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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Dr D

    garage sale

    come on guys help me out here! Save me from an evening of misery posting on ebay. MAKE AN OFFER I promise to not get offended:rolleyes:
  2. just get a retro kit from bomber. It replaces the heel piece with a step in piece. Easy convert and affordable
  3. That's probably the artists impression of a Burton ELITE. Not exactly a swallow tail but definitely split. I gotta say those really didn't qualify as having a tail did they?
  4. Dr D

    garage sale

    sorry I missed the reference. you are talking about the dude on a burton FP with the ski boots? Not very talkative?! Ponytail?
  5. Dr D


    three times a week baby! funny thing, I was so busy boarding I missed the aforementioned BS:rolleyes: To bad it would have been fun to pour gas on the fire:lol: 59911
  6. Dr D

    garage sale

    send me an email address the pics are to big to post:D
  7. Dr D

    garage sale

    yes the bail blocks have a rod between them that you twist to adjust the binding on the board otherwise they are the perfomance binding with the heavy metal base plate and the riveted blocks
  8. You'll get over it:biggthump (this post placed in the face of certain bodily harm from someone I don't know with no sense of humor! GLEB will understand its a crack I had to make:lol: :lol: )
  9. yep mines named nequesha and tanequa oh yeah and there's buella and that naughty little april! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: the skwal's name is fred don't ask
  10. Garage Snowboards is a new brand currently made in a garage in Kalispell, MT by John Mcginnis. John was the mad genius behind Identity snowboards. Identity made some incredible boards for a few years before large corporate interests bought it out and then sold out the quality. Several of their finer alpine offerings are shown over at oldsnowboards .com anyway John is building a new company and is currently not yet tooled for alpine offerings. Good news is that his freeride and all mountain boards are awesome and can be made extra stiff for the carvers among us. I have an extra layer of race carbon in mine. It carves as good as anything I have ridden and its wide enough for just about anything the mtn can dish out. John used to be a demo rider for transworld. way back in the day. He kept extensive records about build and performance and has engineered his boards from the best of what he learned. If you are nice and send me an email I will get you his number. Its a get in line situation but they are very high quality and very reasonably priced. they are a must have:1luvu:
  11. Dr D

    garage sale

    some updates and additions
  12. Dr D

    For sale...

    You can get tnuts with ptex already on them. you just have to drill to the appropriate depth. Also in a pinch superglue and graphite powder work well enough to cover such a divot. sand the base after and the graphite soaks up enough wax to suffice. good way to work on a rock board etc. not the best for the carver. although..... shouldn't we only be using the lateral inch or so of each side of the base? the middle shouldn't touch the snow enough to matter!:lol:
  13. I guess thats what I am doing although maybe to the extreme. ITs more the act of going low than being low though. I really drop into my turns on the steep stuff. As long as I am dropping I maintain good control. If I get to the bottom of my range of motion before the turn ends I lose that control of the edge. So it becomes a factor of managing how fast I drop into the turn. IS this making sense? I run out of suspension travel if I hit bottom to fast. Ideally I hit the bottom just in time to pop up for the transition. I don't ride this way all the time It just seems to work on the steep stuff. It feels like some of the old down up an around ski lingo they tried to teach me way back when
  14. I use angles that put my heels and toes over the edges without any overhang. I also have lifts under the bindings and a 3 degree cant under the back foot. Soft boots (vans switch Ntype stiff) work great and my setup feels alot the same angle wise to my hardboot setup. I find if the snow gets heavy or wet that I have to use my weight more to drive down into the edges on the turns but other than that its a carving machine in the crud:biggthump
  15. I think its ,half at least, caused by being out of shape. The lift helps the front quad but to much lift and I lose control of the nose. trial and error I guess. I ride a 3 degree lift under my rear foot on my soft setup and it works great. I had it at 6 degrees and I felt like I overpowered the tail and washed it out or drove a tighter corner than I intended. Keep screwing with it until you find the sweet spot. I am learning this year that not every board likes my favorite stance etc. ITs a pain in the quads figuring it out.
  16. this fetal position you speak of, is it all the time or just in the bottom of each turn? I notice, especially when carving on my soft setup, that on steep terrain that I really have to drive down into the board to hold a carve. If I bottom out (get to fetal position) before I finish the turn I will lose an edge. the steeper the terrain the more up and down my movement gets. Any comments from the jack would be appreciated as well. I know for me I sometimes have trouble translating what I read here into actual action and I have a hard time describing what it feels like when I am doing it.
  17. I am working into new TD2's and a new really long board at the same time. the learning is a little steep is all. I think I have it dialed in now the next trip up the mountain will tell. I softened the angles and moved the whole setup forward a bunch. I felt like I was in the back seat all day. Every time I tried to get forward it would lock into a line and refuse to come out of it. Hopefully it will come into line next time out. PS I saw three skwals on the mountain already. two of them were killing it in the glades off piste!
  18. Dr D


    The original use of flouride in water was proposed as a way to pacify the masses! An interesting effect produced by its status as a neurotoxin. Also It would cost millions to dispose of it properly as it is classified as a toxic industrial waste. However some enterprising soul convinced the government that it was good for teeth and created a market for this toxic goo. Now the company gets to sell its waste instead of pay for its disposal. The dark side of capitalism as it were...... (the above comments are to be in no way construed to implicate me as a communist or god forbid a socialist. It is merely a statement that even the good guys have a dark side)
  19. Dr D


    Ain't that the truth:lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. Dr D


    oh yeah I saw two skwals killing it in the trees today as well.
  21. Dr D


    screamin fast snow today. Tried the Shred special today and didn't die:biggthump I was not however particularly graceful. much tweaking to go before I figure out the sweet spot and angles unless shred is willing to cough up a few secrets. I felt like I was in the backseat all day and the nose was bouncing a lot so I moved everything forward and hopefully that will help next time out:cool:
  22. Dr D


    Personally RO is a better way to go than distilled with a few specific exceptions. Distilling basically kills the water and removes the good with the bad. Yeah I know rain water is distilled etc but its the process of coming down through the earth and into the aquifer that gives it life. literally according to some research. The bond angles change and it becomes "energized" as it flows down stream particularly through vortex action etc. It also picks up minerals and other good stuff provided it isn't in a polluted area. RO for city water and carry it in a nalgene or similiar bottle. Distilled for fasting etc.
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