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virus, hype or the real deal?


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Hell I bought a coiler sight unseen so I guess my logic is flawed. It wasnt $1400 though:)

That's a no-brainer though. I have yet to see a single negative word about Coiler the product or company, and Bruce's boards are very competitively priced. In fact given the demand, I'm sure he could raise prices significantly and nobody would bat an eye.

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I have one..a Phatom 183 it was a spare race stock for this Lukas Grunegen,,guy... that I got direct from Frank..I think shipping and the bank transfer cost more than the board.. yep Spendy :mad:

Its its own thing and if you can afford to add it to your collection, its worth it if you like having unique boards..

I don't think its any better than anything else I have..

Personally I like the Coilers and the Madds.. Coiler for shear smoothness and madds for edge hold and snappy..

Its a cool show piece thats rides great but I would not say its the best.. I don't think you can really say that about anyboard.. some people ride different boards better than others.. comes down to what and how you ride..

Im lazy now... so I like the Coiler cause its so smooth and easy and the Madds cause it will be there when I need it the most.

Save your money and spend it here!

Right said Shred :barf:

Hello Shred!

You try to equal a almost five year old board from us with actuall models!

Meanwhile Phantom III titanal is the newest version, totally different from that you have ( Bola from Allboard Sports has allready get one).

If you swear on a Madd I will tell it Marco, he is the producer of the boards

and I think I will met him in Italy next week!

Lay down again, I wish you nice dreams for the next few years. Where we are is where the others want to go. See you at SES!

Regards Frank

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costs less than half of the stock boards out there, blue tomato sell oxygens for 500 euros at that price I could spend another $50 and get a custom or a stock coiler shape for about the same price that would make any of the oxygen stuff look like a wal-mart special.

I would be totally willing to pay a fair bit more for the coilers than I do but since they are very fairly priced it makes me a repeat customer and I will be getting one every year until I find a better performance/sevice/value ratio but I doubt that will ever happen so boards from other companies are extras to me that are not insanely important.

though a Madd 180 might be in my budget at some point this season if I like it enough.

the virus if I do get one will be this summer or next fall, though from Shred's experience it sounds like they are not the best about service, and at 1400 or so I would be pretty vexed.

anyway, when I have the cash they will get a email and I will see, if they don't return the email they lose a sale, if they do then I get a spiffy new board.

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Nice one Frank,! oh now you answer where were you when you Promised to do a board for me... We started talking in end of season so Im sure you could have gotten back to me..business is bizzness..hire someone..with that price tag.. you should be able to have someone tend to the other side of it....

And give me a break about the techno wizardry of the boards.. YOU Germans make me funny haha! :)

I can ask a butcher if its a good steak..but I'd rather stick my hand up cows asss!

ohhh. wait.. or is it the other way around!

Thanks Tommy Boy!!! :1luvu:

Why you Germans so hostile all the time! :flamethro

Right Said Shred


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pretty cheap for what we get, take ride and K2 for example many of their boards are now being made in china but they still charge the same price for the decks that they did when they were being made in a country where the people building them got paid a fair wage for what they are doing.

I try to avoid things like snowboards made in some countries because the only people that win are the stockholders in most cases, its next to impossible to do with softgoods though.

some skis often cost around $1200 or more for high end gear that is not really much better than the $800 skis right next to them on the rack but the $1200 will have some exotic materials in them that do raise the price to build them.

for a small company to pay for labor in the US, Canada or the more developed parts of the EU and not have the bulk buying power for materials that the big companies have and still make a profit that makes a small operation worth while seems to me like a hard thing to do, I am not doubting that at all.

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Amen Bola,

It's even harder for a little fish trying to wiggle his way into the stream. But I'm always willing to work a deal to get folks on good boards.

Support shops that support alpine.

A Virus just passed through my shop and we were all drooling over it. Haven't seen another board as pretty in person. Won't tell you who got it, but I am confident that it will be ridden with style.

I am hoping to be able to get more of the Virus boards coming through, will keep everyone posted.

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I have Rocket team edition and rode Psycho last year. I am thinking upgrade to Extreme series. Terminator probably, custom or maybe even Zylon. I live only once. My question for you guys having extreme series boards are following. How stiff are these boards? I do not want any super stiff board anymore. Team series is perhaps stiffest, what I would consider to ride in my age and physical shape of old beer drinker. I would even prefer softer board. Last year I had a chance to compare Lightning regular and team series and I think Team series is maybe 15% stiffer.

And second question.What are prices on custom (Carbon-Texalium) and Zylon version. If you dont feel like to publish the price on the forum, please e mail me at Ladia@Earthlink.net


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for much less you can get this beauty:


well of course bids are not over yet!

I know the shaper too, and quality is extreme !

For the hype shapers around this topic, you might want to check with a new material... Rumors has it some WC skiis are going to test it quick...its "Glare"


I have tried to get some for tests... mission impossible! price must be high too!


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for much less you can get this beauty:


well of course bids are not over yet!

I know the shaper too, and quality is extreme !

For the hype shapers around this topic, you might want to check with a new material... Rumors has it some WC skiis are going to test it quick...its "Glare"


I have tried to get some for tests... mission impossible! price must be high too!


Wow....AMAZING! :eek:

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VIRUS is for sure using the most advanced materials. He uses several different wood cores in combination with other materials like Kevlar and Carbon, depending which work best together… He was the one who for the first time used Zylon (artificial spider web) in snowboards...

What are the special characteristics of Zylon?

How does it compare to compare to carbon, kevlar, dyneema etc

Stiffness-to-weight ratio (carbon...)???

Impact resistance (kevlar)???


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And my ankle looks like this.

those two lower screws make me nervous. the amouth of bone between them is scary

Ben...is that permanent? I have plates in my left radius/ulna and I think I was sposed to get em out...never did...and now they swell up 3 or 4 times a year to the point where it actually throbs. no bueno

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That is not an actual picture of my leg. However, that is pretty much what it looks like. However, I actually have one more screw in mine that is screwed through the fibula back to front because my break is more of a tearing of the bone backwards. So that screw holds it together on that axis and the plate holds it on the other axis. This stuff could be permanent if I wanted to leave it but I don't want to. If you look at your lower fibula on your ankle you'll see there isn't a lot of flesh there to cover up the plate. Now that the swelling is way down on mine I am getting a lot of inrritation in my walking "boot" with one of the screw heads. The only problem with getting it out is that I have to do it next fall and it'll be another surgery with general and a couple days completly off my foot and another month without athletic activity. I'm planning on September '06 so it won't interfer with my snowboarding like it did this year. :-(

But I don't mean to hijacking this thread. I was trying to give Jack a hard time.


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What are the special characteristics of Zylon?

How does it compare to compare to carbon, kevlar, dyneema etc

Stiffness-to-weight ratio (carbon...)???

Impact resistance (kevlar)???


Zylon, or also called “artificial spider web”.

Zyoln, has the world's highest levels of strength and thermal resistance, and Dyneema, a superstrong high modulus polyethylene fiber that is lighter than water, with a specific gravity of 0.97.Polyparaphenylene benzobis oxazole.

Too technical :confused:

As a comparison, the tensile strength (kg/mm2) of Carbon is about 360. Zylon is about 580! Basically it’s way harder, but at the same time does not have the same fragile impact characteristic as Carbon. Zylon super fiber tensile strength is almost double than p-Aramid fiber.

<img src="http://tinypic.com/i421wx.gif" alt="Image hosted by TinyPic.com">

It was initially developed for aerospace and now is being used for protective clothes like body armor, safety gloves ect. and sports equipment like golf clubs, tennis rackets, bows… and, well you know :rolleyes:


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I e-mailed Frank again last night and he got back to me today. I appreciate your help. I'd like the opportunity to address some of the other things mentioned in this thread, if bobdea doesn't mind (thanks BTW for starting the thread, you beat me to it)

1. "No e-mail response" This was not the first time I've not gotten a

response back from a supplier/manufacturer. I did try to contact Chris

Klug or anyone at his website when I purchased my sons FP a couple of

seasons ago and received no response from him or anyone else for that

matter, yet I still purchased the board and my son has enjoyed it with no

problems. I've also received e-mails back from other people that I felt was

unprofessional and it had a direct impact on my buying decision and

altered the perception I had of their product. So on that subject I guess

I'm still on the fence, sometimes I let it go, other times I don't.

2. Purchase now, think later I'm methodical, I have a tendency to

take my time when I'm considering a purchase. I'm a little AR and I want

everything to be just right before I give it the thumbs up and do the deal.

More than once this has cost me getting a good deal or missing out on

something I've later regretted not buying quicker, but that's just the way

I am and I've learned to accept it. Some people have viewed this as lazy,

or indecisive on my part, but I'm just making sure this is what I really want

before I do it. I've patiently answered many questions over the last few

seasons when people ask me about gear I have for sale, and I'm more

than willing to go the extra mile to insure someone is happy with their

purchase rather than just get the deal done at any cost. Patience is

a virtue, but it can also be a pain in the ass.... :D

3. Retail vs. Deal I too have a hard time paying retail for

anything, especially sports equipment. I've got 3 kids and between

snowboarding, hockey, basketball, and track it seems like I'm constantly

buying gear....and then I've got to buy their stuff too.. :D seriously

though, I really hate paying top dollar for anything. But the first board I

bought without any thought towards the cost was my Silberpfiel and I can

say without reservation that I would do it again in a heartbeat. I've loved

riding that board and hope to put a few more seasons on it before

replacing it, but it has been one of the best full retail buys I've ever made.

You can bet I won't pay retail for a new one again (last years model will

do just fine, thank you) because I've learned alot since that purchase

and know what to look for, but the Virus being a "custom board" seems to

fall outside that realm of "getting it at a discount" or "reduced cost" due

to its exclusivity. Everyone touts the likes of Donek, Prior, Coiler. etc.

when it comes to the "if money were no object" question, I think the Virus

boards fall in that catergory too, but are viewed differntly due to their

extreme cost. 3 seasons ago I would have never even thought about

entertaining the idea of buying a Virus, but as my age, skill and selfishness

grows I find the idea alot more palettable.

Well, that's about the longest post I've ever typed, probably the 1/2 bottle of Merlot talking :D As with everything on this wonderful site it's just my opinion, and we all know the saying....opinions are like *ssholes, everybody has one and we all think everyone else's stinks....

Have fun people,


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