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ECES MADD Hats deadline Friday night..03/17/06

Shred Gruumer

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I personally made some Madd hats with Mikes permission and it looks like they where a hit at the ECES

Im thinking of doing another batch as soon as I can but can't flip the bill on this one..

Its a top quality black ball cap and going with a Blood Red color for the logo and the flower.

The Cost will be with Shipping $25 as due to the limited run USA only! Canada..well will have to work something out like a Coiler or something for it.. :D .

Ask anyone..its top notch but don't take my word on it...

Only email me if you will buy one becuase Im only going to run so many then Im done.. maybe in the Fall again..but don't bank on it..

email me at if you will commit to wanting one, the kicker is if I don't get enough I can't make them as I have to front the bill.. so once I get a head count for this weekend I can let you know if I can run them..

Sound cool?


ps.. who's got a hat please post a pick to give others an idea what they look like if they haven't seen them..

Or I'll just have to do it later tonight..

Right Said Shred

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remember Im going to do the logo in front and back in a dark blood red color. it will have a black or chacoal outline..

they are nice hats,,but ask who has one..

email at rthut@zoominternet.net..

Only email if you will commit..cause I need an exact count not to over produce and slapped with more..

I just figured people who saw them wanted one..I luv ball caps..if they are cool..I buy em...

Got too many now but who cares!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Got word I should have the hats soon.. Please make sure all who wanted one has a paypal account set up ...

I will post a pick of the Hat. I might have one or two extra and will let ya all know..

For all who ordered and wish to back out.. well I know where you live!

I will be dissapointed as well if they are not to the Shred Standard of Hatness!

See ya soon!!

Right Said Shred

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Shred, if you can get me a COILER cap, I would be very happy, it's shipping to the Netherlands, can pay through Paypal. Will cover all the costs, no problem since the Maddcaps looks really nice. Can email at j.meijlis@chello.nl (I have Coiler logo in Jpeg, did use it for a sweater)

Greets, Hans.



just upload your coiler logo and order. should work fine for non US too.

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Thanks, D-SUB for the effort.

SHRED has a very nice shrederized Coilerlogo which is as nice as the logo put on the Madd caps. So I must be patient. If things don't work out, your proposal is certainly an option.

Greets, Hans.

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The Truthiness is that ,,yea they are cheaper and so are the hats..!

I really did go through about 20 hat samples till I found one that was of excellent quality and feel and fit. The hat is what is a little more.. plus if you take into account the thread count on for the embroidery well it actually ends up a little higher than what Im charging for the small quantity, I just wanted some folks who wanted a hat that missed out at the ECES get one.. I would make a large order but then I have to sit on them.. Then you got the people who don't like the color and what not.. so to play it safe I did a small run..


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The Truthiness is that ,,yea they are cheaper and so are the hats..!

I really did go through about 20 hat samples till I found one that was of excellent quality and feel and fit. The hat is what is a little more.. plus if you take into account the thread count on for the embroidery well it actually ends up a little higher than what Im charging for the small quantity, I just wanted some folks who wanted a hat that missed out at the ECES get one.. I would make a large order but then I have to sit on them.. Then you got the people who don't like the color and what not.. so to play it safe I did a small run..


I wasnt accusing you of ripping anyone off :)

Hats look good. Logo would be too big for my tastes...

you really shoulda misspelled MADD.

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Your the first on the list if I have extras..$25 includes shipping to lower 48

I should have one or two extra..so your it..

I need to hear back from everyone..

And to all who ordered one check your email..

I sent out notices.. ok doe kay....

Forgot my email is

Eve.. rthut@zoominternet.net

Day rthut@parker.com


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If I don't hear from you,,by tommorow.. well first come first served..

Who wants next in line... I will let you know right here who it is..

If you know Miguel..let em know..

Thanks,,I tried email through BOL so don't know if he got it..

All who paid the hats have been sent!!! should see them in 2 to 4 days.. let me know if you don't see them in a week..


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