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the guy is totally out of control from the top, and was lucky not to kill himself

i prefer this dude who is much impressive: (seth morisson, knees dead in a decade...)

80 foot backflip !


Have you seen he pics of Jamie Pierre's 160ft Lincoln loop?

Not sure if there's video, but Powder mag had a big sequence on it back in the spring. Now THAT is big.

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Crazy. I'm glad I haven't followed in this guy's tracks in Engelberg, Switzerland.

In an earlier life I logged a little over 2000 parachute jumps but never tried a base jump. That particular facet of the sport was just getting "off the ground" about the time I hung it up in 1976. I made my first jump in 1962 - the sport was really in its infancy back then.

This shot of me is from a movie called "The Endless Fall". I also appeared in a movie called "Masters of the Sky" back in the late sixties.



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In an earlier life I logged a little over 2000 parachute jumps but never tried a base jump. That particular facet of the sport was just getting "off the ground" about the time I hung it up in 1976. I made my first jump in 1962 - the sport was really in its infancy back then.

This shot of me is from a movie called "The Endless Fall". I also appeared in a movie called "Masters of the Sky" back in the late sixties.


I just mean that sometimes backcountry you follow someones tracks and think you're going to be safe...

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I just mean that sometimes backcountry you follow someones tracks and think you're going to be safe...

Good point. I was in a group at Taos last February (obviously I was on skis - the Neanderthal attitude out there still bars snowboards) and we were cruising through the trees following someone else's tracks. I heard a shriek up ahead as the 63 year old women leading our group found herself sailing through space. Fortunately it was only about a ten foot fall into soft powder but it could have been worse. It certainly got her undivided attention.....

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nice frame grab pat!

Here in France/switzerland wingsuit is becoming kinda hype now, they like to follow the mountain's topography at its closest, but not just falling> flying!

Here is the craziest of them all: Loic Jean ALbert, he is now sponsored by Salomon.


Nils ( too chicken to try jumping off a plane

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nice frame grab pat!

Here in France/switzerland wingsuit is becoming kinda hype now, they like to follow the mountain's topography at its closest, but not just falling> flying!

Here is the craziest of them all: Loic Jean ALbert, he is now sponsored by Salomon.

Nils, I stopped breathing watching that piece! I was a pretty fair tracker in a regular jumpsuit in my day (I did the max track - 60 mph laterally while falling) at all the air shows but what that guy did requires bigger cojones than I'll ever have! I get chills watching it replay.

The biggest crowd pleaser I used to get was the intentional cutaway. I'd wear three chutes and jump from a helicopter opening one right away. I'd then streamer that one down to 2500 feet and open a second chute. You could hear the audience screams all the way up at that altitude. I took a few risks when younger but that guy is crazy!

In this shot I was fooling around on the strut of Cessna 172 over Palatka, FL in 1965.


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Anyone got a direct link to that? I'd really like to have that one on my hard drive ...the traditional tools->page source->media isn't doing the trick this time nor a yahoo video search.

Looks "photoshopped" if I can use that expression for a vid

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I rewatched Loic Jean ALbert's tracking video a few more times and came to the conclusion that he must have had the capability of an even better glide ratio so that he could give himself a little more clearance if things got dicey. In other words, he was hugging the slope when he could have been higher. Nevertheless, that took a pair of brass ones that I don't have.

Way back in 1965, a guy named Rod Pack did something that still gives me chills. I even have the article from Saga Magazine back then. He jumped from 14,600 wearing only a harness with D rings. Another jumper carried a reserve chute. They maneuvered together and Rod retrieved the reserve from the other guy and opened. Just the idea of jumping with a single chute scared me, much less starting out with none! (I had to go to my reserve 5 times in 2000 jumps)


The stunt was repeated in 1972 by Canadian Bill Cole. It was filmed by Mike Swain, the same cinematographer who shot the movie "The Endless Fall" I mentioned earlier. I remember thinking "What's the point? It's already been done".

I realize I've gotten way off topic - starting with an insane snowboard leap and ending with a treatise on the early days of skydiving but I haven't thought much about the sport in a few years and this stirred up some memories. My first wife was an alternate on the US Team in 1973 (World Championships were in Yugoslavia that year) and she was notified by her Doctor that participation was ill-advised. It turns out that our oldest daughter (now 31) had 46 jumps before she was born. Our youngest daughter (now 26) did a tandem jump a few years ago but they've shown no further interest in the sport. Sky diving was a huge part of my life from 1962-1976 but I don't have any desire to get back into it.

Forty years ago I still had hair....


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  • 2 months later...
About a year ago I read that someone was going to try to land a wingsuit without a parachute last summer. Anyone know if that actually happened?

ya, i read an articel about it. here it is:


also, this seems much safer and just as cool:


So far, I have one jump under my belt and when the time comes, as well as the money, I will get much more into it.

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