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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Dr D

    garage sale

    let me know if you don't get them. mr-happy is better than mr-hanky I guess:lol:
  2. WIll do I am not sure when but I should get into the boxes sometime this week.
  3. start by pointing both feet the same direction with the toes and heels as close to the edges as possible. ITs the only way to control a carve in soft boots that I have been successful with. Then get on the for sale section and find something in your price range to get started. THere is lots to choose from and you won't know the difference between a coiler and burton for a while anyway. have fun learning this year and save for that big day next fall when your new TD2's come in and you mount them on one of the 12 boards you bought over the summer on EBAY. Then have a huge online garage sale and order a TINKLER:1luvu:
  4. I will be trying out the new OSIN 4807 this year and also will be putting softies on the garage for the chunky days.
  5. Dr D

    garage sale

    PJ 7 is gone to NJ AMP 6 is currently spoken for
  6. Dr D


    All plastics degrade over time especially upon exposure to UV radiation. Obviously breakdown varies but the more exposure to light the more breakdown. Thus older bottle higher risk.
  7. Dr D


    The soda thing is epidemic and its more closely related to artificial sweeteners than caffeine. Yes that includes high fructose corn syrup! I highly recomend everyone read the new best seller from Dr Mercola. ITs called "Sweet Deception" fascinating study of artificial sweeteners and the problems they cause. You may find yourself in one of the chapters. HFCS makes you hungry and makes you crave more of it. Start watching labels you will find it in just about everything. I found it in unsweet tea the other day. the unsweet tea that is reconstituted from a syrup in beverage machines from coke or pepsi have High fructose corn syrup in them. crazy world:smashfrea
  8. Dr D


    the worst part about reusing isn't the bacteria factor its the chemicals that offgas out of the plastic. your standard bottled water bottle should not be reused for this reason. the plastics used by say Nalgene are specifically designed to reduce this problem. standard water bottle plastic breaks down over time and offgases into the water. This process increases over time making reuse a bad idea. IF you doubt it, refill and leave for several days and then taste it!
  9. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Coward
  10. I love this stuff man:biggthump This is where new ideas happen! And old ones over and over. I will go with the manufacturers "Enginmaneer" on this one. Torqueing wood to spec never made sense to me anyway. Some sort of antiseize is a given, at least to any body who has ever done maintainance on military gear with aluminum parts. gallons of that nasty black goo are gone thru daily. I think its petroleum jelly saturated with moly and its impossible to get it off of you after. bomber butter is better:1luvu: :1luvu:
  11. Ask me about microwaving cats for fun and profit!!
  12. Dr D

    af700 racekit

    I need the stiff tongue kit in the large size for my af700's if anyone has an unused or used set around please let me know.
  13. Can we assume that this board is not the only place you have posted this notable info?:lol: :lol:
  14. ISn't that where they board down into the hole in the ground and then take the chair back out????:lol:
  15. Dr D


    Let me clarify the statement is that when people think they are hungry at least part of the time they are really thirsty. I will have to reread the research article for specifics it has been awhile. Nothing to do with the actual hunger hormones but rather a perception problem on the part of the person. I may be off base on this part but it seems like they thought it had something to do with the amount of sweetened drinks consumed in america confusing the body. interesting anyway!
  16. It wasn't a day for the new board and or a fresh tune that's for sure. Lots of little tree tops poking thru yet and some truly nasty rocks here and there. I went up early mostly to shock my legs into action a little. last year I spent the best snow time getting in shape. I can say they were not only shocked but truly horrified:D Any way snows great just not enough of it yet. let me know if you are going to be in the area. I hope to venture out into the rest of the state at some point but the office is just hitting the break even point so maybe not this year. We'll se how it goes. new business are worse than kids for time and money, they take a lot of time and extra care!
  17. Nope I don't sorry. I have only been home the last three years or so after the military and college/ grad school etc. So I feel like a stranger in my own town sometimes. That and I live in Bigfork so I don't get much time in whitefish other than driving thru on the way to the mtn
  18. THe M6 from those years was a wider waist board and a great ride
  19. Dr D


    "Your bodies many cries for water" bumanji or something like that is the author interesting note most americans confuse thirst for hunger.
  20. Hit the hill today for the first time. Backside is open with good hero snow. Front side is sketchy still. The whole valley is socked in solid with fog and its good to be on top in the sunshine!! Met Wescarven on top good to put a face with the handle. hope to see you up there more this year. SHRED we are gettin it warmed up for you baby:D PS I have warned all the waitresses and new lodge girls to be careful :lol:
  21. Solemn day for us Haze grayers. Delaney Carlson US NAVY 92 - 94 operation desert shield Army national guard 94 - 05 Never regreted a minute
  22. Dr D


    WE use sled dogs horses snowmobiles and the occasional rusty pick up truck or semi serviceable subaru. Its actually a major part of winter carnival in Whitefish come check it out. well the horse part any way
  23. Dr D


    Its heel to toe and the only offset is in the back foot. Its really a functional thing so that the toe bail will clear on the rear binding. If I was using intecs I think they would both be straight ahead. At 11.5 cm its almost overhanging just to get the binding to clear the front boot. I actually prefer to clip out of the front boot on the chair rather than the rear. It doesn't seem to affect control at all since both feet are so close to the center of the board. It feels like a ski on either foot. Very easy to control on and off the lift. think slalom waterski as far as binding placement and feel.
  24. Dr D


    outstanding sign me up for a set of the discs:biggthump
  25. Dr D


    I am confused. It looks like you are selling an entire skwal specific binding for the same price as a TD2. So if I want just the lower part will that work? IS that the cant disc you speak of and I assume you mean the same price as the TD2 cant discs. I have ordered a set of TD2's and suspension kit for my board I was hoping you meant that the skwal cant disc would accept the uppers from that. OR do I need to buy a whole second set of bindings for the skwal? surely you don't mean to charge the binding price for just the cant disc?????
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