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A fat competition


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Now that I've recognized the fatness I'm forced to do something about it or admit my laziness.

Seeing as how I don't have a coach pushing my a$$ into the gym or the pool, perhaps I can challenge a few of you folks to a competition. Otherwise I'll lose interest and head straight back to the ice cream.

Anyone want to challenge me?

I say we each put $25 bucks into the pot and enclose a picture of us in a bathing suit with a current newspaper with date showing (to make sure we're honest). If we can get 10 of us to do it that'll be $250. The winner will be decided by everyone's vote so that it is not just a weight loss competition but a fat loss competition. The competition will last from November 1 through December 24. That way you can rage and rally for your New Year's resolutions. Then I'll buy the winner whatever boarding products they want at cost (remember I can get much more than exoticboards.com currently carries in stock). $250 will get you some pretty nice equipment when you're just paying costs.

Whaddya think?

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Interesting. Seeing as this forum is surfed by mostly men, I'm not sure how well this judging system will work out. I think you need to either appoint a panel of female judges or have those with significant others judge.

But hey, if enough guys here are down I'll gladly compete.

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Yeah, the pictures thing was the last thing I wanted to put on a "Dude" forum. The reason for a picture is to keep us honest.

If someone got on here and ponied up the $25 and said they were 275lbs and suddenly were at 195lbs over 1.5 months the rest of us would have no way to say they were a piece of lying lama dung.

I've entered a competition like this before where they required a picture with newspaper for proof that the time period was correct.

The picture is not all about how we look, but to make sure we actually lost the weight! And to make sure it was within the time constraints.

No one gets to see the pictures but the competitors and then just so they can vote on who did the most work and deserves the jackpot.

I got my $25 if anyone is interested......

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Guest Randy S.

I'm in. I gotta lose weight and now is the perfect time to do it. Just so I understand, I can binge until Tuesday, right? I'll post pics if you want. Either that or send them to a central repository, but I think I like the idea of posting every participant's before and afters along with a poll here on BOL. Perhaps you make it a private poll, only skatha, michelle, aisling and the handful of other female members can vote (and gay male members for that matter). I'll post a pic of me in a bathing suit carrying a Donek (tall skinny board for before pic and short, fat one for after pic?).


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They go hand in hand. As you age, you lose muscle mass. Less muscle means less calories burned. So #1, you need strength training to maintain or improve muscle mass. This need not be elaborate, just dumbells, crunches and squats, 45 mins twice or even once a week.

You need not go hungry either. You should eat several times a day, provided it's complex carbs,good protein and very low fat.

With this regime and just the occasional added aerobic workout, I got from 30% to 15% body fat in about 6 months last year. 30% is when your belly over hangs your belt by a couple of inches when relaxed (and flops downwards when you lay on your side), 15% is when your abs start to show.I'm 47 by the way.

There are several books on the advantages of complex carbs over simple carbs.

The best resource I found was


Read through the articles on weight loss and training. Lots of useful stuff.

I want to carve for ever, worth some sacrifices.


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...only in America. I don't get it. When did looking good and taking care of your body stop being important? If you don't have your health, you have nothing.


being slightly overweight...25 pounds or so...does not mean one is totally unhealthy.

and, sorry, no, not "only in america"...people gain weight when they get older in a lot of other places too.

me it comes from being a lot less active than I used to. wont get into reasons or excuses, but...like I said...Im not "fat"...in fact even with my shirt off you could hardly say I look anywhere near "fat"

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being slightly overweight...25 pounds or so...does not mean one is totally unhealthy.

and, sorry, no, not "only in america"...people gain weight when they get older in a lot of other places too.

me it comes from being a lot less active than I used to. wont get into reasons or excuses, but...like I said...Im not "fat"...in fact even with my shirt off you could hardly say I look anywhere near "fat"

I think your body fat percentage and your ability to do aerobic activity (say the ability to run a sub 15 minute mile... you can walk one in 20 minutes) are a better indicator of your fitness than any particular weight/height combination.

While there are definitely other countries that people gain weight as they age... the percent increase in America is huge in comparison. Those countries that are similar are the ones adopting American lifestyles. So it's not only us Americans... but we are definitely paving the way into unhealthy living. At my company, nearly all the foreign nationals go walking during/after lunch. Most don't mind walking as far as 1.5 miles for lunch. These are the same people working 12 hour days so it's not because they want to waste the day away. When was the last time an America suggested *walking* 20 mins to a restaurant and back for lunch? I've never heard of it.

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Besides the picture, how do you record the weigh-in? Maybe you should limit it to the Heavy weight class.

Another idea is for five of the heaviest to enter the contest at $50 each and duke (puke) :barf: it out

Sounds sick, let's see what the ladies think when they hear about this... :argue::eek::smashfrea:nono::barf:

--Hugh :flamethro

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I never said being a few pounds overweight is unhealthy. The fact, however, is that a huge percentage of adults in this country are more than simply a few pounds oveweight, they are obese! And, I think most doctors will agree that as a general statement, 25lbs overweight is not healthy. Of course other individual factors such as frame size, gender, age, body composition would help determine that.

and sorry, but yes, America is the fattest country. I have seen this time and time again through my travels. Plz read the posts more carefully before your response, b/c "only in America" is a reference (a clear one at that, IMO) that this kind of "motivational contest" is something that would only happen here. I never said one thing about people not gaining weight as they age. Yes, D Sub I know that metabolism slows as one ages. I do not know if you have but as lonerider said, the combination of our diets and laziness is really doing us in. It's funny to talk with a European who has just visited the US sometimes and hear them refer to the weight problem.

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I saw an intresting study last year, which tracked the rise in obesity in the UK with the introduction of "high fruitrose corn syrup". It corresponded with a similar corellation in the US ten years earlier. Apparently, HFCS does not trigger the hormone to tell you, your hunger is sated, (as in no one could drink a 64oz pop when it was sweetened with sugar). It's hard stuff to avoid, being cheaper than sugar, all the food manufacturers use it.


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Not meaning to spark an international debate on obesity, the American diet, or even porn (???), just looking for some motivation to kick my butt into shape.

So far we have three in the pot.....if we can get a few more before the beginning of November we'll do it. Come on fellas where's your spirit of competition here?

I will e-mail a passworded page to exoticboards where the contestants can talk smack and send in their pics. We will decide as contestants who judges and who sees the pics. If the money isn't in by the second week, you're out. Either way tomorrow is the last day to take your picture with newspaper for the date.

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I have watched my weight creep up for more than a few years now, and I really went Jabba the Hut after I got off of the evil nicotine. I have seesawed between 195 and 255 :eek: for the last 11 years despite multiple diets, and many miles of running and bike riding, so it has not been for lack of trying or laziness on my part. The thought of 200cm tanker at cost, and my pool winnings :biggthump might just be the ticket to get myself over the hump and see my bathroom scale read under 200lbs for the first time in a very long time. :D


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