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Stomp pad


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I like stomp pads, and I need to get a couple for my new boards. But all the ones I see around here are useless - the jibbers here are really into the aluminium studs and stupid boot scraper things...

I'd really like a rubber or hard foam that's a decent size, 6-8 inches round or rectangle. It needs to stick well. And preferably be slightly styley too, like the nice F2 one I saw on someone's board.

Anyone have any ideas as to where to find such a thing?

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DaKine spike stomp


Look under Snowboard, Accessories, Traction/Stomps, Spike. Most DaKine dealers hsould have 'em.

My wife has one on every board. I used to have on on my old Salomon which had a slippery topsheet, it helped.


I use the Dakine Spike. It works great. The big nubbins grip the boot sole nicely. My girl has the Dakine Vapor, and that seems to work just fine for her, but it's a lot smaller width than the Spike. The Clutch looks like it might work well.

This year I need a new pad to go with my new board, and I'll probably get another spike.

Does anyone use studs on the tail end of their boards to deter a joeys'(aka: Inconsiderate jerks in lift line) gear from scratching up the topsheet?

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Does anyone use studs on the tail end of their boards to deter a joeys'(aka: Inconsiderate jerks in lift line) gear from scratching up the topsheet?

I've been thinking of doing something like that for a long time. it would have to be something reasonably safe, a few roofing nails glued across the tail, pointing up, would be great, but you might stove somebody up pretty bad in a crash with them. You'd need something with pointy, short teeth about 1/8 inch high. Probably two or three points would do it.

A practical design would be a piece of .040 aluminum angle, double sided taped to the tail, with sawtooth notches pointing upward.

You could wait until some jackass rode up onto your tail, and then you just start moving your board forward and backwards, sawing through their base.

It would be almost as much fun as dropping pennies out of your window to discourage tailgaters. :biggthump

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I know tailgating can be annoying, but I hope you are not one of those guys driving 50 mph (highway) on the far left lane, expecting others to drive either behind them or pass on the right. In that case, the tailgator wants you probably to move to the right.

It was never a problem in europe and slower traffic was always driving on the right lane.

BTW, I love that spike idea on the tail. I would get some too if I knew an easy way of doing it.

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A Hacksaw Blade, Jim. That's what we need. The coarse aluminum-cutting ones.

LOL...no Kamran, I'm not one of those guys. I'm real sensitive to people wanting to pass and I always stay in the right lane unless I am passing someone. I always drive about 5-10 over the limit too.

The guys that get the pennies are the ones that drive about a car length or two behind me when I'm in the fast lane, behind other cars, and we're all passing a line of trucks. The ones that want me to move over instead of passing the slow traffic.

Sometimes I just use the wipers/washers, that gets a funny response too, especially if it's a nice, clean car behind, and especially if it's a dark color (hard to keep clean). It seems to bother women more than men.

In my MG Midget I owned in high school, I tried using the washer pump to squirt Automatic Transmission Fluid into the carburetors to make a thick white smoke screen, James Bond style, to discourage tailgaters. It worked amazingly well, but one day when I was laying a good wall of smoke down the street in front of my school, it started causing severe detonation. The white smoke turned to blue oil smoke that didn't go away when I stopped pumping ATF, and I ended up having to overhaul the engine. It broke most of the rings and I think it made a hole in one of the pistons, through the ring lands down the side. I learned a lot about engines from my experiments with that MG.

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I've been thinking of doing something like that for a long time. it would have to be something reasonably safe, a few roofing nails glued across the tail, pointing up, would be great, but you might stove somebody up pretty bad in a crash with them. You'd need something with pointy, short teeth about 1/8 inch high. Probably two or three points would do it.

A practical design would be a piece of .040 aluminum angle, double sided taped to the tail, with sawtooth notches pointing upward.

You could wait until some jackass rode up onto your tail, and then you just start moving your board forward and backwards, sawing through their base.

I'm glad I'm not alone! Actually, I was just thinking about those studs used as stomps: They aren't very sharp, but look scary enough to be a deterrance. That said, there have been times I would have loved a saw blade or nails for ripping up some p-tex. :eplus2:

For now, I'll stay away from anything that will destroy bases; sometimes I look back and see a 3 year old grom sliding over my gear, and wouldn't feel right about wrecking the groms gear.

For now, I'll just keep my board on edge in the line. Yeah, it's not too comfy, but it works. :rolleyes:

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For now, I'll just keep my board on edge in the line. Yeah, it's not too comfy, but it works. :rolleyes:

That's a good idea. Sometimes if I feel a ski on top of mine I'll lift it up and set it down on top of the ski, too. This is mentally unbearable to the skier and he will always back away.

Actually, almost every time this happens, if I ask the guy not to do it he looks real embarassed, apologizes and backs way off, so I don't think people mean to do it.

That said, I think I'll go make one of Randy's designs at lunch today :lol:

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Actually, almost every time this happens, if I ask the guy not to do it he looks real embarassed, apologizes and backs way off, so I don't think people mean to do it.

I agree in that they don't mean to do it, usually. From my point of view, if they mean to or not, it's still inconsiderate, and it irks me to no end. :angryfire (I'll be the first to admit I've accidentally bumped other skiers in front of me in the line, but promptly back off.)

Usually, I'll take your approach and ask them to back of a bit; it works most of the time.

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