume the board rips from what we can see:biggthump It's probably an older discontinued series.
  23. It hones your skills, quickly out of necessity. Im still learning, but ive improved so much since i started carving. I'm not sticking around, though. as soon as all my schooling is done i'm heading to Utah:cool:
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