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At least for a while. I wouldn't consider my choice a New Year's Resolution, but something I just needed to do. I'd be interested if anyone has feedback on their own experiences with giving up the Clown Oil (booze) for a certain time length or for good.

I made the choice for a number of reasons, but knew I was getting in a little too deep. I'm not talking Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, but more than my normal week to week consumption has steadily increased to day to day.

I know this is "un carve" related but, reading some of the posts on this server, the group overall is an intelligent one and I would be interested in any of your experiences or feedback.

Not looking for any Doctoral level feedback, just personal experiences.



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I quit cold turkey a few years ago. It was much easier than giving up cigs. I just wanted to make sure I controlled it...not it controlling me. I started back up after about two years but I am much more responsible now than before. I had read an article about one man's theory as to why most diets fail. He felt most people have a difficult time giving up vices such as fatty food, cigs and booze forever. He felt it was easier to give up it for a period of time and periodically "reward" yourself. He dieted for five days and then ate what he wanted on the weekend. He lost a ton of fat. I did the same with cigarettes. I couldn't face giving them up forever but quitting for three months seemed totally plausible. I easily cold turkeyed for 90 days and bought a carton on day ninety one. I repeated the same a month later and haven't had a cigarette in the last twenty five years. I basically did the same with the beer but it lasted for two years. I initially had set a six month limit and then extended it. I'm much more responsible now particularly when an auto is involved. I can honestly say I've haven't driven a vehicle when I would have failed a sobriety test at any level. I couldn't say that in the past. This may not work for everyone but it worked well more me. Like the sign says..."DWI...you can't afford it". Good luck.


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I never started, believe it or not. While I can't relate any experience of quitting, I've got multiple decades of explaining to people why I don't drink. So whatever your reasons, I encourage you to stick to them, rather than modify them to meet some social situation.


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If you have the willpower, after a few weeks it should be gone for good. DWI's, blackouts and not knowing where you were last nite are good resons, but the best is realizing the amount of brain cell damage you do to yourself each time you drink should sober you up quick. And the first to go are in the frontal lobes, where you do all your logical thinking, which is why it's harder to quit the longer you drink. Clean and sober for 15+ years here, and will not go back, no matter what! Which is why I could sit in a bar every nite at SES '04 after riding and not be tempted in the least.

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Stopped in 84. I was the father of 2 jr high scholers and thought it was a good idea to stop so I was not a hypocrite in their eyes. I have some wine every now and them, more then than now. More money for boards and car parts!!!

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Thanks for your input. The biggest influence is the folks I hang out with. I have shared what I am heading into and they have been supportive,even to the point that the guy I thought would be last to get on the wagon has joined me.

If I kick this, I hope my wife doesnt think it will lead to quitting the purchase of equipment cold turkey. I'll post another if it gets to that, but like I tell her, would she sooner have me going to pubs and strip clubs or digging trenches.............nough said. I do the first very infrequently, time is dedicated to my board sports.

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gave it up back in Oct, was diagnosed with a digestive disease and learned the hard way that alcohol makes me VERY sick,, the doc told me but i guess i just need to figure things out on my own. basically the knowledge of what will happen if i do drink keeps me away from it. I also tend to just stay away from main st and all the bars-it's just easier than explaining why i can't drink.

I have to say it kinda sucks being a non-drinker living in Breck, but it was all good on New Year's morning when i saw the other instructors dragging in to lineup all hungover.

A big thing I've noticed is how most activities revolve around drinking-ski towns, crusies, vacation spots like club med. I guess i just notice this stuff more now that i can no longer take part. Currently in search of a ski town with sick pow and steeps that doesn't revolve around drinking....I don't think it exists, guess I'll have to find a mountain and build one myself :biggthump

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Build that mother and I will be there, water and lemonade gatorade in hand.

Hey Bob,do you need another bike or Harley?

I have a Giordana touring bicycle up for sale and an '88 Custom Softail with 12" Apes for sale, I would love to contribute to your problems :D

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I gave up alcohol, coffee and sex for a winter. The first two voluntarily, the last... oh well. Was at Crested Butte and it snowed 600+ inches and I had such a good time. Even enjoyed going out to the bars but I only shot pool, drank fizzy water with a squeeze of lime and laughed at the drinkers knowing how hurting they were going to be when I was still going to be charging hard the next day.

Without the beer goggles I could see all kinds of subtle stuff going on that wasn't always obvious while drinking. Different but still really fun.

Then on St Pattys day I got sucked in by a very bad friend and some Watney's Cream stout. Woke up with my face in the carpet, not knowing where I was and still further reinforcement for not letting the monkey ride you. I do drink about a six pack a week now, hardly ever more than one a night. A bottle of Crown lasts me about six months.

Wish I was in as good of shape as I was at the end of the no vices winter.

Good luck and hope you find the right path. And don't forget that there are some people who were just not designed to drink.


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Bob: 12 bikes?? What the hell do you do with all of them? See you in Aspen.

My family gets after me for having 2 and wanting a 3rd (fixxie) and maybe even a 4th (MTB Single)...well it's likely the skateboard collection (4-5 completes plus another 3-4 decks) also adds to the issue. Motorcycles...Just one (the wife has her's) my Buell but at somepoint in my life I will be building a bobber (unless the lottery bless's me and then it will be someone else who builds it)

I don't drink much maybe one drink a night maybe 2-3 nights a week but it's usually wayyy less. I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually been drunk in the last decade and that's counting a really bad trip to Korea

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Chubz - I've stayed off the sause since 5/1/99. Heres my advice. Smoke what mother nature has intended. Bring some sodas to the parties. Go to a few meetings and meet some like minded people. And hear some great stories. Hangovers and getting the first chair are rare.

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isnt substituting one addiction with another a bit of bad advice? just because "green" is "natural" (which it hardly is anymore with most modern growing techniques) doesnt mean it isnt dangerous

most things are perfectly safe in moderation. if you have a problem and it affects your life or might in the future, squash it! addiction is a choice at one point. after you make that choice, youre in for a hell of a ride...one we'd all rather avoid!

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Thoughtful topic Chubz,

Anyone who has been to my VT condo has noted my beer can collection (amassed between 1968 and 1978).


My brew of choice now is VT brewed Long Trail Ale but frankly I'm more into red wine these days.

I used to be married to someone who put away a lot of beer (Piels Light for crying out loud!). I was too much of a coward to point this out to her so I said I thought I was ingesting too much and decided to quit cold turkey for several months (hoping she'd follow my lead). The result? She kept up her pace of imbibing and eventually I decided what the heck and resumed the suds.

Frankly, I know I drink too much. I have a couple of glasses of wine most nights and more on weekends. On three occasions I've stopped completely for several months and didn't find it difficult to do so.

I have immense respect for anyone who chooses to avoid the stuff.

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I'm 25 days into the choice you are contemplating. 25 days, not a drop. The first week was interesting. I had a little trouble sleeping, 'cause I was trying to really sleep instead of passing out. And, I got my appetite back. No more calories from booze and my body wanted food. Amazing! Sounds like your friends are supportive. That's become a little bit of an issue recently. One guy is actually thinking about hopping on the wagon with me, but a couple others are asking me when I'm gonna start drinking again. If they don't wanna hang out, 'cause I'm not drinking, then f*** 'em. I don't need friends like that. Nobody does.

I feel great, I'm saving money, I've started to exercise a little, the house is clean, and I'm drinking hot tea. You'll need to find things to do instead of drinking. Don't let a stressful day or boredom talk you into, "just one won't hurt".

I've chosen to live again. I don't know where you are with alcohol, but I understand the need to figure it out. I'm 36, and these 25 days are the first 25 consecutive days of sobriety that I've had in years.

Good luck with it. Email me if you'd like. What you want to do is a great thing. Give it a shot.

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damn terror...thats scary stuff! GLAD to hear youre digging yourself out! Both my parents were drunks. dad was far worse but still both bad. Enjoying a little here nad there is one thing, but living your life on/for it is...well...you obviously figured that out.

more power to ya!

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My old man was/is a full tilt drinker. So I decided that "green" was good.

After about 20 years I woke up one day and realized I was in no way different to my old man, only my choice of substance abuse kept me on some holier than thou ground.

Gave up all the vices and got addicted to board riding at a whole new level.

Surf,skate,snow,kite, the works. I`m still broke because of my addictions but I`m such a happy person because of my choice.

I`m living the eighties cliche "Choose Life".:ices_ange

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I've got a lot of respect for folks who can walk away from booze, etc.

I also see that any people who try to kid, coerce, challenge or shame me into drinking too much really do not respect ME! I came out of a bad home situation and realize that I have a family history which makes me suseptable to excessive behavior. (maybe that's why I carve??)

'more carve, less puke'

All the best in '06 !

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Day 4- Terror- you are right on, I havent been able to get to sleep the past couple nights, thankfully I had a game to watch last night, GO LIONS. Past couple of nights have been challenging in that my Step Father in Law, who has been my drinking buddie for the past 4 years has been over for dinner before the games and he is still consuming, but supports me fully.

I have also noticed I am more lethargic in the mornings and thru the day, but dont want to substitute caffiene to get it going. I haven't had any urges either and in fact (this may be odd), I placed a beer beside the water cooler in my fridge just to remind me to take a water instead of a beer in the evenings. If I do get the urge, I will look at the beer can in disgust to stay in the right frame of mind.

My other buddie, Jack Daniels has been removed from the house. My biggest challenges will be at a Superbowl party I will attend and a regional meeting in April where all of my work buddies love to imbibe.

I will choose to stay away from the green as well, too much of a risk anyway with work and the law.

I'll make my new vice to be a better husband and father, which I try to be better at anyway daily. Second one on the way and I hope its a girl, but dont tell my wife that because when she asks what I want, I tell her it doesnt matter. Just a healthy kid.

I have been to Pat's condo and thanks again for last years accomodations at ECES at Okemo. Great place to hang. Hope to be there again someday.

I use to drink some great beers Todd with the lighter stuff to rehydrate ;)

It's encouraging to hear others stories and I wish all of you continued success.



PS BJ is that a Crappie or Perch you are holding?

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